Star Notes * August 30, 2023
Dear star friends,
Welcome to the mystical and spiritual radiance of this Full SuperMoon in Pisces, the 3rd in a series of four, and the brightest Full Moon of the year. It is exact at 9:36 pm ET on Wednesday, August 30th and should offer quite a mesmerizing visual and visceral experience.

When the Sun shines in Virgo from August 23 to September 23, our mental focus is instinctively pulled to more practical and physical considerations. Since Mercury is currently retrograde in Virgo, I see a lot of people working inside or outside cleaning, reorganizing, reviewing, and doing something to improve their quality of life in some way. Virgo naturally connects to the busy and productive activities of harvest season.
The Sun in Virgo in opposition to the Full Moon in Pisces often reminds me of this Zen proverb: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water." Virgo represents all acts of physical service, and when high Virgo is aligned with high Pisces, it can foster more mindful, thoughtful, compassionate service. “No matter how menial the task may seem, practicing mindfulness and focusing on the present work at hand will help you develop a habit of always doing your best. And once you finally achieve "enlightenment" you still must chop wood and carry water. Do your work, do it well, and when you find success, do it again.” (Patrick Allan)
This Full Supermoon in Pisces can create tremendous surges of water energy as its super close proximity to the Earth produces a stronger gravitational pull on ocean tides and increased seismic pressure. Ocean water is surging in many places on Earth, as well as in many political, financial and social landscapes. This can feel very intense and overwhelming at times. How can we respond?
On a physical level, there are many intelligent and practical things we can do to improve our physical, emotional and mental well being. On a spiritual level, this Full Moon invites us to notice and feel the sacred interconnectedness of everything in existence, from the infinitesimal and quantum level, to the celestial realms beyond the infinite. As the last sign of the zodiac and symbol for flowing water, Pisces teaches us to surrender to the natural flow of life, and strengthen our understanding and connection to both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Ultimately, Pisces is about opening our heart and expressing the purest and unconditional love we can with anyone and all life anywhere and everywhere.
Allow yourself to relax, let go and release anything that is holding you down or blocking you natural flow state. What worries and burdens can you release to the Full Moon? Let this water energy wash and cleanse your body, mind, soul and spirit. Since Pisces rules the feet, this is a perfect time to soak your feet in some epsom salts, and give/receive a foot massage. Play some soft healing music, pray, meditate or allow yourself a softer and more intuitive flow to your yoga practice. Send loving energies and compassion to the entire planet.
Saturn is conjunct the Moon in this Full Moon sky. As the planetary symbol of discipline, responsibility and maturity, Saturn wants us to stay focused, vigilant and strongly grounded in the present moment, like a captain on a ship. This placement of Saturn with the Moon in Pisces can also ask us to get stronger in any practice that helps us to reconnect with compassion, imagination, intuition, dreams and a rich spiritual life.
And what about all these retrograde planets? At this time, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all doing the retro dance. That is the bulk of the solar system! Venus will finally begin forward movement on September 3rd, but Jupiter will station retrograde on the 4th. Although there is a strong rush of energy in this Full Moon and from the station of Uranus lately, generally speaking, we are all in a period of time when it is more necessary to slow down our pace of life to give more room for deeper introspection, reflection and contemplation of our life journey. What really, truly matters?
Normally, we feel an acceleration of mental activity when the Sun and Mercury are in Virgo, and this is still the case. Life goes on and its ok to move forward with any project that you feel strongly about. But with all this retrograde energy and the strong influence of Saturn in this Full Supermoon, it’s important to slow down enough to merge more consciously with the flow within and around you. Instead of chasing it, allow the magic of life to come to you.
A few days ago, the universe offered me this teaching on a drive to the forest. It was a lovely day, and I was driving next to a nice convertible sports car on a 2-lane road that was soon merging into only one lane. I could have passed that car as it was driving quite slowly, but I relaxed and let it lead me and other cars behind me on a very pleasant driving experience. Astrological knowledge can be very helpful in navigating life more consciously and smoothly.
The theme of love is very strong at this time. As Pisces is ruled by Neptune which is the higher octave of Venus, and Venus nears the end of its retrograde in the heart space of Leo in a few days, the sky invites us to feel the full spectrum of love for self, others, our home planet and our celestial origins.
Here is a short guided meditation that came through as I was preparing this post. Imagine you are sitting or lying down comfortably on the earth, with beautiful plants and flowers around you, gazing over a calm ocean into a bright and magical Full Moon. What do you hear, see and smell? Feel yourself strongly rooted, calm and peaceful. When you are ready, allow yourself to expand your consciousness over the water and closer to the incredibly large and luminous Moon. Enjoy this connection, and then slowly bring your awareness beyond the Moon and allow yourself to breathe deeply and commune with the glistening expanse of the endless sky. Relax completely and then slowly and smoothly glide back to your body, the land and lovely plants around you. Take some time to feel and remember any message that came to you and send gratitude for the experience.
I am excited to share that my new Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 program on Zoom begins on Tuesday, October 3rd for 8 weeks. Investment is $369 with flexible payment options. I already have 3 participants with a maximum of 8. I am always available for personal readings! Reach out by text, email, FB or via my website. Connect with me on Patreon to receive all that I create, including podcasts.
With great love,
Richard 🙏