Welcome to the balancing magic of the Fall Equinox and the Sun’s ingress into Libra on Saturday, September 23rd at 2:50 am. The sky is now teaching us to notice and better integrate the divine harmony in all of creation: light & darkness, feminine & masculine, earthly & cosmic, left & right brain hemispheres. As we bring our focus to harmonize all of these energies, we better embody the liminal space of grace and inner peace in our inter-connected energy field. All Equinoxes and Solstices are important celestial portals that lock in recent progress and introduce new frequencies for the next 3 months.

Libra and the energies of balance are always in dynamic flow motion, never static. The scales can tip wildly from day to day and moment to moment. This Fall Equinox is a catalyst for quantum leaps in awakening and accelerated evolution. It can feel like we are all white water rafting through fast and intense energies, which are also designed as opportunities to integrate higher dimensional frequencies.
As we learn to let go of the old ways of living and being on planet Earth, we need to heal our relationship to the old reality. We can’t separate what’s going in the outside world with what’s going on in our personal lives. Libra reminds us that life exists as a multidimensional mirror.
When the Sun enters Libra at the Fall Equinox, it is in opposition to Neptune, planet of dreams, intuition and confusion. There is no doubt about it; we are living in very confusing times. However, it is ok to feel confused. It is a normal and natural feeling. We can let go of the old idea that feeling confused is bad or wrong. Confusion can guide us back to our inner navigational centre and unique, intuitive guidance and personal rhythms.
Libra is an Air sign that will bring some fresh new wind in our sails propelling us to new horizons and wonderful new destinations through the Equinox portal. What actions can we take to bolster a feeling of courage, nobility, dignity, joy or creative inspiration within us and the people we connect with as we head into the brand new energies of Libra and the Fall Equinox?
The rebalancing impulses of the Equinox will open multiple fractal doorways and prepare us for the super potent Full Moon in Aries coming on September 29, as well as the transformational eclipses of October. As we flow through the Equinox portal, we could have some breakthroughs in our healing journey, thinking, feeling and relating patterns.
🌟 Do you love astrology and want to learn how to properly read any birthchart with a balanced, heart-centered and evolutionary approach? I invite you to join my new online class that begins on Tuesday evening October 3rd. It is called Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 * Journey of Self-Discovery & Empowerment. Every class is recorded and you receive extensive high quality notes + an interpretation of various factors in your chart every week. All info is on my FB page. Please contact me with any question or to register. Find me on Patreon to receive all my posts, podcasts, and exclusive weekly astro guidance.
Equinox blessings,
Richard ✨♎️ ✨