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New Moon in Cancer: Universal Mother

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Warm greetings star tribe, Namaste. 💚

Welcome to the soothing energies of the New Moon in Cancer and the beginning of summertime in the northern hemisphere. The Moon reconnects with the Sun in the 8th degree of Cancer at 10:52 pm EDT, Tuesday, June 28. We are invited to set new intentions and plant new seeds of love deeply into the garden of our soul. Sending everyone warm waves of gratitude for tuning in with me today.

Have you felt any energies shift since the Summer Solstice on June 21st? With the Sun now shining more gently in Cancer, the cosmos invites us to shift the focus of our awareness more on the intuitive, feeling intelligence of the heart. Cancer is a very yin, receptive energy that naturally takes us to a more gentle and soulful state of consciousness, which is a necessary medicine to the exciting but potentially overly stimulating energies of Gemini season.

The passage of the Sun through Cancer marks a period when children reconnect with their families and close friends. Instinctively, humanity begins to gear down and take more time for rest, relaxation, comfort, security and nourishment. Cancer represents the Universal Mother archetype within all of us that is strongly activated at this time to help us flow in life with more ease, gentleness and softness. Cancer teaches us to lovingly take care of ourselves, each other, animals, ecosystems and our home planet, Mother Earth. Reaching out to care for others is also a fantastic remedy for loneliness, depression or abandonment.

Modern society has not valued or supported this fundamental need for self-care, compassion and physical/emotional/psychological/spiritual well-being. Humanity has been programmed to value performance, productivity, work and competition above everything else. These values have been planted for a long time by the top-down control and authority model of the patriarchy; however, we have reached a tipping point in our collective evolution in which this model of living is simply no longer sustainable. Old systems and rigid structures within society will crumble if they were not built with true compassion. The systems of New Earth will be created with the united and cooperative efforts of the women, men and children who live in compassionate community. Realistically, this rebuilding process with take many years, but many seeds have already been planted.

As the first water sign of the Zodiac, Cancer can teach us a lot about the healing magic of water as we are drawn to relax in lakes, rivers and oceans. It is fascinating to observe how water always finds its way down to the bottom of things. Fire and Air signs take us up, Earth signs keep us grounded, and Water signs help us to flow into the depths of the human psyche. Feel the deep emotions of soul or blues music (water) compared to gospel or spiritually uplifting music (fire). Feeling up or high is not better than feeling down or low; they are simply different and complementary expressions of universal polarity, which creates balance and harmony throughout creation.

Neptune becomes stationary retrograde early on the day of the New Moon, which amplifies its frequency in the collective consciousness. In its highest vibration, Neptune can create a new tone of openness, imagination and universal love in which the New Moon in Cancer can bathe in as it births a new lunar cycle. The Moon is a very important planetary influence in this new cycle because it rules the sign of Cancer. Let’s all tune in to the magic of the Moon. Even in the darkness of the Great Mystery, Luna is calling us to attune to her frequency. You may want to start a new journal this month to track your feelings and flowing intuitive guidance.

The Sun and Moon will come together in Cancer forming a close conjunction with Black Moon Lilith (BML). BML represents the apogee of the lunar orbit, its farthest point from the Earth. In similar fashion to Eris, fierce goddess of justice, BML expresses a wild, fierce, strong, liberated, uncompromising aspect of the divine feminine, which will not hesitate to fight for natural law and its most cherished principles and values. Jupiter is another very important planet in this New Moon, and will exactly square the Sun, Moon and BML in Cancer. Jupiter in Aries represents a feisty, passionate and bold rush of energy that can expand our emotional expression. We are likely to see more protests around the world on women’s rights and freedoms. The high road of Aries in square aspect to Cancer is about cultivating a brave heart that can breathe more love, more compassion and more consciousness into the heart of the world. I just felt called to share these words: “I am Love, I am Wisdom, I am Strength.”

In this New Moon sky, Mars in Aries forms a powerful square aspect to Pluto in Capricorn that will reverberate for many days. Mars and Aries symbolize our inner Warrior, while Pluto in Capricorn rules the dark side of power, control and authority that we can see more clearly since 2020. There is an obvious, intense tension here that will cause eruptions of volatile emotions as a result of the crackdown on freedom and sovereignty from structures of authority.

The strong presence of Jupiter can also help us to expand our perspective and perception of family to include our immediate family, our soul family, and the entire human family. Cancer is a very loving sign, and coupled with the energies of a strong Neptune, we have an opportunity to connect with the universal love of the Divine Mother archetype. The world needs a massive dose of love now, more than ever. Let’s energize, visualize and feel the most loving, healing, divine love for ourselves, our loved ones and all life on our precious planet.

The loving energies of this New Moon can also help us to see the treasure that lies deep within our soul through the eyes of our spirit guides and angels. Here is a perfect message from Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young at Trinity Esoterics. “Your inner explorations are not to find what is wrong with you! They are to discover the beauty of the being you truly are and to befriend and love yourself and get to know yourself like never before. You do not need to fear what is inside, Dear Ones, for you are an individuated aspect of Source and what is at your core is absolutely glorious. You deserve to be completely safe within yourself! If you take the time to commune with yourself with love, acceptance, and compassion, you may be very surprised to see yourself open up and bloom into your fullest potential with far greater ease than you could have ever thought possible. Loving yourself is the key to the kingdom that exists within you.”

Summer schedule! I will now be more available for virtual as well as in-person readings in Sudbury this summer. Please contact me to schedule your appointment. There is always so much more to say when we observe the continually changing dance of the planets. I invite you to visit my website, join my Patreon community to receive these Star Notes and my weekly astro weather report called Cosmic Currents. It is my greatest honour to serve you. Thank you for your support of this service!

Cosmic blessings!

Richard ✨ ♋️ ✨

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