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Full Moon in Cancer: the Power of Love

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Star Notes - January 17, 2022

Dear Star tribe, Bonjour, Namaste, 💜

Sending all of you warm and soothing waves and a galaxy of gratitude for joining me in this reflection on Monday’s Full Moon in Cancer. I am feeling this one big time because Luna will be full at 27 degrees of Cancer, which is exactly conjunct the Moon in my own chart. If you have planets in the late degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra, you are feeling all this energy quite strongly as well. The word ‘feeling’ is quite apt as Cancer symbolizes the most tender, sensitive and delicate emotional circuitry of all zodiac signs.

I am so grateful to be warm and cozy in my home as a brutal cold wave is sweeping Canada at this time. I hope you are all comfortable wherever you are. The Full Moon in Cancer reminds us to snuggle up with the great Mother goddess within. Imagine that you are holding a precious and beautiful baby in your arms. Can you feel this pure loving care flowing through your body? It is time to embody Cancerian energy to balance the tough and serious Capricorn vibration that is very devoted to fulfilling the responsibilities of our life mission in the outer world. The cosmic Sea-Goat represents a very stoic aspect of the human spirit that has been on full-tilt duty for 2 years now. We are rediscovering how incredibly powerful human beings are; however, we are not robots. Self-care is not a luxury.

The psyche of humanity is feeling battle weary and in need of respite and solace. We need to allow ourselves to rest and fully relax on a regular basis to continue to function at our best. This Cancer Full Moon is gently reminding us to visualize a safe and sacred sanctuary where we can let our guard down, and take in some much needed softness, tender loving care and healthy nourishment. In this magical space, there is also a gentle and exquisite waterfall. The water is crystal clear, pure and completely refreshing. Imagine flowing and soaking in these healing waters as long as you need to feel totally cleansed and purified. You are releasing old versions of yourself and giving birth to a new consciousness that is better aligned with your true values and evolving identity.

Pluto is resonating strongly in this Full Moon sky, conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. Actually, the lord of the underworld has been operating intensely in the collective consciousness since 2020. Pluto recently joined Venus at the start of its retrograde journey. We are going very deep to explore the inner dimensions of our core values, relationship patterns and capacity to love until Venus stations and begins direct motion on January 29th. I sense that Pluto’s recent conjunction with Venus and current alignment with the Sun and Full Moon represent a profound transformation of our power to love. Can we express a deeper love, compassion and connection with all living beings no matter what is going on?

According to Heart math Institute’s January newsletter, “the subject of compassion is now trending globally, bringing a sense of hope for humanity to move forward from surviving to thriving, along with increased care and cooperation. More people are now sensing that collective compassionate care is a fundamental component of the next-level of intelligence humanity is being awakened to.” I totally resonate with that. How about you? Let's remember that “even in what seems to be your darkest times, love and kindness is still the prevalent energy on your planet and it is demonstrated in more ways than we could begin to count every single day.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

A couple of days before the Full Moon, Mercury began its 3-week retrograde motion in Aquarius. Don’t believe the bad press about Mercury retrograde because the planets always support us with their divine intelligence as they dance around the ecliptic. Mercury is inviting us to slow down, tune out the turbulence in the outer world and tune in to our own unique mental wavelengths. From that place of personal intellectual sovereignty, we can more smoothly connect with the global hive mind and create a stronger telepathic link with like-minded souls cruising on the psychic highways. In 2022, I see more and more people coming together in mind and heart, creating new compassionate communities, fostering greater cooperation and sharing of knowledge and resources.

On January 18th, the day after the Full Moon, Uranus will also shift gears but station to direct motion. Whenever that happens, we see and feel an amplification of Uranian energy: more storms, earthquakes, eruptions, revelations and revolutions in many aspects of life around the world. Since Uranus represents the higher octave of Mercury, and they are both shifting motion at the same time, we are experiencing a “software update for the world mind. In the massive evolutionary shifts of this decade, we are all updating and upgrading our identity, consciousness, values, priorities and purpose. Can you feel that?

In fascinating synchronicity, the Lunar Nodes (our collective past and future) also shift on January 18th into Scorpio-Taurus, until July 2023. This new evolutionary emphasis on Scorpio (South Node) and Taurus (North Node) is activating some very core energies linked to survival, security, stability and sustainability. These powerful fixed signs instinctively want to preserve, endure and persist come hell or high water.

With the South Node of the Moon in Scorpio now, it is karmically necessary to face, clear or rebalance any lingering unresolved, emotionally charged dramas. We can channel the bright cosmic light of this Full Moon aligned with Pluto to give us more clarity about what those situations are and what we need to do to resolve any issue with compassion. We will also have plenty of time over the next 18 months to continue this deep work. We just need to remain open, mindful and surrender into a deeper trust that we can address whatever needs to come up when the time is ripe. The North Node in Taurus is showing that our evolutionary path this year is all about cultivating more peace, simplicity, beauty and a greater connection to nature.

“There is nothing more powerful than a surrendered human being allowing their beingness to lead the way, for every single thing that happens from that point on is supported by the flow, and a true match to who they really are and where they wish to go. You become a willing participant of both serving and being served which allows you to become one with the love of Source, and that is the height of the human experience.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May the archetypal magic of Cancer and Capricorn inspire you to be as strong as a mountain when necessary and as soft as a summer meadow anytime.

I am always available for gentle, heart-centred consultations in person and online if you need clarity and validation of your best and most empowered life path. You can also connect with me on Patreon to receive these Star Notes and exclusive insights and podcasts every week.

With deep love and compassion, 🌙 ♋️


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