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Embodying a Sacred Vision

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis: sending all of you warm greetings and soothing energy waves from the Stars. Thank you very much for joining me today! I invite you to relax for a few moments, take some deep breaths, and enjoy reading this reflection on the New Moon in Virgo and the astrology of late September. Although the exact moment of this supermoon was in the early morning of September 17th, we are still very much in the thrust of these powerful new energies. Take the time to connect to these messages and feel free to share any comments on FB, by email, or on my website:

While walking in the park the other day, I noticed a group of people doing some yin yoga by the water. One of the most beautiful and magical things about being an astrologer is seeing the interconnections between the universal archetypes of the Zodiac and human activities at various points in time. When the Sun shines in Virgo from late August to late September, we naturally tune in to the earthy energy of Virgo, the cosmic Healer in the human psyche. I have long felt that there exists a deep connection between yoga and Virgo. In Sanskrit, yoga means ‘union’. The practice of conscious breathing during specific bodily postures and movements naturally aligns the mind and body, which can facilitate union with our divine nature.

Virgo is a mutable earth sign that symbolizes the fluid transition from summer to autumn. Instinctively, we begin to do many physical activities to prepare for the changes in the seasons. Virgo is the magical worker bee of the Zodiac. No sign can work harder or faster. This part of our psyche is uber-practical and is focused on performing all these tasks quickly and efficiently. If you have a strong Virgo signature in your chart, you have a strong gut intelligence because the Virgin connects to the digestive system, which is where we absorb and assimilate nutrients and information that the body can use to function properly. In this topsy-turvy world, it is more important than ever to use all the intelligence of the 3 brains in the human body: mind, heart and gut. If you feel any tension in these areas, your body is reminding you of the shadow side of Virgo: judgement, criticism and extreme perfectionism. Virgo also needs to unwind, let go of worry and enjoy life to maintain optimal health and well-being.

On a higher level, the Virgin also represents the physical embodiment of spiritual energy because it is opposite Pisces in the natural Zodiac. The conscious integration of the best attributes of Virgo and Pisces is remembering to infuse all of our daily, mundane actions with a dash of pure love and compassion. Of course, this is not always easy to do. Yet, like any habit that becomes a routine with repeated actions over time, we can cultivate this instinct with a bit of mindful practice everyday. For example, we can develop the habit of smiling with our eyes, blessing our food and smudging our home. Can you think of other ways to bring sacred energy into your everyday actions?

This was a supermoon because it coincided with its closest point to the Earth during its monthly orbit. Since all New or Full supermoons create an extra gravitational pull on the ocean tides as well as an increase in our feeling power, we now have an opportunity to plant seeds of intention that go deeper into the earth of creative manifestation. We can use this extra energy constructively to implement new heath routines, or initiate any new project that will inspire us to improve our well-being in all aspects of life.

Virgo teaches us that a part of our well-being is understanding how we can better serve our community in ways that honour our unique skills and abilities. The immense transformations of 2020 have pushed many people to reflect on what their best service actually is. A birthchart reading can illuminate those potentials very clearly, but you can also ask yourself these questions. What is it that people thank you for doing that comes easily and naturally? If you didn’t have to work for money, what would you love to do every day? We all want to feel like we are useful and productive members of society. The authentic service of some people involves highly complex actions, while for others, their best and most natural service is quite simple. When we contribute to life using our natural abilities with compassion, we create a positive and healing energy that helps to keep the world running smoothly and efficiently.

The New Moon in Virgo is a powerful teacher of discernment, which can help us in making the best choices for our own healing and for the most useful service to society. We also need to think about the functioning of society on a macro level in order to understand how we best fit in with it. It is healthy to question the usefulness and efficiency of all the social systems that were designed to support us. Let’s consider the health care, education or economic systems in the world. Most governments all over the globe consistently defend the integrity of these systems. Can we say that most human beings are truly healthy, self-aware, independent and empowered individuals? Of course, this question and the answers are very complex; however, I would bet that most people would struggle to say yes. Clearly, the systems of modern society do not function well. The astrology of 2020 points to the dismantlement of outdated structures, and the embodiment of a new, bold and sacred vision of what humanity can be. Humanity will evolve as more and more people visualize a beautiful and loving world. What is the finest vision you can hold for planet Earth?

There is a tremendous amount of earth energy in this New Moon sky. The Sun and Moon formed a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, all in Capricorn. This was the last New Moon of the year with such an earthy focus. Over the next few weeks and months, the universe is calling us to keep our nose to the grindstone and focus on redesigning and reengineering the structures of our life as we slowly build the solid foundations of a new reality. We need to choose what really matters to us and devote ourselves to that.

