Dear star friends, 🪷
Sending all of you warm waves of gratitude for joining me in this reflection on the luminous power of the Full Moon in Virgo and the astrology of early March. There is a lot of fluctuation but also a lot of magic flowing in the collective energy currents. We are learning to anchor ourselves more solidly in the healing vibrations of peace and compassion to navigate the wild seas of rapid change and evolution.

This Full Moon is exact on March 7 and is the culmination of the lunar cycle that began at the New Moon in Pisces. Let’s highlight the meaning of Pisces and then explore the importance of Virgo. We are feeling a huge surge of Pisces energy with the Sun, Mercury, Neptune and now Saturn all in the sign of the cosmic Fishes. As a water sign, like Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces activates a flood of feeling and emotion in our psyche. It’s important to allow ourselves to fully express any emotion that comes up whether it’s a difficult one such as anxiety, grief, loss, confusion, despair, frustration or anger. It’s also important to give ourselves permission to feel high vibrations like love, joy, gratitude, compassion and hope as much as we can.
Pisces reminds us to let go of any judgement and ease into a deeper state of surrender, faith and trust in the flow of energy within and around us at all times. To me, surrender is allowing the universe to guide and support us always and in all ways as we co-create our life journey. In the symbol of Pisces, there is one Fish swimming upwards and one swimming downwards. This imagery reminds me that one part of our reality is physical and human but there is another part of us that is eternally connected to a reality that is much vaster and mystical. Pisces teaches us that we live in an infinite, galactic ocean of oneness. Consciously or unconsciously, Pisces beckons us to explore many dimensions of reality with our mind and imagination. What is real? What is illusion? If you ask a Wall Street broker or a Tibetan monk, you would receive different answers. Reality is much more complex, dynamic and multi-dimensional than we have been led to believe.
When Pisces is strong in someone’s birthchart or when there are many planets in Pisces like now, we feel a powerful urge to merge with an energy that is bigger than us or allows us to escape into a different reality. The low road of Pisces is a path of escapism, depression or addiction. May you merge and align yourself with loving energy as much as you can.
Let’s now bring our attention to the function and magic of Virgo. The Maiden is a very physical, earthy sign that teaches the importance of discernment and discrimination. We see this natural process in harvest season, when we separate the wheat from the chaff, and also in our digestive system where our body takes in healthy nutrients and eliminates the rest. This same intelligence can be applied in times of stress or overwhelm. What is the most important, useful and beneficial thing to do in the moment? We start by taking some deep breaths and discern the best choice one now moment at at time.
Virgo is the sign of purification, cleanliness, order, efficiency, nutrition, natural medicines and physical wellness. The energy of this Full Moon invites us to do anything that makes us feel healthier, lighter, clearer, stronger and able to function better in any aspect of life. How can we improve the feng shui or free-flowing circulation of energy in our home, as well as in our body, mind and soul?
The natural connection between Virgo and Pisces as opposite and complementary signs also represents the axis of healing. Simply put, Pisces refers to spiritual healing while Virgo symbolizes physical healing. Ultimately, this Full Moon can inspire us to feel a stronger energetic alignment of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. What energetic system needs some recalibration, adjustment, balancing, harmonizing? The human body is a highly complex, electromagnetic being that needs regular compassionate care just like automobiles need regular maintenance. Take some time this week to scan your entire energy field with curiosity and compassion. Ask your body, mind and soul what it needs and love yourself enough to follow through.
Everyone understands the importance of physical health and wellness; however, spiritual health is not something that is understood or valued at the same level. I feel very strongly that an increase of spiritual understanding would significantly boost the health and happiness of humanity. The wonderful thing about true spirituality is that there are no rules, no specific teachings and no need for a teacher or guide. We are all physical and spiritual beings, naturally. With regular practise, we can increase our connection to the universe, spirit, source, angels and higher dimensional beings just like regular exercise, a pure diet and positive thinking will naturally improve your mental and physical health. The connection between Pisces and Virgo reminds us of the divinity that exists in the wondrous light of the sun, the beauty of nature, the magic of synchronicities and in the eyes and smile of all beings.
Just an hour after the Full Moon, Saturn enters Pisces for the next 2,5 years. This is a very significant change because Saturn is a strong planetary teacher of our cosmic homework, i.e. the part of our life that requires some conscious effort, discipline and integrity. When we do the work that Saturn asks us to do, we reap many great rewards because we have earned them. The holistic healing practice that I explored in this message will be our personal and collective soul homework for the next 3 years.
I hope you enjoyed this cosmic reflection. In my next Star Notes, I will share some thoughts about the powerful shift of Pluto in Aquarius that happens on March 23. There is always so much more to share and if you value my posts, I invite you to consider joining my Patreon portal where I create a post every week on the ongoing cosmic currents in more detail. Check out the link below.
With love and faith,
Richard 💚