Warm greetings, Bonjour, Aanii, Namaste.
We are now basking in the afterglow of a Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in Aquarius in a row, which is a particularly strong peak and culmination in the lunar cycle. This relatively rare occurence highlights the massive need for the inner Lion and Water Bearer to shine strongly in our personal and global psyche this summer, and indeed all year. The universe always has a plan and we can trust that we needed this extra dose of Aquarius energy for a reason. What could that be? I hope you enjoy this reflection on the magic of the Full Moon and the cosmic currents of late August. Thank you for joining me!

I feel that this series of Aquarian Full Moons is inspiring humanity to focus on creating a new sense of conscious community in the collective mind. This weekend, I participated in a fabulous Mystical Fair in a beautiful nature setting with lovely animals and many activities for children and families as well as mystical readings and healing services. I rapidly felt a sense of connection, gentle cohesion, love and joy that lasted all day! This brand new event came together beautifully and quickly, and is one of my top highlights of the summer.
Every astrological energy contains a unique and necessary medicine for the well-being of the world. Leo teaches us about self love, self honour, and living life from the heart, which has the most powerful and loving frequency in our body. “Self honour recognizes, acknowledges, and accepts the wonderful entirety of who you truly are. It sees your tender heart, your courage and efforts, the difference you are making, and your true divine nature. It celebrates your successes and your ability to brush yourself off and try again if things don’t go quite the way you would like. Self honour sees yourself as a beloved and important part of both the whole and the shift you are participating in.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.
To complement the Leo magic, the Full Moon in Aquarius in conjunction with Jupiter, king of the gods, is awakening a potent emotional instinct to express our personal authentic self in all aspects of life. The expansive presence of Jupiter, the largest planet in our system, will offer many blessings and opportunities to express this Aquarian power in our lives. Personally, I am taking another giant leap of faith and shifting to being a full time astrologer for the first time! Truthfully, there are moments when I feel some trepidation but my higher self knows that it is time to surrender into this new flow with greater trust and faith. The reality is that we are all thrust into new waters and accept to surf new waves in some areas of life, and that realization unites all of us as we navigate these wild currents together. The Sun and Moon in this lunation are in the 30th degree of Leo and Aquarius, which is called the anaretic degree. This represents the most karmically powerful and most challenging degree as the planets reach a pivotal point in the transition to the new and different energies of the next zodiac sign.
In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is outside the orbit of Saturn. Aquarius asks us to experiment with living and thinking outside the box and actually outside the Earth to embrace galactic inspiration. The ongoing zeitgeist of 2021 involves a tense square aspect between Saturn/control and Uranus/freedom from the known. We are witnessing a revolution in the core structures that no longer support our modern lifestyle. The disruptive influence of Uranus will be in the sign of Taurus from 2018 to 2026, shaking the foundations of Earth, and revealing problems in the structural integrity of many systems that shape our society. We are seeing more and more inequities and inequalities in the global village in order to inspire us to create more peace and general harmony in all spheres of human activity over the next few years, which could very well be the greatest evolutionary shift of our lives. The time is now and the power is us.
We can also feel the magic of Aquarius when we realize that ultimately, we live in one large planetary community, thinking globally and creating locally. If we can recognize our unique strengths and natural abilities, we can better contribute to society and serve the needs of anyone within the greater human family. We have lived in interdependent tribes or communities around the world for a very long time in our cellular memory. It is time to re-invent human society so that we can live in sustainable and peaceful harmony with each other, all life forms and Mother Earth.
Let’s visualize humanity living in the best and most beautiful, peaceful, conscious, healthy, vibrant and compassionate community possible. Let’s also embrace the earthy energies of Virgo coming in through the Sun, Mercury and Mars to start to create a conscious community and make it real.
I offer these Star Notes in loving service to all of you and I welcome any donations that can support the continuity of my work. If you truly value these posts, I invite you to visit my website and Patreon portal to see which tier of membership best serves your needs. Astrology is an incredibly useful and empowering tool that can greatly assist anyone to better understand their authentic nature on so many levels. A Birthchart or Forecast reading offers immense clarity and insight into the core dynamics of the inner and outer life, on the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual bodies. It is truly my greatest joy and honour to offer astrological guidance for the whole family as we flow into autumn. I look forward to serving you!
Galaxy of love,
Richard ✨