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New Moon in Capricorn & the Astrology of 2024

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Star Notes 🌟 January 11, 2024

Dear Star Tribe,

Welcome to the wild and electric energies of 2024! Thank you for joining me. Make yourself comfortable and take your time to process this read. We’ll begin with a short study on the New Moon in Capricorn, exact on January 11th, then share some reflections on the evolutionary magic weaving through the cosmic currents of this new year. In a nutshell, I feel that 2024 will give the world a burst of rocket fuel to support us in rebirthing and embodying more of what we came here to be and do.

There is a ton of Earth energy in this New Moon with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto all in Capricorn, plus Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. The physical power and rugged alchemy of Capricorn with Taurus energizes the archetypes of the Architect, Engineer and Captain in my mind. Our inner Captain asks us to get more serious, responsible and intentional about our life journey and choose where we want to go. The Architect in us wants to imagine and draw up our most authentic dreams, which inspires our inner Engineer to create and manifest them in the physical world. Take some time and sit quietly with these sacred archetypes to receive more clarity, textures, colours and details on your soul visions.

Imagine sitting on a serene and sacred mountain top with a shimmering sky full of stars and planets. Feel the love and support of all your spirit guides as you calmly review your past journeys. What deep truths can you bring forward as valuable life lessons? What does your soul truly want to do next? What actions can you take or strategies can you implement to birth your new visions in the world?

At this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is slowly rising higher and brighter every day. In the Hero’s Journey, Capricorn represents the part of consciousness that is ready to accept and perform its life mission. May this New Moon inspire you to embrace the next steps in your life journey with grace, valour and honour.

The New Moon forms a very close T-square aspect with the South Node in Libra and the North Node in Aries, which activates a karmic portal to our personal and collective soul path. The sky is calling us to carefully examine and release ancient habit patterns that are no longer supported. 2024 beckons us to make new choices that reflect a new fire of strength, courage and wisdom in support of our soul’s deepest desires.

Uranus forms a smooth trine to the Sun and Moon, which can stimulate spontaneous changes, surprising events and global revolutionary energy that will last the whole year. Uranus can be quite unpredictable and disruptive, but it is also very innovative, invigorating and exciting energy..

In 2024, we will feel powerful currents of energy from Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Right after we kick off the year, Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, and Uranus moves stationary direct on January 27. Mercury and Jupiter have just finished their recent retrograde cycles and are now in direct motion as are most planets all winter. The energies are moving fast and accelerating! It is important to cultivate a strong inner sanctuary and sacred space to stay grounded, aligned and maintain loving frequencies for ourselves and the planet. This is another strong period of purging and releasing that will make room for new growth in so many areas of life on a personal and collective level. When the flow is strong, it’s time to trust it stronger. “We each have a current in the ocean of creation and we need to go with that flow because the current knows exactly where we need to go and will take us there.” - (Bashar)

When Pluto shifts into Aquarius on January 20th, it will stay there for most of the year. I will write many more messages on the meaning of Pluto in Aquarius in a separate post, but I want to share one idea here. The shift of Pluto in Capricorn, a heavy Earth sign, to Aquarius, a lighter Air sign, signifies a long-term transition from an emphasis on the physical plane, to a more intellectual, airy, and galactic awareness. There is a renewed passion for space exploration and a major increase in satellites being launched in space recently. We had a paradigm shifting conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius in late 2020, which marked another massive energetic turning point from Earth to Air. This transition to a more elevated, loftier perspective over many years will stimulate humanity to see our glorious planet as a unified whole, like a sparkling jewel in a vast brilliant universe.

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. Aquarius, the Water Bearer, opens our mind and our heart to new ideas, stories, perspectives and mantras. Let’s choose to tell new stories about our lives that foster more peace, acceptance, wisdom and empowerment.  In this great epoch of change, we need to choose our frequency and embrace a greater freedom from the known.

In April and May, we have a very dynamic conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. This unique, expansive alignment only occurs every 14 years, and the last time it happened in Taurus was in 1941. It can generate feelings of uncertainty and external destabilization because Uranus is the planet of revolution, lightning and earthquakes. Yet, it can also stimulate a stronger instinct for internal stabilization in the sign of the cosmic Bull. As the natural Buddha of the Zodiac, Taurus nudges us to cultivate inner peace, making our home a calming, comfortable and harmonious space. We could feel a strong urge to feel closer to nature, plants, trees, animals and water. Taurus also represents financial security and safeguarding our most precious tools, assets and resources. We may experience a change in our values and discover new resources that didn’t exist before. What are your most important resources?

Jupiter represents faith, joy and expansion while Uranus represents freedom and radical truth, so this spring will bring about an an expansion of consciousness to a higher truth, independence and sovereignty within our personal energy field. Can we integrate a greater understanding of universal truth in our physical bodies? It will be very beneficial to do activities that deepen connection to our bodies and nature more regularly this year.

Aquarius radiates a strong genius that questions everything and helps us to see reality outside known and limited parameters. The gift/invitation of 2024 is expanding our power to choose and create a different reality. As Pluto activates the passion, power and purpose of Aquarius, it can inspire us to bring back power and vibrant health to people all over the world. “What if you were suddenly, magically healed in all ways, right now? All your old beliefs and issues, all gone without a trace. What would that look like? How would that be different? We invite you to start living today, from this moment forward, as if it were so. Live it. BE it. Leave it all behind and shine. Many of you are holding on to all that old stuff out of habit. Unzip the heavy coating of old, musty, dusty wounds and step into the light, Dear Ones, and truly, fully LIVE”. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

May you all embrace a stronger, brighter and happier year living in closer harmony with the internal rhythms of soul, natural rhythms of Earth and cosmic rhythms of the universe.


I am available for personal readings on Fridays-Saturdays-Sundays by appointment online or at the Tree of Life North.

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We have expanded our Destiny Readings 2024 to January 20 & 21. Contact us to receive 3 personal readings in one session that blend psychic, intuitive oracle and astrological insights for you in 2024.

Cosmic blessings,

Richard ✨

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