Gentle greetings, beautiful souls! Sincères et douces salutations!
Welcome to the luminous and enchantingly mysterious energies of the New Moon in Pisces. On Saturday March 13, 5:21 am ET, we are receiving what I feel to be a beautiful gift, a sacred invitation to embrace the most exquisite love we can feel. This New Moon features a unique alignment of Venus and Neptune in a delicate fusion with the Sun and the Moon, all intimately conjoined in the Sign of Pisces. I invite you to fully relax, take some nice deep breaths and join me as we dive in the underwater sanctuary of soul. We will rediscover the much needed magic of Pisces, the Fishes in the cosmic Ocean, where all paths meet and are reunited with the infinite spaciousness of Source. Thank you for being here and journeying with me.

Every New Moon represents a new beginning in the cycle of life. I just received an image of the universe lovingly striking the Moon, like a cosmic bell or tuning fork that vibrates the frequency of Pisces in our collective psyche. It is a wonderful opportunity to centre ourselves and refocus our intentions to make sure they are in alignment with our heart intelligence, and what what we want to co-create with the world. The highest vibration of Venus symbolizes courtesy, beauty, love, art, relationship, grace and forming harmonious connections with everyone and everything in our reality. Neptune is on a similar wavelength, the higher octave of Venus, which represents pure imagination, inspiration, compassion, and pure, unconditional, spiritual love. If you believe in astrology like I do, then you can deepen your trust in the vast wisdom of the Stars that always guides us through life with the most ease and support that is available. It makes perfect sense to me that humanity needs to feel the biggest love and connection possible, especially in these trying times.
Life on Earth has been very confusing, challenging and traumatic in the last 12 months. After a whole year, we are still very much in the throes of a global pandemic that has deeply touched the life of every person in the world, for the first time in our collective memory. On a deeper level, we are experiencing the death of a very ancient and heavy paradigm. The astrological cycles of 2020 powerfully outlined the epic intensity of this evolutionary shift. There is a lot more going on beyond the epidemic. I can feel our planet transitioning from one long epoch to another. We are seeing the beginning phase of the dissolution and deconstruction of many of the structural institutions that have organized human life for a long time. Change is not always easy, especially if we resist and struggle against the very notion of change. Some people go with the flow quite easily while many others struggle with change and feel strong waves of anxiety, depression, anger and loss. The shadow of Pisces and Neptune can amplify those feelings and lead to addictions, destructive escapism, substance abuse and overdoses. The mainstream media do not report these numbers, but they are real and can feel devastating.
The world needs a warm blanket of love and soothing comfort every day. I truly believe that love can be a superpower! May the super loving energies of this New Moon inspire many of us to feel and express the sweetest and most compassionate love possible for ourselves and everyone. This song came to me recently: “What the world needs now, is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little love.” It has been covered many times, but the original is still my favourite: Jackie DeShannon, with lyrics by Hal David and music by Burt Bacharach. What songs, music or activity helps you to connect with your inner muse?
The fusion of the Moon, Venus and Neptune all in Pisces can powerfully activate our imagination and intuitive creativity. In some ways, this New Moon is a gigantic, blank canvas and we all have the artistic tools needed to create a fantastic work of art. We are invited to surrender into and allow ourselves to play with our imagination at this time as a healthy way of coping with the chaotic 3D world. Imagination is another one of our greatest powers as human beings. Our most heartfelt dreams can powerfully inspire us, especially if we believe in our dreams. Dreams inform our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Spring and the regenerative fire of Aries is coming soon. Let’s give ourselves permission to dream freely, without restriction or limitation. In many ways, our lives reflect our capacity to make our dreams real. It is important to remember that Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter’s influence helps us to grow and joyfully expand our reality the more we can believe in the powerful inspiration of our dreams.
The biggest astrological story of 2021 involves a tense connection between Saturn, which represents control, and Uranus, which represents freedom. As the cosmic Awakener and Liberator in the human psyche, Uranus is stimulating humanity to question the power and integrity within the systems that govern health, education, economics, food production, politics and ecology. Isn’t it time that we initiate a massive rethinking and revolutionary revamping of human society? It is happening, now and in every moment! Every soul on the planet is invited to participate in the envisioning and building of a new world. This New Moon can greatly assist and gift us with a new vision for what life on Earth can look like. By working with this cosmic guidance of astrology, we can more powerfully participate in the evolutionary process. What does the Earth of your dreams look and feel like?
Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus. With this connection, I see stars and trees. I just did a visualization exercise with a friend who is a life coach and EFT practitioner. We both envisioned a magical Tree that is rooted to the centre of the Earth and stretches out into the stars. I think this is a perfect and super therapeutic image that reflects the healing power of astrology, woven into the magic of this New Moon. Let’s anchor and root our most beautiful dreams into the Earth of Taurus.
This weekend, I invite you to create some sacred space: give yourself some time off work, relax, burn a candle, play some soft healing music, burn some sage or incense, soak and dream in a lovely warm bath. Take many slow and deep breaths, feel centred, calm, safe and peaceful. Breathe with a hand on your heart chakra and invite the divine into your energy field by praying or connecting with any or all of your spirit guides.
The cosmic Fishes remind us that human life is a continuous, never-ending Flow.
The tide comes in and goes out. We breathe in, we breathe out. Our blood flows and nourishes every part of our body. We have periods of of doing and being, giving and receiving, thinking and feeling, listening and speaking, learning and teaching. The Moon waxes and wanes. We are part feminine and masculine, physical and spiritual, yin and yang. This New Moon is the last wave of winter, the mystical darkness just before the fresh rays of spring. We can relax and trust in the certainty that the new life giving force of spring will soon sprout in Nature and within our bodies.
Pisces reminds us that we can always channel the Cosmic Surfer within us that can flow with the waters and can adapt to anything. As we navigate the wild currents of life, we need to energize our intuitive intelligence and open our feeling centre in order to live every moment with sensitivity and gentleness. This spiritual teaching reminds us that we are never alone: we are always in union with the Universe, which adores and supports us in a myriad of obvious and subtle ways. We are called to maintain a frequency of peace, love and compassion within our being, and broadcast that frequency in heart waves around the world. We are learning the importance of sacred space, meditation, contemplation, and listening to the heartbeat of the Goddess. In this phase, we slow down, take deep, long breaths and get ready to greet the dawn of a new cycle that begins on the spring equinox, only one week away!
If you enjoy these Star Notes, I invite you to visit the homepage of my website and check out my growing Patreon membership options. I am creating a guided meditation to integrate the magic of Pisces and Neptune, and will offer more guided meditations to form a deeper connection with the living symbols of the astrological sky for Patreon members.
I am very happy to announce the launch of my Level 1 Astrology course that begins in May, as well as my brand new Level 3 Astrology Group Coaching/Mentoring Program that starts in April! More details coming out very soon.
Sacred love and New Moon blessings,
Richard 🐬