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Full Moon in Gemini: Conscious Communication

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear Star friends, Bonjour, Namaste, Welcome to the culminating energetic peak of the intense roller-coaster ride of 2021! We have been surfing many wild waves since 2020, but I sense that the cosmic currents of 2022 will be somewhat calmer, which will help us to more smoothly navigate these very rapid evolutionary shifts. I hope you enjoy this Full Moon reflection and thank you so much for tuning in.

With the Sun at 27 degrees of Sagittarius opposite the Full Moon in Gemini, we are powerfully aligned with what is called the Galactic Centre. This is an important celestial connection to a greater galactic energy that can stretch our consciousness to experience multi-dimensional frequencies. We are plugging into some really powerful circuits, which can uplift us but also overload our nervous system and temporarily destabilize the coherence in our mind, heart and body. The invitation is to come back to our breath and channel these potent currents as smoothly, consciously and creatively as possible. We can enjoy an increase in our connection to the universe.

This very dynamic Full Moon in the sign of the Twins is illuminating an opportunity to witness the full blossoming of Gemini magic that was planted at the New Moon Eclipse in Gemini 6 months ago. With Gemini and Sagittarius strongly wired through the Lunar Nodes in parts of 2020 and all of 2021, we have had the last 18 months to explore a variety of loftier thoughts, ideas, perspectives and viewpoints on our life reality. We have reflected on our past journeys and have began to envision a brighter future for ourselves and our precious home planet. Did you receive a new vision lately? I always appreciate your comments and feedback.

Gemini embodies many archetypes: the Storyteller, Teacher, Reporter, and Town Crier. I see this Full Moon communicating some important news to all citizens of planet Earth. “Hear ye! Hear ye!” What new message, information, insight, download or highest truth would you like to solemnly declare to yourself or the world? When we truly understand the power of our thoughts to create our reality, we have the sacred responsibility to plant new, empowered, loving, high-vibration seeds of thinking in the garden of our psyche that will inspire the next chapter in the book of our personal and collective lives.

This Full Moon is like a big celestial fire that can warm our spirit and invite us to release our attachments to old stories that we have held onto out of habit and which no longer serve or empower us in any way. “After the past two years of life review you have been engaging in, you are well supported and ready for this last push of releasing the old. Let it go, allow the Winter Solstice to lock in your progress, and commit to letting your life get as big and beautiful as it wants to be. It is truly possible to soar when you allow yourself to let go of the anchors of the old”. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young. Sending love and gratitude to Shelley and Gabriel for your brilliant and timely messages. I also thank the artist Julie Weatherley for the beautiful art work.

Though Gemini, Mercury and its higher octave Uranus, we always have access to an infinite cosmic library of knowledge. We are reminded to embrace new information technologies and remain open to learning anything under the sun. It also makes sense to keep a smart collection of books, magazines and any other physical, non-digital sources or knowledge just in case the Internet cuts out. As a mutable sign, Gemini teaches us to be flexible, versatile and adapt to an ever changing flow in our personal and collective energy field. When we don’t know the answer to a question or feel confused about our next move, all we have to do is ask the Universe / Spirit/Source/Angels for clarity and surrender with complete faith and trust that our path will be shown. The inner light of our soul is permanently connected to the love of the Earth and the luminosity of the stars.

Conscious communication involves the yang process of speaking publicly with truth and clarity as well as the yin process of listening attentively to others with an open mind and heart. We are also called to practice stillness in which we can cultivate a meditative mind and listen to the wisdom of our inner voice. As an Air sign, Gemini reminds us of the healing power of deep breathing everyday. Prana is the life-giving force of our breath.

A few hours after the Full Moon, Venus, cosmic Lover and Artist, will station in Capricorn, meaning that it will begin Retrograde motion very closely conjunct Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. As Venus dances with Pluto, they will form 3 exact conjunctions over the next several weeks. The first one occurred on December 11th, the second one is on December 25th and the final one will be on March 3rd. We are called to deeply review and allow a transformation of our relationship dynamics. During this journey to the underworld we are invited to re-evaluate our social boundaries, refine our personal relationship to power, and shift our reference point from external authority to internal authority, sovereignty and empowerment.

Here is an imagination exercise that I love to do these days. It could be super fun to do with kids as well. - Imagine that you are an ancient, majestic and magical tree. Feel your powerful roots going very deep into the Earth. Take a few slow, deep breaths and see yourself growing bigger and taller. Imagine your branches expanding high in the sky above the Earth, stretching all the way to the stars! Can you feel yourself connected to the love and wisdom of the cosmos?

Recently a good friend of mine has been helping me write and sing my soul song. It is a very rich and enlivening experience. May this Full Moon inspire all of us to share new, glorious stories and sing the most beautiful songs to fill the air with uplifting melodies as we sail through the Winter Solstice anchoring point and ground into the new energies of 2022. I am looking forward to sharing my next Star Notes that will cover some of the fundamental astrological signatures of 2022. From the bottom of my heart, my sincere gratitude for your continued interest and support of my writing, consultations, classes and special Patreon offerings.

Wishing all of you a very lovely Solstice, Christmas and sacred time of rest, recreation and replenishment!

Peace, Love, Joy and Light, Richard

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