Dear friends, Chères amies:
Namaste. Group hug! ❤️ We are navigating through some pretty wild waters since that last mega powerful Full Moon. It is normal at this point to think and feel like reality is very confusing and changing everyday, but it seems quite clear that humanity is embarking on an epic journey of extreme change, growth and chaotic evolution. In this collective transformation, we are also getting better at seeing the magic of life all around us when we slow down and open our eyes to see it. Allow yourself to get cozy, breathe deeply and enjoy this reflection on the supernatural quality of this New Moon in Scorpio, exact at 5:15 pm ET on Thursday, November 4th.

Scorpio represents the deepest, darkest, most powerful and most metaphysical energy of the Zodiac. Yet, like every astrological symbol, it has an important purpose in our lives. For eons, humanity has been taught or conditioned to fear the darkness outside as well as the the infinite depths of our inner being. It is the fear of the unknown that ignites most angry actions. However, we find our greatest power in the darkest of times, which is why a dark night of the soul always precedes a profound awakening and increase of self-empowerment. This is were we are! Humanity is rising like the Phoenix out of the ashes of an old consciousness and birthing a bold new world, with strong wings and a loving faith.
When we can merge with the darkness of late fall, we embody the inner Wizard who is always capable of shining a light in any dark place. In Scorpio season from late October to late November, we instinctively begin to retreat into the cozy chambers of the soul, and honour the transformational cycle that connects the autumn with the rebirth of spring.
Because the Scorpio nature within all of us is intensely sensitive and passionate, it can desire to hide from the world to shelter itself from the emotional storms of life. Like a psychological detective, it can go deep within to shine a light on unconscious impulses. I just had to share that when I wrote that last sentence, I was listening to Marvin Gaye sing “What is going on?” Don’t we all want to know what the … is going on? Love Marvin. This shadow work is important and useful but we also need to come back up into the fresh air and sunshine regularly to maintain a smooth integration of our physical, human self with our metaphysical essence. We need to keep on laughing and playing with our inner Child who can see and feel the magic in every moment. We can shine the intimate light of our inner self quietly and calmly or with a wild and creative roar. In this most magical of all New Moons, may you allow yourself to shine your most authentic, beautiful, divine and empowered light.
As the Phoenix rises within us, we are given a sacred opportunity to make any change that supports our next level of growth. We can ask ourselves: “Is there something in my life that I need to change? What am I ready to lovingly embrace or share with the world? What do I need to release that no longer serves my evolution? As the cosmic Alchemist, Scorpio invites us to create sacred space and transform old wounds into new wisdom, using the Light of our evolving consciousness. We have all experienced a radical increase of self-knowledge and awareness of the big picture reality since 2020.
This New Moon is facilitating deep emotional and physical healing that can help us to release built-up tension in the body. The metaphysical power of Scorpio is naturally opposite and complemented by Taurus, the most grounded and physical of all signs. Physical exercise and healing treatments such as massage, Reiki, Body Talk, Active Therapy and vibrational sound healing are all super beneficial at this time. What is most necessary above all is nurturing a new healing awareness in which we can see the shamanic in everything.
Mercury is shifting into Scorpio the day after the New Moon, which will increase our intuitive, feeling intelligence accessed from our gut brain. We are accessing our soul’s cosmic wisdom faster and more powerfully. A growing number of people are awakening to a greater intuitive connection with the Universe, Source, Angels and all kind of Spirit Guides. I feel that we are learning to manifest better and experiencing many more synchronicities. Can you feel that as well?
In this New Moon chart, the strongest planetary influence comes again from Uranus, which is the Awakener, the piercing sword of truth and the cosmic Disturber. You may have noticed that Uranus has been a strong feature of many New Moon and Full Moon skies this year. The purpose of Uranus is to challenge, disrupt and release the grip of excessive and rigid control, which is symbolized by the shadow side of Saturn, another very prominent energy in the astrological weather of 2020 and 2021. The liberating force of Uranus has been wrestling with the controlling power of Saturn all year, and will showdown again one last time on December 24th, pushing the dynamics of rapid change well into 2022.
Uranus is a powerfully transformative energy that causes electrical storms and earthquakes in nature, in our bodies, and in society. It shocks us by revealing secrets, scandals and powerful truths in a multitude of sectors of public life and in our own life. These highly-charged electric storms are helping us to energize a stronger sense of personal and collective sovereignty. I sense that humanity is growing increasingly aware and less tolerant of the manipulation tactics of certain powerful groups that lack transparency and integrity. No one experiences a powerful surge of electrical energy in the same way. The individuals who are naturally strong in the Aquarian/Uranian vibration are loving this feeling and are genuinely excited! Many people will need to manage their energy to avoid feeling overwhelmed and soothe their nervous system with more calming, grounding activities.
“Your authenticity is your greatest gift both to yourself and the world, for it is embracing your truest essence and offering your unique energetic contributions that add to the mosaic of the whole. It is time to embrace the glorious, ever-shifting and evolving essence only you can provide.”.~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
If you would like to shine a light on the authentic and unique magic of your soul and life journey, please message me to schedule a Birthchart /Forecast/Relationship/Child reading or Star Coaching sessions.
Shine on dear friends.
Richard ✨♏️ ✨