Namaste dear friends, Aanii, Bonjour! 🧡
Welcome to the potent and alchemical fire energy of this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, the cosmic Archer. This last New Moon of the year will propel us all the way to the new skies of 2022. I invite you to settle in, get comfortable, and enjoy this exploration of the cosmic currents of early December 2021. Thank you for journeying with me.

Whenever I think of a New Moon in a fire sign like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, I often visualize a powerful thrust of energy that ignites a new spark of vitality in humanity and in the world. For Sagittarius, I see a rocket launching and the beginning of an epic journey that involves a giant leap of faith. At the start of any journey, our first task is to be present, open our mind & heart, and cultivate a deep faith in the experience. Let’s be real: the human journey can be painfully arduous and we all get knocked down sooner or later. Yet, the more that we trust in ourselves, the more we also feel a powerful connection with the life force and wisdom of the universe that can guide us every step of the way. We can also receive tremendous guidance in our astrological birthchart, but not one can take our journey for us. We are each explorers of our own, unique life path.
This New Moon is a great opportunity to embrace the expansive magic of Sagittarius because we won’t have another eclipse in the sign of the Centaur for 9 years. Sagittarius ignites within us a need for freedom to explore and expand our understanding of the world beyond the 3D reality. The Centaur carries a bow and arrow that is aimed high towards the stars. As the arrow flies, we are carried into a loftier viewpoint where we can see the bigger picture of our life in greater focus. This higher vista offers us greater perspectives that can inspire us to embrace life choices based on what is truly important. As you read this post, I invite you to explore your highest sense of truth.
Here is a personal truth that I have been wanting to share for some time now. In observing my most instinctive life expression, I see more clearly that my professional path naturally weaves astrology with spirituality. This is who I truly, authentically, unabashedly am. I feel that astrology is a divine guidance system, I believe in angels and spirit guides in all shapes and dimensions, and I don’t need anyone to validate or disprove my beliefs. I honour the truth in all. “One of the most important things you can do right now to support healing and unification on your planet is allowing people to have their own opinions and beliefs, but more than that, holding the space for them to change their minds and truths without the fear of judgement or ridicule. A safe place to evolve is what will support expansion and growth in all, whenever the time is right for each individual and their own evolutionary process. Your love, acceptance, and graciousness is so important as you continue your role as an ambassador of the shift.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
I love to tune into the current messages that are shared by my favorite spiritual teachers, healers and seers, and correlate them with the current astrological patterns. It is incredibly fascinating to observe that any intuitive, heart-centered person can tap into the same universal, archetypal, psychological knowledge. In light of this concurrence, I am sharing a variety of quotes that inspired me when I reflected on the purpose of this powerful New Moon Eclipse.
The fundamental teaching of Sagittarius is centred on the importance of expressing our personal freedom, faith and truth, especially in these turbulent evolutionary shifts. We are learning that “we can be beacons of light, anchors of truth and unique individualized embodiments of total living freedom. The greater freedom is from within. We are called to embrace choices that while intimidating and scary, are only helping you say goodbye to who you’ve been so that you can say hello to who you are now.” ~ Matt Kahn
This Solar Eclipse adventure begins late on December 3rd and early on December 4th, when the Sun and Moon are conjunct at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. Like all New Moons, this is a potent opportunity to set new intentions for ourselves, our community and Gaia. Our inner Centaur wants to give us the permission to imagine our highest visions and feel deeply into our deepest desires. As we transition from the inner depths of Scorpio to the expansive fire of Sagittarius, we complete the important shadow work to release any old conditioning or programming that has kept us from believing that we can manifest our dreams. “Sometimes we do not have to fight so hard in the external world to “get” what we want, but can actually just address those deep places inside of us that are repelling our desires, and shift the energetic from within.” ~ Sabrina Monarch, of Monarch Astrology.
Eclipses operate differently from a regular New Moon. They create energies that can be experienced as somewhat chaotic and unpredictable. It is best to sit with the eclipse energies calmly and see what happens. If you know your birthchart, you can examine the areas of your life that are being fired up between 7 and 17 degrees of Sagittarius for extra clues to your personal journey of expansion.
Recently, while teaching my Level 2 Astrology course, I revisited the esoteric teachings of Alice Bailey in which we learn that Sagittarius is ruled not only by Jupiter, but the planet Earth herself. In order to make the best leaps of faith, the Centaur within us must first plant its feet firmly on the ground. Then, she aims her arrow towards the wisdom of the stars and leaps into a higher level of consciousness to philosophically understand the truth that she already knows in her heart to be true. After this journey into the higher mind, she lands back on the soft earth to anchor this new vision and begin to make it real with the help of Capricorn, the following sign.
What is real? What is true? This New Moon Solar Eclipse is aligned with the South Node of the Moon, the mystical Dragon’s Tail, where we release old energies that no longer support our growth. Individually and collectively, we are shedding deep, ancient, fear-based belief systems that are not rooted in compassion, equality and interdependent harmony with each other and our home planet. This physical connection between Sagittarius and the Earth reminds us that we can feel what is true for us in our own bodies, especially when we spend quiet time in nature. More and more people who are reconnecting with their ancestral roots and becoming custodians of the ancient and stellar wisdom contained on our precious home planet Earth.
In this time of massive shifting, ending and beginning, we may experience sudden, sharp turns in our relationships as we break ties to our past. This frees up the life force that was trapped underneath an old wound or traumatic event. If you remain aware, you will also notice that someone or something new is coming in to your life to replace those lost connections. We can trust that the universe always has a plan!
“As a new fire of life moves through us and the planet, a greater number of people are reclaiming the spark of their soul to express their authentic life purpose with increased urgency.” ~ Lee Harris Energy. This fire energy can feel very painful at first or we may feel like the whole world is on fire; however, with time, something new will grow in those burned down places, just like nature quickly regrows and rebuilds new life in bold, new ways. Like Mother Earth, we are resilient, strong and fierce.
Ultimately, this New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius is lighting a new fire to what we want to create in our lives. It is intense but also very exciting! I would love to hear if you can feel a new fire of vitality rising in your life. I always enjoy reading your comments and am deeply grateful for this Earth walk with all of you.
For information on all my astrological services and exclusive Patreon offerings, please explore the Readings/Coaching section of this site!
With fierce love and faith,
Richard ♐️ ✨