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New Moon in Virgo: Holistic Recalibration

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Star Notes - August 27, 2022

Dear Star Tribe, 🌟 Bonjour, Namaste.

Sending warm and loving thoughts to everyone! Welcome to the potent and earthy energies of the New Moon in Virgo, exact in the early hours of Saturday, August 27. This New Moon is the last lunar cycle of the summer and a great 4-week wave of energy that will carry us all the way to the September Fall Equinox. Thank you so much for tuning in with me today!

On the eve of the New Moon, I felt a strong impulse to clean my bathtub and soak in a long warm bath with Epsom salts. If you are starting to feel strong urges to clean, organize, improve or plan some new ventures in your life, you are feeling the function and magic of Virgo that comes online in full force at every New Moon in Virgo. The cosmic Virgin/Maiden is a Mutable Earth sign. As a mutable energy, it can help us to open up, allow and embrace more change in our lives, which is an important key to our personal and collective evolutionary growth.

Virgo is also an Earth sign, which means that it is uber practical and values productivity, efficiency and peak performance. Virgo naturally connects humanity with harvest season and all the interconnected ecological systems of our home planet. I felt called to go and sit in a lovely forest by a lake to write this post.

In this New Moon sky, Mars in Gemini is forming an almost exact square aspect to the Sun and Moon, which increases the power of the archetypal Warrior and Leader within all of us for several weeks. I sense that Mars wants to get our attention to purify (Virgo) our intellectual and communication faculties (Gemini). This is a perfect time to heal the throat chakra and focus our thinking process as much as we can. Mars is inspiring us to use our laser sharp mind to communicate our best ideas with courage, confidence and an attention to detail. We can channel our inner Warrior to initiate bold changes, make the healthiest choices and most informed decisions that will enhance our life. We can start making plans and be open to changing, refining and updating them as we receive new information or clarity of thought.

Since Virgo is naturally opposite to Pisces in the Zodiac, the universe is calling us to consciously realign our physical body with our mental body, heart, soul and spiritual nature. There are many healing activities that can support us in recalibrating and harmonizing all the systems within our personal energy field such as: meditation, yoga, BodyTalk, Reiki, massage, hiking, salt baths and moderate fasting.

There is another important planetary configuration wired into these New Moon energies. Venus in Leo is involved in a T-Square pattern with Saturn and Uranus. We are invited to also recalibrate our Venusian circuits, which means allowing some new energies to flow in the ways that we express love, affection, creativity and beauty with the world and ourselves.

On a spiritual level, the shift from Leo to Virgo at this time of year reminds us to feel all the warm joy and life force of the Sun in our heart space, which is the part of the body energetically linked to Leo. Then, take some time to visualize that warm light of the sun circulating through your digestive system (Virgo) and your whole body, nourishing, loving and revitalizing all the cells in your being. Feel free to spend more time on the areas that need or want more loving attention.

This New Moon in Virgo can inspire us to harmonize our relationship with the planet by living a more natural and sustainable lifestyle. No matter what is happening on the global scene, we need to regularly focus our attention on our inner world and cultivate the most peaceful, natural and holistic living practices. In early September, Mercury will begin a 3-week retrograde period, which will help to slow down our thinking and facilitate a deep and necessary self-inquiry.

The shadow expression of Virgo is judgement and criticism, which is a distortion of the natural Virgoan instinct to discriminate and discern what is useful or valuable information and what needs to be composted. This is how our Virgo intelligence “separates the wheat from the chaff.”

Perhaps the highest teaching of Virgo is the principle of pure, joyful service. The enlightened Virgo consciousness asks: “How can I help?” This teaching reminds us that everyone has unique skills and talents that naturally contribute to the well-being of society. We all have a unique role to play in this grand, epic Shift of the Ages. May we embrace our life responsibilities with a pure heart, strong body and peaceful mind. “A dream worth living is not determined by skill or achievement, but how much will, drive, and enthusiasm you feel when venturing in the direction of a chosen path. You must dare to fall in love with the journey that is required to invite an entire world to know you and the gifts you were born to share.” (Matt Kahn)

I have had the great joy and honor of doing many astrology readings lately at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury. I love doing readings in person as well as online. I also offer personal readings recorded on Zoom, if you prefer just me speaking about the magic of your chart or a loved one. Remember that you can also sign up to my Patreon to receive these Star Notes including a podcast version of every post. Please visit the home page of my website for a direct link to Patreon and to peruse all my service options.

Warm blessings,

Richard ✨🙏 ✨

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