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Writer's pictureRichard Malette

New Moon in Taurus: Grounding in Love

Dear star friends, Bonjour chères amies,

Sending all of you calming, soothing and peaceful waves of energy. Take some nice deep breaths, allow yourself to get comfortable, and enjoy this short reflection on the grounding magic of the New Moon in Taurus.

It is overwhelmingly clear that the whole world needs a massive dose of Taurus medicine at this time. The cosmic Bull is asking us to slow down our pace so that we can become more conscious and comfortable in our bodies, as well as appreciative and tuned in to the natural world around us. It is time for radical embodiment.

I met a friend for a fantastic healing exchange on Sunday. She helped me to release some tension in my lower body and visualize a strong flow of chi energy flowing from my heart down one leg into the Earth, connecting with the powerful life-force at the core of the planet and flowing back up like a volcano of hot lava through the other leg up my body, and back down again, a few times. I felt so alive! I feel inspired to do more yoga and grounded body movements. We could also imagine our legs as strong, ancient trees, able to walk majestically in a magical forest, like Treebeard, in the Lord of the Rings. This New Moon in Taurus invites us to reconnect with the primal animal that lives in our psyche and in our human, physical form.

The severe shockwaves that have been reverberating around the globe since last year have left most of humanity feeling exhausted, depleted and in need of deep renewal. The beautiful infusion of Taurus energy in this New Moon is exactly what we need to replenish our inner life-force energy, through self-care every day. Instinctively, everyone knows the simple yet fundamental truth that spending quality time outdoors and away from phones and computers is powerfully healing. Nature is inviting us outside to really feel the warm sun on our skin, listen to bird songs, put our hands and feet on the earth, hug loved ones, and savour the taste of nourishing food. Let’s express heart-felt gratitude for everything Mother Earth provides.

When we are in Nature, we naturally feel more at ease in our body and on our home planet. We are better able to feel how interconnected we are with the living, loving energies around us. From this rooted space, we can better see and appreciate the lush and incredibly complex, interdependent, synergetic field of Earth energy of which we are an important part.

This Taurus New Moon is teaching us to listen to what our bodies are asking of us. Is it more exercise, movement, dance, yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, or perhaps a soothing massage, BodyTalk, Reiki, reflexology, acupuncture, EFT, essential oils, crystals, or singing bowls? Whatever your individual body needs, any of these healing tools can help us to recalibrate our internal energy systems, organs and chakras.

I love this quote on the process of embodiment as explained by Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young. “It means anchoring more and more of your soul self into your physical body. You will be a bringer of energy, not a catcher of energy. You will be honouring your soul mission to have a spiritual experience in human form. Your bodies are working tirelessly to support you and your success. It is safe for you to allow yourselves to have the full experience of being in your body, for that is exactly what you are on the planet to do.”

On a material level, Taurus can symbolize our personal resources, values, tools, treasure and currency. However, on a higher plane or frequency, we are learning more and more that our focus, attention and consciousness are our energetic currency.

Venus, goddess of beauty and love, rules Libra and Taurus. Through Libra, Venus tends to be expressed more ethereally, but in Taurus, Venus embodies a more sensual and physically passionate energy. It is the Taurean part of our human circuitry that loves the rapture of hypnotic rhythms in music and dance.

The magic of Taurus is reflected in the grounded power of the Bull and in the peacefulness of the Buddha. Gautama taught about simplicity, meditation, mindfulness and equanimity as the 'Middle Way’ path to enlightenment. These are the spiritual teachings of Taurus.

Meditating on peacefulness, simplicity, beauty and love naturally brings us to a sense of innocence, which is something that can feel a bit alien in these times. Perhaps this New Moon in Taurus is reminding us that “Your innocence is never lost, it has just receded in order to keep itself safe, and it has just been waiting for you to reassure it that it is now safe for it to come back up into the light. Connect with that inner child aspect of you that has felt it was best for it to hide. Recognize it has been there all along! Let it know you are an adult now and you will absolutely provide it everything it needs so it can get back to the business of being a kid and enjoying all the wonder and innocence that comes from that. Incorporate more play, fun, and magic into your life. This is moving back into the wholeness that has always been there just waiting for you to reclaim it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

There is always so much more we could say but I invite you to center yourself in the grounded love of this New Moon and receive some more wisdom directly from the cosmic Bull and Buddha that always reside in the peaceful forests within.

I hope you enjoyed this meditation and invite you to visit my Patreon offerings, readings and classes through my website if you would like to deepen your connection to the wisdom of the stars. My Level 1 and Level 3 classes have just began and it is not too late to join in.

With grounded peace and love,


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