This New Moon was also in a close square with the Lunar Nodes and in opposition to Neptune in Pisces, forming a very powerful geometrical pattern called a mutable Grand Cross. The mutable signs are emphasized here: Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. The key to navigating the wild seas of life at this time is accepting the need to bend, adapt and flow with the strong currents of change. We may fall, get sidetracked or get overwhelmed by the energies. Yet, it is all part of the journey. In learning to walk or surf, we are going to fall many times before we feel comfortable and in harmony with the flow. We can consider the energies of 2020 a massive lesson in human evolution. The North Node of the Moon, symbol of personal and global evolution, will be in Gemini for 18 months, from the spring of 2020 to the winter of 2022. The path leading us all forward necessitates a radically open mind and an open heart in order to create a new and friendly social universe.

In his recent September Energy Update, spiritual teacher Matt Kahn delivers some fantastic messages that reveal many deep insights into the magic of Virgo and the month of September. “Because September is the ninth month, with the number nine representing phases of completion, now is the perfect time to take inventory of your life and decide which things no longer serve the newest version of your awakening from within. As 2020 has been revealed to be quite a surreal journey, its purpose is to remove any and all blinders to help you and humanity as a whole see things clearly. As the clarity of 20-20 vision awakens in all beings, at whatever rate of expansion serves the purpose of each individual journey, it has unearthed nests and layers of repressed energy that could only have been faced, felt, processed, and transmuted, given the sudden, abrupt, and surreal “new normal" of uncertainty that humanity has entered. As the majority of 2020 has been a collective dark night of the soul experience, we continue to hold space for the dissolving of aggression, discord, and opposition that ultimately loses steam as it plays out. As the shadow is weakened by fighting with the inevitability of its own evolution, its dwindling lack of power weakens all levels of defense, allowing vulnerability to seep into each crack to bring light to every darkened corner. What positive changes are you willing to invite into your reality, so to replace self-destructive habits with moments of greater inner-nurturing and self-care? With a beginner's mind and greater self-love as our most faithful companions, we will accept the invitation of September and allow this month to be one of handling unfinished business with swift, decisive, and fiercely-loving precision. We come to realize what the shadow perceives as safety is actually imprisonment for your radiantly shining spirit, where only the truth of your most honest words, most vulnerable sharing, and most courageous inspired actions may set you free. The essence of being spiritual is learning how to be consciously human”.

2020 also features many significant retrograde movements. Mars, the cosmic Warrior is now retrograde since September 9th. When we learn to trust the wisdom of astrology as a divine guidance system, we can appreciate the purpose of all planetary patterns including retrogrades. Tempers and emotions have been running high for many months now all over the globe, so it makes perfect sense to me that Mars has slowed down because it signals the need for all of us to slow down and catch our breath. It is extremely rare that so many planets are retrograde at the same time. Currently, Mars, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are all retrograde. We are being pulled inwards to stoke our internal fire and reflect more deeply on our drives and desires. What is truly worth all the effort, sweat and tears of the Hero within? Mars in retrograde motion is slowing down our external drive to help us accept the fact that humanity’s heroic journey of awakening will last a considerable length of time. The intensity will wear off eventually, but we need to stay focused on our long-term vision and not get lost in the frustration of our efforts. We simply need to take it one day at a time. External wars are largely the projection of internal battles playing out in our psyche.

You may have heard that Jupiter has slowly resumed direct motion since September 13th. After many months of retrograde movement, Jupiter is inviting us to integrate all the blessings of that inner journey. Ideally, we have cultivated a stronger inner faith that will help us to remain hopeful and optimistic as we navigate the tumultuous waters of planetary evolution.

We are very close to celebrating the Fall Equinox and the International Day of Peace, which is on September 21st, just a day before the Sun enters Libra, the sign of peace and balance. There are many events happening around the world, including within the Hearth Math community. Check out to participate in the Peace Weekend project.

If you enjoy these Star Notes, I invite you to become a member of my Patreon program where I will offer more in-depth content beginning in October! I am also offering new workshops and a new 8-week class. Sign up soon! Please visit my website for all the info and membership details.

Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology (Workshop) September 27th: live at The Tree of Life North in Sudbury 1-4 pm September 28th: on Zoom, 6-9 pm

Evolutionary Astrology: Level 2, Journey of Life & Life (Class) On Zoom, beginning Tuesday, October 13th

Galaxy of love, Richard

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