Star Notes - July 28, 2022
Dear Star Family, Namasté.
On July 28, we celebrate the majestic light of the Sun shining through the heart of Leo, the archetypal Lion that lives in all of us. Thank you for joining me as we explore the vivid energies in these New Moon skies.

Leo is naturally connected to feelings of love and joy because it represents the heart space in our physical body and the heart of summer in the northern hemisphere. Did you know that the human heart generates an electromagnetic field much greater than the brain? Every year, the New Moon in Leo invites us to breathe in the love and peace of our heart with the heart of the Earth and the Sun, which is the beautiful star and source of life in this corner of the galaxy. The universe is calling us to increase our internal coherence with deep breathing and by embodying high vibration frequencies such as gratitude, happiness, appreciation and expressions of love.
The regal Lion within our psyche teaches us to honor our unique light and shine with dignity and healthy pride for who we are and what we contribute to the collective. As the Queen and King of the Zodiac, Leo instinctively radiates a grounded confidence and charisma that draws people to its warm and generous spirit. It is a sign of great leadership and inspiration, provided that it shines selflessly with a loving heart. Leo is also a Performer, wired with an instinct to celebrate life with a loud roar, flair and creative self-expression. As the divine Child of the Zodiac, Leo radiates an irresistible playfulness and innocence that is open to give and receive love in all the stages and playgrounds of life. Some people are naturally strong in this energy but we all have Leo somewhere in our birthchart. Look to see where 5 degrees of Leo falls in your chart to consciously embody the noble power of the cosmic Lion in your life.
Leo reminds us that we are creative beings and we can create using colours, sounds, words, fabrics and so much more, but most importantly, we create our reality through the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that we energize every day. At this New Moon, may we plant bold new seeds of intention to be the sovereign rulers of our individual energy field and intend to manifest the most beautiful dreams and joyful reality for ourselves first, and all life on our precious home world. “It is never too late to get creative and find a new version of your dream that holds the energy of what you love in a way that is supported for who you are today. It is your joyful and true self expression that will allow you to fall in love with life all over again, and that is exactly what we wish for you, today and always.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Jupiter radiates a particularly strong and lovely energy in this New Moon as it forms a smooth flowing trine aspect to the Sun and Moon, which will lock in the warmth, confidence and buoyant enthusiasm of Jupiter in Aries through all 4 weeks of this new lunar cycle. In fascinating synchronicity, Jupiter also stations to retrograde motion just a few hours after the New Moon. At this time and for the next four months, we have the opportunity to expand internally and anchor the feelings of joie de vivre, faith, trust, abundance and generosity deep within ourselves. This anchoring of Jupiterian magic will support us internally as we navigate some pretty wild currents in the outside world.
The energies of Uranus and Mars are also greatly emphasized because they are both exactly conjunct the North Node in Taurus in late July and early August. This rare Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction is one of the most significant and impactful astrological events of the whole year. Uranus is the planet of awakening, truth, independence, freedom, invention, innovation and radical change. Ultimately, Uranus represents the spirit of revolution, which describes perfectly well the zeitgeist of the early 2020s. When Mars unites with Uranus in Taurus, it accelerates and increases the volatility of change in the areas of life that link to Taurus: food, agriculture, money, economics, the human body and planet Earth itself. Some people are feeling genuinely excited about these evolutionary waves of change while many others are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or tired from the trauma hangover these last 2 years.
Like it or not, this alignment of Mars-Uranus-North Node in Taurus is igniting a revolution in consciousness that is designed to wake us up and push us to embody the most empowered version of ourselves. At the time of the New Moon, we also see a powerful planetary configuration called a Grand Cross involving Mercury in Leo in a square aspect to the South Node in Scorpio and the North Node-Uranus-Mars in Taurus. Saturn in Aquarius is also square to the Nodes and opposite Mercury. All these planets are in Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, which can create entrenched viewpoints and some resistance to change. Yet, with Uranus and Mars so strong in the collective currents, something has got to give: resistance is futile! When we fully let go and surrender with trust and faith, we immediately create new energetic possibilities by allowing spirit to have a hand on the wheel of our ship to co-create a new reality.
Since Mercury is powerfully wired in to this dynamic, we have tremendous opportunities for breakthroughs in thinking and communication patterns. This morning, I attended a team meeting that produced some new and exciting ideas. The New Moon in Leo is helping us to confidently express the true genius that lives in the collective mind with love and dignity in our heart. In the words of the wonderful astrologer Pam Gregory, in order to ride the waves of collective evolution, we need to focus and “lock on to the docking station of the love revolution.” I love this imagery and I invite you to join us!
To support you in navigating these unprecedented evolutionary waves, I am offering 25% off any astrological reading with me during Leo season, from late July to August 22. Check out my website, choose your reading and send me a message, text or email to book your session live in Sudbury or via Zoom. If you love these Star Notes, you can also join my Patreon to make sure you never miss a post and access my Cosmic Currents weekly post, exclusive to Patreon members. Here is a link to my site, which also links to Patreon.
Big love to all of you!
Richard ❤️