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Full Moon in Cancer - Healing Inner Foundations

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Dear star friends, ♑️ ✨♋️

Welcome to the gentle radiance of the first Full Moon of 2023! Wishing everyone a magnificent new year! Thank you so much for joining me in this reflection on the healing magic of the Full Moon in Cancer, exact at 6:08 pm ET, on January 6. Allow yourself to get comfortable and enjoy a few calm and deep breaths. It’s amazing how conscious breathing instantly soothes and stabilizes our energy field. This Full Moon is all about the importance of healing and strengthening our inner foundations to prepare ourselves for the rush of new energy coming this winter and spring!

As I gather ideas for my posts, I always check out what other astrologers and spiritual teachers have to say. It is fascinating to observe the correlations and synchronicities when we connect on similar wavelengths of consciousness. The universe is quite clear with a message for this Full Moon. The world is in a very sensitive time and we need to be extra gentle with ourselves and others. We are called to go within and explore the feelings, desires, yearnings, wounds and wisdom stored in the deepest parts of our mind, heart and soul.

It’s important to slow down and focus on maintaining a state of inner calm and balance as we enter this new year because Mercury is retrograde until January 18 and Mars is retrograde until January 12. Things will speed up significantly by the end of January, so we can use these first weeks of the year to relax, unwind and cultivate a more mindful, simple, practical and sustainable approach to life.

Around this time every year, the Full Moon in Cancer invites us to flow with the gentle healing power of water. Here is a little inspired visualization that just came to me. I invite you to picture the most exquisite lake, ocean or river and feel the soothing magic of water gently pulling you in. Perhaps you are wearing a professional scuba suit or you shape shift into a magical, aquatic form. This pristine water is your magnificent, powerful and divine soul essence. When you are ready, dive in. Take your time to explore the enchanted scenery and feel the weightlessness of the water. You are home. If you enjoy the imagery, feel free to roam around and see the treasures of knowledge in the library of your soul. In this magical realm, you can also sense and know anything and everything about your past, ancestral inheritance, spiritual family, your authentic passions, life mission, your beautiful inner Child and the wise inner Parent that always guides you and watches over you to make sure you are safe, valued and cared for.

What does your soul essence want you to know in this moment? Take as much time as you need to listen and write down any messages that come through. Feel as much Love as you can for yourself and all life on this precious planet, including the Earth itself. Through Cancer, we reconnect with the Universal Mother archetype on a physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual level, that can support our life journey every step of the way. Nurture the divine Child in you and honor it in others too, even if it may seem hiding under layers of protection. Every human being needs and deserves to reconnect with self-love, self-compassion, self-dignity and divinity. This healing awareness is centred in the intuitive intelligence of our belly, the womb, sacral chakra through which we find nourishment and connect with the outside world. Send some loving energy to this and all parts of your body.

The sign of Cancer also links strongly to the Moon and the powerful emotional intelligence that originates in our heart. “What does your heart truly crave? Make the essence of your heart’s desire your guiding light for 2023, for following your heart and honouring your truth are essential aspects of this new year. It is time, Dear Ones. It is time to connect with your truest desires and give them time to bloom and grow, for those desires have always been meant to lead you to your highest life expression.”” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype, is in geometric square aspect with the Sun and Full Moon. Chiron and this Full Moon light can illuminate the places in our healing journey that require our compassionate attention at this time. Whatever may come up for us is ready to be acknowledged, understood and loved at a deeper level. Chiron also embodies the wise Shaman in the human psyche. It is in dealing with the darkness that we find our light and power. Ultimately, life is always about the choice between producing the frequency of fear or the frequency of love. Our greatest task is to vibrate with love as much as we can.

It is perfectly fine to want to understand the planetary movements for this year, but it is also wonderful to ask what you want to create in 2023 as an empowered co-creator of your highest life expression! Then you can see how the astrology can support your goals, dreams, desires and intentions. What does your heart and soul truly desire to feel happy and satisfied? What are your most primordial, fundamental needs? What can you do or manifest to fortify yourself and build your inner reserves over the winter months?

All this inner work, healing and fortifying is crucial because it determines our vibrational frequency, which attracts certain external situations. This Full Moon in Cancer reminds us to gauge where we are in the protection vs connection polarity. There are times when we need to retreat into our shell for a while and maintain firm energetic boundaries with certain people or situations. But it is also important to know when it is time to come out and enjoy connecting with our soul family and creating new friendships.

The world is far from a perfect utopia but I believe we have come a long way recently and are bouncing back from challenges faster than before. The human spirit is truly amazing and incredibly resilient! And the more that we individually and collectively claim our power, sovereignty, innate wisdom and heart-based truth, the faster we will build a more intelligent, harmonious and compassionate world.

I love astrology! It is my greatest joy and honor to do readings and teach workshops and classes. Stay tuned for details of new events coming out this year. If you already know you would love to learn astrology more seriously, please reach out privately. And if you really appreciate my posts, I invite you to join me on Patreon, which is the best way to receive all that I create, which includes these Star Notes, podcasts and a weekly guide to the astrological weather.

With deep love and gratitude,

Richard 💗

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