Dear friends, Bonjour!
Thank you for joining me and tuning in the magic of this incredibly dynamic New Moon. Let’s honour the physical wisdom of Virgo and acknowledge the fact that we are living in a time in which the world seems to be spinning in a storm of chaos. It will continue to be vitally important to maintain harmonious frequencies as much as we can by finding nourishment in: peace, gratitude, compassion, love, joy, and appreciation for anyone or anything at any and all times.

Every New Moon is always a precious opportunity to set new intentions for the 4-week lunar cycle. Virgo reminds us to focus on very practical, important actions that can improve the quality of our lives in every way. The Maiden ultimately represents order, cleanliness and a purity of consciousness on the physical plane. Lately, I have been contemplating the experiences of my journey in India in 1995, when I visited many ashrams, which are spiritual communities founded on the teachings of a revered teacher or guru. In an ashram, everyone has a role to play and contributes to the optimal functioning of the greater collective. This New Moon can inspire us to create a greater sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being by cleansing and purifying our mind, body and home as much as we can. Smudging and prayer work fabulously to create the purest vibrations. Let’s nurture those new seeds of intention every day.
Mercury, the planetary ruler of Virgo, symbolizes the mind, learning and communication, so this is a fantastic time for healing and optimizing our intellectual powers. When we use our mental faculties unconsciously, we can scatter our energy or become very critical and full of judgments of ourselves, other people and outer events. When we devote too much attention to identifying problems, we dissipate our life-force energy. This New Moon in Virgo is a powerful opportunity to consciously re-program our thoughts and mental pathways with positive, loving energies to boost our individual and collective well-being. Repeating mantras that are based on love and positive frequencies can immediately help to raise our vibration, mood and quality of life. What are your favourite mantras? The magic of Virgo can be used to focus on the here and now with razor sharp discrimination and discernment to make the healthiest, optimum decisions more often.
Like peaceful Taurus and rugged Capricorn, Earth Goddess Virgo shares an appreciation of the magic and beauty of Gaia. Virgo is especially connected to the abundance of harvest at this time of year, and enjoying the healthiest, freshest food available. The fruits gathered from the Earth also offers humanity our best medicine. Virgo beckons us to sit on the Earth, and absorb the healing power of nature, which is so simple and beneficial. Spending time in a pristine forest or meadow naturally calms the weary mind, heart, body, soul and spirit. This New Moon is an excellent period to begin a new health practice of any kind, small or big, it’s all great! Astrologer Pam Gregory reminds us that “New Earth already exists here. It’s a frequency, a consciousness in our mind and heart.”
One of the many archetypes linked to Virgo is the Medicine Woman, who offers a potent healing service using a variety of natural medicines. What do you think is the greatest medicine of all? I would love to hear your answers in the comments. The answer that came to me, is love! I have always profoundly believed in the healing power of divine love. “Love is not only a feeling, but a nourishment to your mind and body. When you are able to love and accept yourself in kindness and patience, it will be easier to love others unconditionally.” (Mary’s Message to the World, by Annie Kirkwood.)
Speaking of love, Venus is involved in a planetary configuration involving the uber intense square aspect between Pluto and Eris that encapsulates the chaotic nature of these times, especially 2020 to 2022. Eris is a dwarf-planet discovered around 2005. Astrologer Henry Seltzer describes Eris as the “Feminine Warrior energy for soul intention. Eris at its most profound level has the virtue of directing us toward our deepest principles, whatever it is that we cannot not do. We benefit from taking up the life task that is before us, embracing soul purpose, tuning our actions to our inner world and our bottom-line values.” This Venus-Pluto-Eris connection is challenging us to show up in all our relationships with as much empowered grace, peace and purpose as possible. How can we be as authentic and loving with our friends, families, neighbours and colleagues around the world?
In this New Moon sky, Uranus is forming an exact and smooth flowing trine aspect (120 degree angle) to the Sun and Moon. I am sure that you have heard a lot about Uranus lately as all astrologers have been talking about its powerful influence all year. Sometimes referred to as the Great Awakener, Uranus is the planet of change, individuation, freedom and revolution, if necessary. Uranus correlates to inventive thinking and creating new solutions to old problems. When we work with Uranus as spirit guide, we can more easily tap into the “creative power of the universal mind.” (Dane Rudhyar) Rudhyar was a brilliant astrologer and wrote many revolutionary books that are still widely used today.
Virgo is mutable sign, like Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. The strong mutable energy of this New Moon reminds us that we are very capable of adapting to the ever-changing cosmic currents. Life is about dancing with the flow of change in the physical world, which is intertwined with the flow of the cosmos. As above, so below.
This New Moon chart includes many harmonious trine aspects between planets in Air signs, and that can generate a lot of beneficial and supportive energies, which are so vitally necessary in this global maelstrom of evolutionary changes. We can see a harmony between Mercury, Saturn, and the Lunar North Node, symbol of our collective evolutionary growth, in Gemini. Venus in Libra is also smoothly connected to Jupiter in Aquarius. All these smooth planetary aspects can foster much needed mental clarity and more intelligent communication and loving connection within all members of society, if we collectively energize that potential.
I feel very excited by the creative power of all the brilliant people in this world who, in this very moment, are contributing to the healing and evolution of Earth with fresh thinking coupled with a strong love and compassion for all beings. What new ideas or initiatives are you birthing at this time? Please know and trust that everyone has a unique purpose and important role to play in this world. The world needs all of us to show up in our most authentic self. Your astrological birthchart is a powerful tool to help you understand and express the totality of your being, which naturally creates a greater sense of joy, fulfilment and empowerment.
I share more detailed reports every Sunday for my Patreon members, in which I address the changing rhythms of the planets as they dance together in the sky around the Sun. If you prefer podcasts, I also create a podcast version of these Star Notes and my weekly reports which are called Sunday in the Stars. I am officially stepping into the role and function of being a full-time astrologer this fall, and I will have more time for readings, consultations, workshops and classes! My 8-week Astrology Level 2 course called “Evolutionary Astrology: Journey of Life and Love” begins online on Tuesday October 5th. As a teacher and educator my whole life, I want to serve by gently assisting any member of the community to embrace their unique qualities and constantly evolving life path. I invite you to text, call, email or message me to book a reading, become a Patreon member or ask any question. Serving you is my greatest joy!
Galaxy of love,
Richard 💚