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Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse: Flying on Winds of Change

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, Chers amis,

Welcome to Eclipse Season! We are entering a period of time when the portals of change, release and manifestation are being swung open powerfully by the cosmic alignments of the Earth, Sun and Moon. May you relax and enjoy this short reflection on the powerfully magical Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, which is exact Wednesday, May 26th, at 7:14 am Eastern Time. If you read this at a later time, rest assured that these eclipse energies will remain active for quite some time.

On May 20th, the Sun entered the dynamic Air sign of Gemini, which stimulates our mind to open and breathe in the expanding social universe around us. When I think of Gemini, I often think of words like: civil, civility, civilization and culture. This energy of communication and friendliness implies an understanding of human relations and love. When we grow on the Path in Gemini, we can learn to quiet the mind using mindfulness techniques and walking meditation. As we slowly walk around, we get fresh air and focus on some calm breathing. This is very important because Gemini connects to the lungs and nervous system. I believe the entire world could benefit from breathing through the heart with tender, loving care. As we learn to think with the heart and feel with the mind, we can hear the faint whispers of the soul.

With the Sun in Gemini opposite the Full Moon in the expansive and exuberant Fire sign of Sagittarius, I see and feel a powerful energy thrusting us up into higher altitudes of consciousness. In truth, this eclipse season could be quite a wild ride, but everyone of us has a pair of very strong wings that are magnificently designed to carry us to our soul’s destination. Let’s try to enjoy the ride and the elevated perspectives as we fly on the winds of change. What do you see when you stretch your mind and heart to encompass your greatest truth from this vantage point? Embrace this inspired vision!

There is a tremendous amount of mutability in this Eclipse chart, because Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces are all emphasized. Mutable energy is less fixed and stable than other signs, but the magic of being so adaptable, malleable and flexible is that it accelerates and facilitates the flow of necessary changes. This is not a time to initiate a bold new venture due to the potency of eclipse energy. Rather, “we are called to expand our spiritual awareness around internal layers of ourselves, deep within our psyches, by this offering of profound new potentials.” (Leslie Benson,

This eclipse will shine a powerful light on certain shadow aspects of reality even more brightly. Sagittarius the Archer, is launching us a journey of truth and a deep exploration of our belief systems. It is at times like these that our understanding and sense of truth can change and evolve quite suddenly. When the Sun, Moon and Earth align to form eclipses, the Sun’s light is temporarily intercepted, which creates a powerful cosmic reboot. What do you feel called to release to lighten your load as we cross these evolutionary thresholds?

A few days ago, Jupiter entered the luminous waters of Pisces. The king of the gods will form a 90-degree square aspect to the Sun and Moon at eclipse time. The mystical influence of Pisces can manifest in a multitude of ways, but I feel that it can best be utilized by embodying our deepest truth and trusting in the highest outcomes. With Neptune in Pisces also in square to Venus and Mercury in Gemini, we are invited to align our head with our heart, and create from a more loving state of being. When we realize and maintain a loftier perspective on life, we can see reality is very fluid and multidimensional. What dimension of reality do you want to energize?

Et voilà! I wish you all a blessed journey and invite you to share any experiences or insights pertinent to this Full Moon Eclipse. I love hearing from you and always welcome your input because we are a community of like-minded and like-hearted souls. If you really enjoyed this post and would love to learn more, I invite you to visit my Patreon portal to explore a selection of expanded offerings at

Big, big love,

Richard 🧡

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