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New Moon in Taurus * The Dance of Life

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Star Notes * May 19, 2023

Dear Star friends, Bonjour, ✨🌳✨

Welcome to the earthy magic of the New Moon in Taurus, which is exact at 11:53 am EST, Friday, May 19. Thank you so much for tuning in, commenting and connecting with the stars. In this time of energetic turbulence and rapid evolutionary shifts, it is comforting to look up at the sky and find meaning and wisdom in the rhythms of the universe. The New Moon in Taurus invites us to also look down on the Earth and feel the peace, beauty, and love of nature.

There is a tremendous amount of Taurus energy circulating in the world psyche at this time. We have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, North Node and Jupiter all in the sign of the Bull. The universe is powerfully calling us to reconnect with nature, the physicality of our bodies, and the sensual quality of life. Taurus invites us to take the time to appreciate and truly see, touch, smell, taste and hear the wonders of nature. On a spiritual level, the Bull teaches us to slow down our pace, pause more often, breathe deeper and just relax. If you can, lie down in the grass or in the forest and allow yourself to simply BE.

Taurus is also a very fertile, productive, and practical energy. What do you want to create or manifest this year? This New Moon represents the most important time for simplifying, beautifying and solidifying your life. Set a new intention and plant some new seeds into the garden of your most beautiful dreams. The Sun and Moon align at exactly 28 degrees of Taurus; you can look at the house that is activated in your birthchart to see the most natural expression of these intentions. In my chart, this activates my 4th house and I feel a strong pull to beautify my home and attract a new one, closer to nature.

The biggest planetary shift this month involves Jupiter, king of the gods, which just entered Taurus on May 16, and will stay in this sign for a whole year, energizing and expanding everything that connects to the Taurus archetype. On a physical level, we will feel a personal and collective expansion in the importance of nature, land, natural resources, financial systems, food & agriculture. However, we will also feel a deep need for simplicity and peace. The more we consciously embody peace in our body, heart and mind, the more we will create it in the outer world. I can hear John Lennon and Yoko Ono singing “Give peace a chance.”

The shift of Jupiter into Taurus will also create a powerful square aspect with Pluto in Aquarius for a few weeks. For individuals, this can be felt as a push to expand our personal power by expressing our deepest principles, passions and soul purpose. “If you allow your authenticity to be the predominant energy you lead from, you will find it much easier to draw to you the true matches that light you up. Not only are you more than enough exactly as you are, the entire universe is waiting with bated breath for you to accept that so the perfect matches that have been waiting and praying and trying to orchestrate connecting with you can finally be found. Do you see? Being your truest you is what brings the greatest joy to everyone involved.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Only one day after the New Moon, Mars, cosmic Warrior, also shifts into a new sign, the warm fire of Leo. When Mars enters Leo, it also forms an exact opposition with Pluto and an exact square with Jupiter. All these planets are mega stimulated and they all geometrically activate the Lunar Nodes, our collective evolutionary past and future. I see an image of humanity dancing back and forth between the patterns of our past, the magic of the now and the future that we want to create. Keep on dancing with love in all dimensions!

At the exact time of this New Moon, Mars will be in late Cancer, which amps us the instinct to protect and take care of our home and family. When Mars connects with Pluto, there is always a powerful alchemical reaction that happens. Many wars are fought over the sovereignty of physical territory and all the history and resources it contains. Yet, when we operate from a higher dimensional frequency, this is about courageous action in support of what truly matters in life. Mars and Pluto can be used like a sacred forge to create something new. Ultimately, that is what I see as the apex of all this energy is focussed on Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus. This New Moon in Taurus offers many powerful opportunities to generate new forms, create new resources and forge new pathways for our future evolution.

When Mars shifts into Leo on May 20, it will start to initiate a strong drive for creative expression as well as personal dignity and majesty. As our inner Lion begins to roar, we can feel a stronger desire to express our own truth from our own heart. It is time to take our power back, shine brightly and be the leader of our own path, our natural and best life expression.

With Mars in Leo connecting with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus, all in Fixed signs, we could feel a strong urge to dig our heals deep into our desires (Mars), beliefs (Jupiter) and soul passion (Pluto). Expect some big, loud, dramatic and powerful actions around the planet. We can express all that fixed energy in fierce resistance or to build resilience, perseverance and determination towards our personal and collective goals. With Mercury going direct now, there is a forward momentum building.

On May 21, the Sun leaves Taurus and flies into the social skies of Gemini. This announces a lot of shifting, changing and flowing energies in new directions. We will start to feel a stronger desire to engage, communicate and socialize. Gemini is the social butterfly of the zodiac. Spread your wings and contemplate all you want to see and experience this spring. Enjoy the adventure of it all!

The shift of Taurus to Gemini reminds me of the magic of trees that are now fully covered in fresh blankets of leaves, spreading the healing balm of green to soothe and nurture our heart chakra. Gemini brings the refreshing winds and breezes that make the branches and leaves appear to dance in a lovely flow of graceful movements. This time of year reminds us to root deeply into the earth, embody our inner strength, and bend with the wild winds of change.

If you would love to explore the magic of your authentic life journey more deeply, I am available for online consultations and in-person readings at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury and the Little Moon Boutique in Espanola. Please visit my website for details on all my services, and message, call or email me to book your gift of self-knowledge and empowerment. Please consider supporting this service by joining me on Patreon, and receive all my Star Notes, exclusive podcasts and weekly cosmic guidance.

With love,

Richard ☀️

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