STAR NOTES 🌟 August 4, 2024
Star friends,✨ ♌️✨
Welcome to the lustrous New Moon in Leo, exact on August 4, at exactly 7:13 am ET. I truly look forward to this energy every year because Leo beckons us to relax and take in the glory of life in this amazing world. The seeds of intention that we plant at this New Moon have particularly strong manifestation potential because they connect to the Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8 and because Leo inspires a very creative magic that reflects our heart’s truest dreams and desires. So dream big, know that you are worthy and trust your magic. Thank you for joining me!

Look in your chart to see where 12º of Leo lights up new sparks of creative expression. This New Moon ignites a new lunar cycle that culminates in a dramatic Full Supermoon on August 19. This whole cycle can instil a strong desire to emanate the radiance of our authenticity – even if it may ruffle a few feathers along the way! To be willing to stand solidly in our own truth, as well as to be in the dance of creation as that truth evolves, is embodying our inner Lion.
The New Moon in Leo invites us to celebrate the revitalizing, invigorating, nourishing power of the sun. When we activate our inner Lion, we feel a strong impulse to embody a more sovereign, empowered and confident version of ourselves that can strengthen our heart, body, beliefs and self-worth to initiate bold actions. Leo inspires us to step valiantly in our authentic light and support others in stepping into their true brillance.
Leo energy can be big and dramatic at times, but it can also feel very relaxing, as we bask in the peace of this now moment. At the heart of Leo magic, there is a wisdom that supports more being and less doing, unless what you’re doing fills your cup. Allow a bit of time or a lot of time everyday to rest, relax and replenish yourself.
This Leo New Moon is a canvas of infinite creative potential. Many of us have done a lot of energetic releasing of old conditioning to prepare ourselves for this new phase. Take some time to reimagine and reinvent your life and beam love and gratitude for our precious planet. Play in your imagination and sing, dance, draw, paint, drum or strum with unbridled joy, panache, vibrancy and sacred innocence that comes from your divine Inner Child.
Take advantage of this New Moon to explore the beauty of who you really are and show up in the world wrapped up in this inner radiance and self love. Ultimately, self love is creating a life so wonderful that you never need to escape from. Imagine a spark of golden white light that represents your pure divine essence. Breathe and see this divine light expanding and surrounding all of you, nourishing you and guiding you on your journey.
“Be kind, be real, be humble, keep growing and unapologetically live your best life.” ~Yung Pueblo. Let your life and light be as big and beautiful as it wants to be. If you have a fear of power, that means you’re ready to assume it. You are perfect and more than enough exactly as you are. Trust the power of your magic.
I am learning about the self love formula as taught by Shelley Young at Trinity Esoterics. These four key elements are self care, self acceptance, self presence and self respect. They work best together as a powerful template of creation to boost your manifestation power in this New Moon. “It is your self love that will open the floodgates of a deeper experience of all love. Understand that being in a human body is deciding to enter the playland of experience. This is so you can better know and choose your preferences, which allows you to demonstrate your mastery because that is who you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
This New Moon forms a stimulating sextile aspect with both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, which creates an increased flow of information, communication, and social connection all August. There are many fairs and festivals happening all over the world at this time, sparking wonderful new friendships and opportunities for creative collaboration. I am involved in 3 great new collaborations in August! Details are at the end of this post.
Just hours after the New Moon, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, which may bring some tech and communication challenges, as well as an invitation to consider the many nuances of our inner landscapes, and to eventually clear the clutter. For the next 3 weeks, this retrograde will provide more opportunities to reflect on our health and wellness, and embody the gifts of increased self love and self understanding that this New Moon in Leo can bestow.
Sending warm light & magical New Moon blessings,
Richard ☀️
Please visit my page for more details on these new events!
Release & Reclaim your Magic August 12 (5-8 pm)
Finding Your Cosmic Rhythm August 13 (6:30-7:30 pm)
Metaphysical Sampler & Holistic Market Fair August 25 (11 am - 5 pm)