Star Notes * May 5, 2023
Dear Star friends, Bonjour, ✨
Here in Northern Ontario, the spring flowers are just beginning to grow, and I have never been more grateful to witness the soul healing beauty of nature. Thank you for joining me in this contemplation of the wild cosmic currents flowing into the beginning of May. I hope these insights offer you solace and comfort.
The phoenix has often come into my imagination over the last few years as I experienced a series of profound personal changes. Phoenix also came through as a spirit guide during a shamanic healing session in 2018. Astrologically, Pluto had just come over my Ascendant, then opposed my natal Moon not long after. This understanding helped me embrace and surrender to the intensity of the energetic tidal waves crashing over me. I was still in the process of rising from of the ashes of transformation when transiting Pluto aligned with Saturn in early 2020, announcing a powerful time of structural intensity for the planet. Humanity has been experiencing an epic dark night of the soul; but like the phoenix, we are also beginning to rise up into an equally epic rebirthing, unlike anything we have ever experienced.
This Full Moon eclipse shines a bright cosmic light on Scorpio and Pluto, lord of the underworld. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto which just turned retrograde on May 1st, magnifying its impact on the world psyche. It’s helpful to understand the evolutionary purpose of Scorpio and Pluto to better flow with the energetics of this important eclipse portal.
Pluto symbolizes the dark, mysterious unconscious mind, which is a deep reservoir of concentrated psychic power. Pluto asks us to confront our deepest fears, obsessions, compulsions, demons and dragons. When Pluto is strongly activated, it can push repressed physical and emotional material up to the surface of consciousness. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio is accelerating the need for purging, releasing and shedding of old energies that were locked up for a long time. We may experience sudden or mysterious healing reactions in this Plutonian process. This is a great time for a deep cleaning and detox on many levels.
Pluto also represents deep power, soul passion, transpersonal energy and transformation of consciousness. This Full Moon invites us to feel into the depths of our psyche and rekindle our connection to our galactic, immortal soul. It is time to release fears, uncertainty and doubt. “So feel into your doubt and use it to assess where you are and where you would like to go. It is masterful to take something that has the power to oppress you and turn it into a useful tool, and that is exactly what you are capable of doing at this stage of your journey. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Mercury in Taurus is retrograde from April 21 to May 14. It is quite perfect that Mercury reminds us to slow down during this time of energetic turbulence. We can heal by cultivating stillness, quietude, and reflect on the most fundamentally important and necessary aspects of life. There is a time for speaking our deepest truth and also time to listen to the quiet voice of our soul’s wisdom, which always knows what to do.
This eclipse illuminates the Taurus Sun - Scorpio Moon axis. This is about gathering the practical resources that we need for survival and using the tools in our physical tool box and the ones in our spiritual tool box. The Bull and the Scorpion are both fixed signs that create strong desires to hold on to something meaningful and valuable. What is worth holding on to and what must be released? What healthy habits can you cultivate more deeply?
The universe is asking us to unify the Taurus part of reality with our Scorpio nature. Taurus loves everything sensual, natural, physical, and revels in simplicity. Scorpio craves everything mystical, metaphysical, and revels in deep, naked, honest emotional expression. These are very different expressions, but we can learn to flow more consciously between them and embrace the truth that we are complex, multidimensional beings.
Uranus is conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon in this Full Moon sky. One of the functions of the potent, lightning storm energy of Uranus is to free us from old patterns, which helps us to sort out who we actually are from what we have been conditioned to be. Uranus represents radical awakening and revolution. More and more people are awakening to focus on the well-being of everyone rather than preserving the well-being of a few at the expense of many.
Ultimately, this Full Moon signals another massive evolutionary leap for all, individually and globally. This quantum leap involves a lot of chaos and the collapse of a very old, toxic paradigm, but we can experience many blessings and magic along the way. With every ending, whether it be on a physical, emotional or psychological level, there is always a new beginning and a rebirth that happens soon afterwards. It is the law of nature. The Phoenix is rising within the mind, heart and soul of everyone. Can you see or feel this on some level?
May this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse inspire us to embrace the powerful alchemy of death, transformation and radical rebirth of a new paradigm on new Earth.
Do you love astrology and want to learn more? I am launching my Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 course online starting this Tuesday May 9th. There is still time to register. Please visit the Courses section on my site, or read the pinned post on my FB page for all the details. Contact me to register!
With love and grace,
Richard ✨