Dear friends, Chers amis:
Thank you for tuning in! Make yourself comfortable for a few minutes and enjoy reading these Notes from the Stars. Since late October, the Sun has been sailing into the mystical waters of Scorpio, which is the root energy of many ancient and popular festivals around the world that are celebrated around this time such as: Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day and many others. In the Celtic and Pagan traditions, we mark this time as the beginning cycle of the year. As the daylight recedes and gives way to the growing power of night, the veils between the worlds become thin and we feel an instinct to honour the spirits of our ancestors. It is colder and darker at this time of year in northern latitudes but Scorpio season offers us many gifts as well. We can feel the cycles of death and rebirth, and cultivate a deeper appreciation of the multi-dimensional nature of reality. Scorpio activates our consciousness with strong investigative instincts and the need for deep and passionate conversations with others. Have you noticed this in your life recently? Let’s explore the planetary energies surrounding this Full Moon in Taurus.
You may remember that October began and ended with a Full Moon. This Blue Moon, the second Full Moon of the month, is conjunct Uranus, which can be a formidable, unpredictable, electrical energy akin to the power of earthquakes and lightning storms. This unique Moonlight is illuminating the alchemical blend of Scorpio, Taurus and Uranus. What in the universe could that mean? First, we need to understand that Taurus represents the most physical, grounded and stabilizing force in the Zodiac. The Bull always reminds us to slow down and come back to the basic, essential, elemental needs of life on planet Earth: food, shelter, comfort, security, peace and any resources that we need to survive and thrive. I began writing this post a couple of days ago but soon realized that I needed some down time and enjoyed a nice, long bath by candlelight. I hope you are honouring your physical needs for peace and comfort.
The presence of Uranus in this Full Moon sky offers us many insights that can help us in navigating these chaotic times. Discovered in 1781, Uranus symbolizes the drive to self-determination, freedom, revolution, innovation, radical individuation and breakthroughs of all kinds. The first insight that I received from Uranus is about the need to make changes regarding our relationship with our physical bodies, food and food production, money, and most importantly with Mother Earth, our home planet. Taurus naturally possesses an abundance of patience and endurance; however, sooner or later, it must release any built-up tension. As we observe leaves falling down to Earth in autumn, Nature teaches us that one part of life involves letting go of that which no longer serves us. Sometimes, we need to let go of a lot of things. As I see it, 2020 is facilitating a massive global release of patterns, systems and structures that have outlived their usefulness. I often imagine the energy of Uranus as strong waves or winds that accelerate much needed change. Since the only constant in the universe is change, we need to embrace the paradoxical truth of finding security in uncertainty. I trust that most of you will agree with me that humanity has not been in a harmonious and sustainable relationship with Earth for quite some time. The energies of 2020 have highlighted problems related to climate change, massive deforestation, industrialization, pollution, systemic oppression, racism, and the issues of personal freedom vs external control.
Humanity is on the cusp of a gigantic shift into a new era, which also means that we must honour the death of a very old phase. As the planet of freedom, discovery and unchartered possibilities, Uranus is reminding us that there is a great multiplicity of forks in the road ahead, many possible choices and infinite outcomes! Our destiny is not set in stone. With so many possibilities before us, the universe is asking us to create a new path that reflects our authentic values and individuality. We must be true to our own personal evolutionary process and we don’t have to wait until all restrictions are lifted. “One of the greatest misconceptions in the healing of the self or the transformation of the whole is imagining that something insidious needs to stop in order for something greater to begin. In each moment, the degree of action you are inspired to take will be known within you, often taking unique shape and form for the contributions only you are meant to make. Each person has a crucial role to play in standing for what we are for, instead of fighting what we're against.” (Matt Kahn, October 2020 blog post)
The Uranian signature in this Full Moon will create an evolutionary push forward, like being carried away by strong gusts of wind. It a rush of new and varied energies that can leave us feeling confused and off-balance. But it can also feel very exhilarating. Some people will feel overwhelmed and try to mightily resist the forces of change, while others will be able to fearlessly embrace the tornadoes and find a way to connect to the calm centre in the eye of the storms. It is a safe bet that most of us will experience both extremes, but hopefully, we can learn to better ride these storms of change. Since Uranus also relates to Kundalini, we have the opportunity to feel surges in the life-force flowing through us, provided we open ourselves to new experiences. “It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.” (Peter Gabriel) We can thrive in moments of uncertainty, and that’s where the magic lives.
Venus, goddess of love and relationship also plays a key role in this Full Moon chart. Venus in now in Libra, the sign in which it is most comfortable and it does strengthen the Venusian influence. Yet Venus is also opposite Chiron, the planet of healing. It is clear that humanity has many wounds to heal in the world of relationships. One thing we can do is take responsibility for our own unconscious patterns that perpetuate conflict and disharmony. Chiron in the sign of Aries, opposite Venus is reminding us that when we express a bold love for our own self, we can better relate to others from a place of love. “Love is the core heart frequency that unifies and lifts people’s perceptions above separation. When our heart, mind and emotions are in alignment and not in conflict with each other, this makes is easier to sense our intuitive heart’s direction for effective choices and guidance.” (
I recently found this other quote from Matt Kahn that delivers powerful insights into the truth of relationships. "From the heart of compassion, the more we acknowledge what we don’t know, the fewer conclusions we draw about others as a space to project our unprocessed pain. Just because others may not be sharing your same viewpoints, engaging in the same conversations, informing you of their profound contributions toward a greater collective good, or posting about specific subject matters, doesn’t mean they are less in touch with reality. It’s all a matter of perspective. The question remains, how open-minded will you allow your perspective to be? Truth has nothing to do with other or another. Truth is simply an acknowledgment of how you feel in response to the environments around you.”
Finally, I offer you a message from Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young that gives a simple yet brilliant technique to help us reintegrate wounded aspects of self back into our heart. “Imagine you are in a large, domed arena. You are standing in the centre of the arena. There is golden light where you are standing but the edges and the corners of the arena are in darkness. With your intention, call any aspect of you that is looking for your love, care, and total acceptance to come forward. You might see these aspects as little children. See them tentatively come forward out of the shadows. Turn toward them and welcome them back home into your essence with open arms. Embrace them and feel them settle back into your energetics. Feel how comforted they are to be back home with you! As you welcome these little parts of you back into your loving care, you realize that even though they were in the shadows, they were never dark themselves. They were always of the light, they just got lost along the way and forgot or didn’t trust that truth. There is great healing when they come back to that realization and wholeness.”
Voilà! In conclusion, I would like to share that in order to create more balance in my personal life, I have decided to shorten these Star Notes a little and devote more time to create more exclusive content for my patrons on Patreon. To me, all my astrological work is a sacred service. I feel very honoured to share messages from the Stars so you can rest assured that I will continue to lovingly serve my community in this way. If you sincerely enjoy these messages and would like to hear more, I invite you to visit my website, sign up to receive a free monthly newsletter, and check out my Patreon membership program. You may enjoy listening to the podcast version of these Star Notes and receive my Cosmic Currents, which is a detailed guide to the key astrological messages of the entire month.
Galaxy of gratitude for your comments and support!
With love and Full Moon blessings,
Richard :)