Star Notes - December 7-8, 2022
Greetings Star Friends, 🌟
Welcome to the super-charged energetics of the Full Moon in Gemini, shining brightly on December 7 and 8. Thank you so much for tuning in! This is the peak wave in a lunar rhythm that started at the New Moon in Sagittarius in late November. We are engaging in a naturally spirited, exciting time of year, just before the holiday revelries. I love to see the beautiful lights and decorations everywhere. The highest expression of Gemini lies in the conscious opening of the mind to embrace multiple perspectives and the wonderment and magic circulating around us all the time.

Let’s begin our reflection with Neptune which is strong since it resumed direct motion in early December after a lengthy retrograde. As the ruler of the physical seas and also the seas of infinite consciousness, Neptune can spray mists of confusion on our perception of reality. What is real? What is illusion? The bright light of this Full Moon can help us see through the haze and realize that our reality is truly complex, multidimensional, and in continual flux. Many planets are currently moving in the mutable signs of Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces, which increases the fluidity of these times, and reminds us to bend, adapt and go with the flow of change. When we tap into this awareness, we can perceive the world as a rich tapestry that weaves diverse dimensions of reality.
As I feel into the zeitgeist of the last few years, I sense a collective grief and sorrow as we learn to let go of older versions of reality. I also see new seeds of growth planted in the soil of a lovely future that we can nurture as much as we choose. Our perception of truth about anything internal or external can shift and change rapidly. The universe is reminding us that is safe to let go of any old beliefs that feel rigid or limiting in any way. This Full Moon in Gemini can sharpen our mental faculties and align them with the compassionate expansion of our heart power.
“When we sincerely feel gratitude or appreciation for family, friends, nature, or the convenient things in life, a profound change occurs in our heart rhythms. They become more synchronized and coherent, which increases the mental clarity, resilience and well‑being needed for discernment and better choices. Gratitude can boost endorphins that produce a natural euphoric rush; it can boost oxytocin – the love or bonding hormone – where you feel more warmhearted connections with others; it can boost the neurotransmitter serotonin that makes you feel happy and calm; and it activates the brain stem to produce dopamine, which helps you feel pleasure. Gratitude has also been shown to boost immune system functions, as well as lower stress and lower blood pressure.” ~ HeartMath Institute
Mars is the most powerful planetary influence of the Full Moon sky since it is nearly perfectly conjunct the Moon and opposite the Sun. The rusty red planet represents our inner Warrior, Hero and our inner fire of vitality and desire, which are powerful forces in the human psyche. When the Moon and Mars come together in Gemini, we could feel a strong impulse to speak up and give a voice to thoughts, impressions and ideas that we feel must be communicated.
It’s important to note that Mars is in retrograde motion from October 30 to January 12, 2023. When an inner planet such as Mercury, Venus or Mars go retrograde, it is significant because it affects us on a more personal level compared to the outer planets. Mars is retrograde only once every 26 months. The cosmic Warrior is pulling us on a journey within the mind to observe more closely the self-talk that is running in the background of our thinking patterns. Mars in retrograde also asks us to review our relationship with power and anger. To do this work effectively, we need to slow down our mind with deep meditation and by taking it for a walk in the park or forest to feel more silence and quietude. During a recent walk in the forest, I saw an image of Mars as a sword of divine white light that we can use to cut through any cobwebs of old and stuck mental patterns. This is an excellent time to reprogram our mind with new ideas and mantras that make us feel uplifted, hopeful and empowered.
There is definitely a feisty feeling in the air, but it is also conducive to connecting with our most important desires and passions at this time. On a spiritual level, Mars teaches us to embrace the courage and confidence to express our true self, authentic beliefs and personal truth with conviction. What do you need to give a voice to in your own life? Here is my favourite new mantra: “It is absolutely safe to move into my highest life expression because my Purpose is so much stronger than my fear.” ~ Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.
Now let’s talk about Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini. Just a day before the Full Moon, Mercury formed a strong square aspect with Jupiter in Pisces, then shifted into the serious and grounded energy of Capricorn. This planetary alignment can gift us with a boost of faith to expand our vision of what is possible in our personal life and on our planet. Mercury will stay in the sign of Capricorn for the next 10 weeks and inspire us to communicate with stronger maturity and integrity. We will start to feel a stronger resolve to use our mind with a more focused, disciplined, practical and constructive purpose.
I heard a musician talk recently about his band’s style of music having a foot in the past and a foot in the future, playing around a tangent where the two of them meet in the magic of the present. That message resonated with me deeply, and I feel it applies to humanity’s great shift this decade. We can bring the best parts of our past with us on our journey into the future. Since we are all musicians and magicians of our life journey, let’s keep on playing and listening to the music that makes our heart sing!
Your astrological birthchart is the road map to your optimum life journey and soul mission. My purpose is to be a gentle and compassionate guide and cosmic interpreter. It is a tremendous joy and honor to serve you!
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Love and gratitude,
Richard ♐️ ✨ ♊️