Hello star tribe, Bonjour, 🌼
Sending you warm and joyous Easter blessings! Luna comes to full brilliance at 2:55 pm ET this Saturday in the sign of Libra the Scales, symbol of balance, equanimity and relationship. Thank you very much for joining me. Allow yourself to get comfortable and enjoy this reflection on the Full Moon skies.

I love to walk every day as it clears my mind and provides inspiration for my Star Notes. As I was pondering the powerful messages in this Full Moon, I noticed myself looking down at the road just ahead of me and also looking up at the sky, taking in the beautiful shades of blue and the soft textures of the clouds. I find that nature is always an exquisite painting that changes all the time. In my mind, looking down, I saw Pluto, lord of the underworld; looking up, I saw Jupiter and Neptune, the great sky gods.
Pluto, lord of the underworld, is closely squaring the Sun and Full Moon, taking up a tremendous amount of space in our collective awareness. This Full Moon is shining another bright light on the Plutonian depths of the world soul, which has crystallized the deepest, darkest, murkiest and destructive aspects of our individual and collective relationship to power since early 2020 when Saturn formed a conjunction with Pluto. Whenever Saturn aligns with Pluto, the world contracts and we see a breaking down of old systems, which is a necessary part of a radical transformation and creation of new structures. This is a very challenging evolutionary journey for humanity but it also comes with many blessings in disguise.
The more aware we are of these powerful archetypal forces, the more freedom we have in how we express them. Pluto can also stimulate a profound sense of courage and empowerment in the hearts and minds of people with a more evolved consciousness. With great power and passion comes great responsibility and purpose. May the transformative power of this Full Moon inspire us to shift any feelings of powerlessness into a greater empowerment in any area of our personal life that is within our control. The empowered you is ready to step forward into the new energies and the creation of your highest life expression. Since Pluto is now forming a smooth trine aspect to the North Node in Taurus, we can also channel the untapped richness of our inner power to ground deeper into our human self, our physical body and cultivate a more loving relationship with the Earth.
This Full Moon in Libra is the culminating wave of the New Moon in Aries that got activated on April 1st. The Aries Sun represents the pure, raw power of the archetypal Hero within all of us. When I feel this invigorating fire of Aries, I see a superhero discovering and exploring her new powers, which often results in some chaotic and hilarious moments. The Full Moon in Libra, opposite the Sun in Aries and square to Pluto represents the next phase when the Hero must learn to control his power and use it to help and empower everyone around him. Libra reminds us that we are never alone; we always live in profound interconnected relationship with the people around us, society, the Earth and the cosmos. How can we strengthen these bonds and develop a more peaceful harmony in all our relations?
Now that we have established these grounded insights from Pluto, it is time to look back up to Jupiter in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. This rare alignment reminds us that our field of consciousness is much bigger and more infinite than we have been taught. It is time to remember that we have always lived in divine union with Spirit, Source in a multidimensional universe. Can we better integrate this incredibly mystical reality, embody a greater compassion in our heart, and weave this love into the very fabric of our humanity?
In Roman mythology, Neptune is the god of the seas, water, dreams, illusion, deception and enchantment. As the planet of growth and expansion, Jupiter is magnifying the waters of Neptune in Pisces. We are seeing powerful downpours and flooding in many parts of the world. The universe is pushing us to deepen our understanding of the power of water and all that lives under the sea. I would like to honour everyone who is devoted to protecting water and teaching the importance of water in our lives. We see the most intelligent and magical beings in this world when we go into deep ocean water: turtles, dolphins and whales. Let’s dive into the water, open our eyes and listen to the sacred teachings of these ancient ocean knowledge keepers. What do you see, feel or hear?
Water contains a very powerful healing, cleansing and purging quality. As the ocean tides come onto the shores of our consciousness with many gifts, they will also recede and cleanse anything that needs to be washed away. For the entire month of April, we have a special opportunity to surrender limiting thoughts and beliefs. It is best to release these energies consciously and willingly because Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces may coincide with a massive purging around the planet whether we are ready for it or not. In this epic shift, we must focus on the items, relationships and responsibilities that reflect the deepest value. The conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces invites us to use our right brained intuition and heart intelligence that have been undervalued for a long time in order to best navigate these great waves of evolutionary change. In a balanced human experience, we constantly flow between our mind and our heart, the physical and spiritual, the sacred feminine and masculine, yin and yang.
For a few days before and after the Full Moon, the Sun shines its light in conjunction with Eris, powerful and fearless goddess of discord, justice and empowerment. If we can channel this fierce energy with Jupiter and Neptune, we can embody the true Spiritual Warrior archetype, and boldly anchor the frequency of peace, fairness, equality and compassion for all.
Ultimately, this Full Moon in Libra is inspiring us to connect with each other with more grit and grace. As an Air sign, Libra feeds the fire of the Aries Sun, and that is why two or more people operating in harmony can generate a lot more energy than one individual. There is no limit to the power and influence of actions that are forged in mutual cooperation and partnership. I am now imagining all of humanity holding hands and walking in a loving circle around the globe. I can also see the scenes in the Avatar movie when the Na’vi community bond psychically and spiritually in their healing ceremonies. I believe that we are creating a new Earth as more and more people come together and channel compassionate loving energy for the collective healing of all life on Mother Earth.
“Grace is a high vibrating attribute among human beings. It’s a beautiful and benevolent energy that is lovely to behold. When one is in a state of grace, they are in peaceful, fluid alignment with source energy. They are the embodiment of surrender, flow and acceptance. Grace is forgiving and loving, heart-centered in movement and presence. You will be expressing and navigating yourself through your own divinity, shining your unique beauty for all to see.” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young, of Trinity Esoterics.)
I am teaching my new 8-week Level 1 Astrology course: Journey of Discovery & Empowerment stan Tuesday May 10th, on Zoom! If you would love to deepen your understanding of astrology, this course offers a strong fondation in a very structured and compassionate space. You will find all the details on my FB page.
With love and grace,
Richard 🌠