Bonjour, Aanii, Namaste, dear friends!
Welcome to the luminous and mystical energies of the Full Moon in Pisces. Thank you for joining me in this deep dive into the wild cosmic currents of late September. I invite you to get comfortable and enjoy this reflection, which includes an inspired visualization download. It can be a nice distraction from following the election results!

The Sun is nearing the end of its journey through Virgo and we are getting ready to celebrate the Fall Equinox on September 22nd. The full flowering of Virgo is naturally connected to Pisces, its opposite and complementary Zodiac sign. Virgo relates to logic, practicality, efficiency, order and maximum health on the physical plane, whereas Pisces ideally represents an extension of that purity of consciousness in the emotional and spiritual dimension.
The Full Moon in Pisces reminds us that we are not only physical beings living in a material world; we are multidimensional, cosmic beings living in a human body equipped with a divine heart intelligence. I passionately believe that humanity’s healing and evolution is connected to this realization. We need to remember our vastness, and that we are galactic citizens, intimately interconnected with all life on this planet and the love and infinite wisdom of the Universe. I sense that many more people have awakened to this realization since 2020, and are enjoying feeling a greater connection with people, animals, nature and the stars. We are learning more and more about the infectious healing power of smiles, which are the secret weapon of the frequency of joy and love.
We are living in highly tumultuous, confusing and emotional times, and are seeing a powerful tension between the energies of control & stability on one side, and freedom & individual sovereignty on the other. The world is definitely in a state of chaos on many levels as we individually and collectively give birth to a new paradigm, a new vision for the future of life on Earth. The tension that most of us feel can be likened to intense contractions in this global rebirthing. Yet, no matter what we are experiencing around us at the 3D level, we always have the choice to select what frequency we want to live in. This Full Moon in Pisces, the last and most mystical sign of the Zodiac, can remind us to to take regular breaks from mainstream media that feeds us too many lower emotional vibrations, and choose to energize peace, compassion, joy, connection and gratitude as much as possible for ourselves and the entire planet. My daughter and I just came back from voting, and we both noticed how calm and polite everyone was. How wonderful!
Pisces symbolizes the Fishes and the magic of water that holds memory and frequency very easily. This reminds me of Dr Emoto’s fantastic work on water crystals and emotions. Since humanity is truly interconnected and we are all floating in the same amniotic fluid of creation, it simply makes sense to nourish each other with beautiful, loving, peaceful thoughts, feelings and prayers as we navigate the stormy seas of change.
This grand Shift, as many are calling it, is also a time to question and reflect on any aspect of life, including how we choose to serve our community. The concept of work and service ties in to the purpose of Virgoan energy. Many people no longer find joy or fulfilment in their careers. It is a perfect time to let go of any occupation that no longer serves us or the collective because there isn’t an authentic vibrational match to our best qualities. When we allow ourselves to slow down and access our soul’s intelligence and reunite with the activities that fill our heart with passion and joy, it is a win-win for everyone!
The influence of Uranus this year is very powerful and is stimulating masses of people to reach a tipping point in their evolution. An increasing number of individuals are realizing the limitations of years of mental conditioning by external agencies such as family, school and media. The purpose of Uranus is to help us to break away from any limiting or controlling energy. The next step is to embrace the Divine Combination: Surrender, Faith, Trust and Flow, which are powerful and beautiful words that encapsulate the wisdom and purpose of Neptune, the ruling planet of this Full Moon in Pisces. Thank you Shelley Young of Trinity Esoterics for channeling this fantastic teaching from Archangel Gabriel. When we embrace any one of these frequencies, they can quickly orient us back on our path.
The numinous qualities of Pisces and Neptune can be experienced as disorientation or confusion when we can’t identify with anything beyond the logical mind. The mind is a useful tool but it can get lost without the divine guidance of the heart.
Perhaps the ultimate medicine of Pisces and Neptune is the power to imagine. Many spiritual teachers have said that imagination is the most powerful force available to all human beings because there are no limits there. Think about the lasting impact of the song “Imagine” by John Lennon. We can see Neptune clearly when we close our eyes.
Here is a lovely, short creative visualization that I channeled the other day while I was meditating on this Full Moon in Pisces. Wouldn’t it be great if anyone of us at any time could instantly get a break from life’s duties and obligations, and visit a lovely retreat centre for a few days, weeks or months? I confess: a part of me would love to get away from everything for a while. In time, I will plan a soul-healing getaway, but the download that I received is that I can easily spend time in a Healing Spa for the Soul, right in this very moment in my imagination. Enjoy this instant retreat!
Allow yourself to sit comfortably and take a few deep and slow breaths. Tell yourself that you are safe and that everyone and everything in your world is safe. Close your eyes. You are now in an exquisitely beautiful place; the air is calm, peaceful, serene and you are super comfortable. Welcome to your perfect spa, a divine healing centre for your mind, body, soul and spirit. It has all that you need and will sustain you perfectly while you are there, for as long as you need, all for free. What do you see? How do you feel? Keep on breathing and allow yourself to visit and enjoy all the infinite spaces and activities that make you smile with gratitude. It is perfect because we can imagine every detail, instantly! You can experience true bliss, beauty, magic, ecstasy, profound stillness, or anything that you truly need or desire. All your spirit guides and guardian angels are supporting you and loving you gently and perfectly as much as you like. Take some more deep breaths and come back to this place anytime. It always exists in your mind and your heart. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did!
I am so incredibly grateful for this vision because it has helped me to better see what I would like to experience in my life. Isn’t it time to slip out of the chains of conditioning that have been limiting our reality for lifetimes because we started to believe that we have to suffer in this human journey? The divine medicine in this Pisces-Neptune energy is reminding us that our heart-felt dreams, visions and inspirations are not fantasies. They are the seeds of self-mastery and can initiate us into our best, most evolved life expressions.
I am also very grateful to have found and embraced my path as a full-time astrologer. I offer a selection of heart-centred readings and classes, and create a weekly podcast and written messages called Sunday in the Stars, all on Patreon, to guide you in the cosmic currents with awareness and inspiration for the week ahead. I will also have these Star Notes and the podcast version for all members of my Patreon community. I am also launching my yearly Evolutionary Astrology Level 2 course on Zoom, which begins on Tuesday evening, October 5th. Please message me or visit my Facebook page or website for more details. It is my deepest joy and honour to serve you!
Wishing all of you to manifest your most cherished dreams.
Richard 💜