Dear Star tribe, Bonjour, Namaste, 🌟
Welcome to the bright new skies of February 2022! Sending all of you shooting stars of gratitude for tuning in with me today and for every Star Notes. I went for a short walk today where I connected with a good friend and we just heard some thunder and lightning. The sky is communicating strongly! Take some nice deep breaths as we dive into the wild and powerful energetics of this electrically charged New Moon in Aquarius.

This period of time is highly emotional and energetically tumultuous. We need to soothe our nervous system every day by taking regular breaks from communication devices, breathing deeply with our heart and spending quality time outdoors, preferably close to nature. Aquarius is an Air sign that reminds us to breathe some fresh new air. I got caught up in some of that emotional turbulence on the weekend, and needed a very long and therapeutic solo walk in the forest to come back to center. This New Moon in Aquarius is asking us to anchor a new frequency of peace, compassion and sovereignty as much as possible wherever we are.
When the Sun and Moon conjoin every month to initiate a New Moon, we have an opportunity to fully embrace and constructively work with the energies of that Zodiac sign for a whole month. Today, on February 1, we welcome the power of Aquarius by standing strongly and peacefully rooted in the deepest truth of our authentic being. The cosmic Water Bearer represents the part of the human psyche that craves freedom, independence, truth, and personal and collective sovereignty. Like all fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio and Leo), Aquarius can express a powerful determination to remain committed to its truth for a very long time. This explains the legendary ‘stubbornness’ of all fixed signs.
People with strong Aquarian energy embrace new ideas and truths much quicker than most; however, mainstream society can ostracize, discredit and even shame Aquarian souls until the mass consciousness absorbs and accepts this new knowledge or ways of living. Think of all the great artists, innovators, prophets in human history who were persecuted for their beliefs during their lifetimes and then revered as heroes later in life or after death. Aquarius needs to remain vigilant and resilient to resist the battering ram of collective conditioning. It will always be important to open our mind our heart to people who embody a brave new perpective on life. These brave souls could be some of your closest friends, family members, colleagues and neighbours.
We are initiating profound global change and healing one conversation at a time. In this grand evolutionary shift/reboot/reset, the most important thing we can do is maintain honest, civil, respectful communication at all times. It takes immense strength and confidence to do that on a regular basis; yet, “talking diplomatically about something difficult, no matter the risk of judgment or rejection, always winds up being much easier to endure than hiding from the things that need to be said. This is why the truth shall always set you free.” (Matt Kahn) If we feel triggered by an emotional surge, we need to practice self-care and calming activities before we engage with other beings in person and especially on social media. Unfortunately, not everyone connects from that calm, cool place. It may be necessary to disengage and walk away from toxic conversations, delete some posts or change the status of our online friendships. This shows discernement, self-love and self-care that will maintain strong and healthy energetic boundaries.
Aquarius also relates to the importance of tribal or community consciousness where people of like-mind can connect and support each other. These intense New Moon energies are triggering lightning bolts of change that may fragment groups and friendships into new alliances. At various points in our collective journey, our relationships and friendships can naturally shift smoothly or quite dramatically, as the world moves in different directions. We can learn to respect diverging points of view without trying to impose our perpectives on others. Here is a fantastic mantra from Matt Kahn to support all of us at this time: “I respect the sovereignty of everyone I meet and allow them to respect the sovereignty in me.”
Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus, its modern ruler, are tightly wired in this New Moon chart. Saturn is lined up with the Sun and Moon while Uranus forms a 90 degree square angle to Sun-Moon-Saturn. This configuration reawakens the immense pressure between Saturn (control) and Uranus (freedom) that was active all 2021 and continues to be active most of 2022. The vast number of freedom movements rippling around the world such as the Convoy for Freedom here in Canada, are incredibly symbolic of the powerful tension created in this New Moon sky. Astrology reminds us that there is an evolutionary purpose to this pressure. The natural function of Uranus is to challenge the integrity and authority of Saturn, just like in any system of checks and balances. If the Uranian impulse did not live within us, humanity would have no freedom at all. If Saturn didn’t exist, our world would be in constant chaos. On a personal level, Saturn in combination with Uranus can help us to feel more self-sufficient, and anchor a solid and healthy routine that allows space for experimentation and improvisation.
Uranus represents powerful surges of electrical energy that cuts through static and confusion. This bright light can inspire sudden intellectual breakthroughs as the higher octave of Mercury. The build-up of pressure represented by Uranus in square to Saturn can also disrupt normal flows of energy causing disruptions in the food supply system among many other things. The greater cosmic intelligence here is asking humanity to find ways to integrate and synergize these two forces and learn to work together.
There is also a tremendous amount of Capricorn energy in the air at this time, with Mars, Venus, Mercury and Pluto all in the sign of the Sea-Goat. When we embody the grounded power and authority of Capricorn consciously, we are capable of accomplishing great projects that take time to execute. We are invited to take charge of our life ship and follow the navigation of our heart’s most cherished values, priorities, principles and beliefs.
When I contemplate other Aquarian themes, I sometimes see radio frequencies. This New Moon in Aquarius is asking us to become more mindful and conscious of the frequencies that we are broadcasting into the collective airwaves. Consciously or unconsciously, we always attract the vibrations that we emit, which are particularly potent these days. What goes around comes around, so let’s clean our antennae, speak with our heart and send out the strongest, clearest most authentic signal to the planet and universe. What frequency do you want to anchor within yourself and broadcast to the world?
This New Moon is inviting us to connect with the cool wisdom of our higher mind and fly into the skies of new thinking and new possibilities. Imagine yourself standing near the edge of a magical cliff, in a magical world. It is a warm, sunny day and you see many beautiful birds flying around, inviting you to join them in ecstatic flight. You stretch your arms and suddenly create magnificent and powerful wings. Feel yourself taking flight effortlessly and smoothly gliding into the fresh air of a bright blue sky. Aquarius also rules aviation. I love this imagination exercice as it immediately makes me feel calmer, clears my mind and inspires a loftier perspective on human life. From this Aquarian point of view, human dramas feel very far away, and is healing to detach from it all as often as we need.
Ultimately, I sense that this New Moon symbolizes a primal, global wake-up call to humanity. Will we answer the call and shift the way we live on our precious world to reconnect with the Earth and with each other in a spirit of peace, compassion, diplomacy, harmony and unity? Uranus, also known as Ouranos, the sky god in Greek mythology, is teaching us about multidimensionality, which means seeing the world beyond the dimension of right & wrong, black & white. In holistic, multidimensional thinking, we can see all the colours in the rainbow of consciousness at the same time. We realize that life is a constantly shifting and evolving spectrum of infinite possibilities.
I sincerely hope you enjoyed this meditation on the magic of Aquarius and invite you to visit my website home page and join me in my Patreon community to receive all these Star Notes and exclusive weekly content delivered right to your in box.
On the wings of peace, love and truth,
Richard ♒️ 💙