Star Notes - September 25, 2022
Dear Star Community, Namaste.
Welcome to the strong balancing energies of the Fall Equinox portal and the magic of the New Moon in Libra that is exact on September 25th at 5:55 pm, EDT. Before we explore the powerful energetics that are swirling around the Earth at this time, I invite you to get comfortable and take a few deep breaths. In my view, astrology is a sacred art and is best approached from a calm and heart-centered space. Thank you for joining me.

We have reached the point in the year when day is equal to night and there is cosmic equilibrium between solar and lunar energies. This harmonization effect is one the many gifts of Libra. The divine feminine and the divine masculine within all of us want to come together and initiate a new dance. This is always an important milestone in the world psyche. Libra initiates a new season and activates a time that is very social, lively, thoughtful and communicative. Since Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, we instinctively seek more connection, balance, beauty, peace, love and justice in the world. It is time to do whatever your heart calls you to do to create more harmony and balance in your life. Allow yourself to surrender your fears and doubts, and trust your heart’s intelligence to guide you every step of the way.
While I was walking in the forest recently, I came to a clearing and was drawn to gaze at some seagulls that were circling overhead. I love to watch them drift and soar in the airstreams. As we flow between the earthiness of Virgo to the airiness of Libra, we need to constantly adjust our wings to maintain a balanced and graceful flight. Libra is all about the art of balancing our energy and dancing as smoothly as we can within the space of relationships that unites all of us as friends, family, lovers, neighbours and global citizens.
Libra is the balance point of the power of 2 energies coming into harmony. On September 22, 2022, the magic of 2 is shining brightly! What do you see or feel in the magic of 2?
Sometimes the air can flow intensely. Have you noticed the increase in strong winds and hurricanes lately? The energy of change is circulating wildly on the planet. Jupiter in Aries is closely opposing the New Moon, which will expand the feelings of faith, growth and joy throughout this lunar cycle. Since Jupiter is in Aries, the Leader & Pioneer of the Zodiac, we are called to lead our lives with a renewed confidence as we connect with others in a spirit of kindness and respect. We are invited to channel the uplifting energies of Jupiter to bravely face these winds, and accept, embrace and surrender to them. Then we can spread our wings and allow ourselves to rise up into the air and truly fly on the wings of change.
Pluto is forming close trine aspects with Venus, Mercury, and also with Sun & Moon. These energetics involving the archetypal lord of the underworld are stirring up issues related to power, control and passionate purpose deep within the collective psyche all over the world. We are seeing the eruption of suppressed anger related to freedom in Russia as well as freedom of personal expression, beauty and love with the massive protest movements in Iran this week.
The most potent planetary alignment of late involves Uranus, cosmic awakener, and Saturn, god of structure and authority, which are now forming a close 90 degree square aspect to each other for many weeks. You may remember that Saturn and Uranus formed this exact alignment 3 times in 2021. For a few weeks this fall, we will feel a powerful echo of the unprecedented zeitgeist of the last 2 years. The core message I am getting about this Libra Equinox portal is that we have a powerful opportunity to leave old patterns behind and step into a brighter, stronger future in the now that better reflects our true self.
Ultimately, the stormy clash between Saturn and Uranus is the clash between personal freedom & a new vision for the future vs control & clinging to the past. In the mundane world, Saturn represents rules, stability, centralization, resisting change and enforcing the status quo. Uranus symbolizes the lightning power of evolution, revolution, and a desire for freedom and independence in all aspects of life. It has been an intense tug of war between these opposing impulses but Uranus always wins in the end, because change is the only constant in the universe.
Here is a timely and inspiring message from Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young that addresses the fundamental need for change. “When you try to stay the same, it will feel less and less supported as the divide between where you were and where you are now deepens. It may help to see yourself as having an operating system that requires continual upgrades to keep running at peak performance. Those upgrades are exactly what you are receiving and integrating, and they automatically support new discoveries and opportunities that serve your evolution. We encourage you to allow yourself to flow and evolve because the discomfort you are trying to avoid doesn’t come from change, it comes from trying to resist the tide.” Can you feel the energetic imprints of Saturn and Uranus in that quote? I love how empaths, intuitives and astrologers can all access the same galactic information.
As the mythological god of the sky, Uranus is also connected to aviation. There has been a rapid growth in space aviation in the last 2 years. The Saturn force of gravity and heaviness is real; however, this pressure has also produced an equal amount of desire to break free from the limiting effects of conventional ideology. We are physically and spiritually expanding beyond the known parameters of human potential.
The Aries-Libra polarity and Venus teach us of the importance of self-love. The abundance of retrograde energy lately has been perfect for looking within and learning to love ourselves as we are in our authentic self. When we embrace life from a place of love, the world can easier reflect back with love and we draw others who will love us for who we are. "When you commit to being present with yourself as your own loving parent and guide, you become a consistent source of love and acceptance for yourself, which is absolutely vital for your healing, growth, and expansion, especially if you’ve been in the habit of being hard on yourself in the past. As you allow yourself to be a constant source of love for yourself you can rely on, you will find greater balance and ease because it is coming Home to yourself.” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young)
The winds of change have inspired me to lead a new workshop in October!
Astrology 101: Introduction to the Magic of Astrology will be offered live at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury, October 16th from 1-4 pm, and in virtual format on Zoom October 23rd, 1-4 pm, so that anyone can attend. Please message me for the details.
Sending everyone warm blessings,
Richard ❤️