Star Notes - February 5, 2023
Dear star friends, ✨☀️ ✨
Welcome to the bright and regal brilliance of the Full Moon in Leo, exact on February 5th, 1:20 pm ET. It is always a pure joy and honor to explore the stars with you. Thank you for joining me! At this time, the universe invites us to celebrate the divine light of the Sun shining within the heart of the world and all creation.

The Full Moon showcases the unique magic of a specific Zodiac sign every month as well as that sign’s connection with its opposite sign. On February 5th, the Moon, glimmering at 16 degrees of Leo, will form an exact opposition with the Sun, shining at 16 degrees of Aquarius. However, the most potent planet in this Full Moon is Uranus, which forms an almost perfect square aspect with the Sun & Moon, at 15 degrees of Taurus. If you know your chart, you can see which houses are stimulated by these cosmic energies.
There is no definite interpretation of any astrological symbolism. Astrology is a metaphysical blend of scientific observation and intuitive insight that reflects the individual perceptions of anyone gazing up at the cosmos, looking for meaning and guidance. And yet, there is a unique energetic frequency for all symbols that we can all feel because they are universal archetypes.
Because Leo is ruled by the Sun, this Full Moon reflects the bright light of the Sun even more powerfully in our heart, mind, soul and spirit. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are now in the coldest phase of the entire year, while people living in the Southern Hemisphere are in the peak days of summertime. Aquarius represents the need for cool-headed thinking while Leo energizes the instinct for warm-hearted celebration. Leo and Aquarius are deeply interconnected, just like summer and winter. This Full Moon in Leo reminds us to connect our brain with our heart, and feel the joy and glory of every moment!
Through the archetype of the inner Queen or King, Leo inspires us to feel more majesty, dignity and self-love. The cosmic Lion also awakens a desire to play, and stimulates an instinct to create something new. Leo reminds us that playfulness and recreation are essential aspects of human life. This Full Moon is here to spark a new flame of life force energy within our own heart.
When we embody our inner Lion, we feel more courage and confidence to express our authentic self and truly shine in the purest, most natural ways. We allow ourselves to be seen and appreciated by our community. However, this is not an easy task for sensitives, empaths and light workers. We have been powerfully conditioned to suppress our individual light and power. It is normal and natural to question any kind of repression of our innate talents and abilities. Think about that for a moment. Who truly benefits by the suppression of our power to shine? The astrology of the times is all about reclaiming our natural light and sovereignty as empowered co-creators of our biggest and most beautiful life expression.
Here is one of the most powerful quotes on the power of our light. “There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love
Let’s now explore the influence and the raison d’être of Uranus, which was discovered in 1781, between the American and French Revolutions. Uranus represents a highly dynamic and powerful force designed to break us free from old and limiting roles, jobs, patterns, and ways of being and living. Uranus is also the lightning of creative inspiration that flashes suddenly in our mind, activating downloads of new insights, understanding or visions in any area of life. Take some time to feel the ways and the areas in your life that are being stimulated by the empowering frequency of Uranus. The waves of change triggered by Uranus can feel quite turbulent and uncomfortable, but they can also feel exciting and enlivening the more that we embrace and flow with the energy waves to carry us to new potentials and possibilities.
Feel the power, light and love of the Sun inside you, and trust this inner radiance to guide you on every step of the journey. The alchemy of Leo & Aquarius creates an increase of coherence between the mind and the heart. “Follow the compass of your heart to your true north, and allow your true north to magnetize you to the new vistas that await you.” ~ Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
At every Full Moon, we also have the special opportunity to join millions of people around the world breathing calmly through their heart and radiating love and appreciation for each other while raising the vibrational field of the whole planet. I am picturing a beautiful, glimmering heart of golden light all around the Earth. What do you see and feel in your most beautiful heart vision?
I love to read your comments!
Wishing everyone a truly magical Full Moon! May you shine your heart light boldly, joyfully and magnificently!
Richard 💛