Star Notes - October 25, 2022
Dear Star Tribe, ✨ Bonjour! Namaste.
Welcome to the deep, passionate and mystical energies of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. Thank you so much for being here and joining me in this reflection on the celestial energies flowing at this time. Although eclipses can generate stronger and longer-lasting energies than a regular New Moon, they are still very natural phenomena and occur quite regularly every 6 months. Change, evolution and transformation are natural. Perhaps this Eclipse can represent an invitation to love the process of transformation itself.

When the Sun shines in Scorpio from late October through to late November every year, we feel an increase of our emotional awareness and expression on a personal and collective level. It’s important to know that Scorpio is a Water sign that naturally flows with a deep feeling power and infuses the world consciousness with more instinctual, intuitive knowing than logic and reason.
Just as leaves fall from the trees to nourish the Earth in the fall, Scorpio energy awakens the instinct to release our attachments to things/habit patterns/relationships that are no longer beneficial. This alchemical process in nature and in our psyche creates the promise of beautiful new growth in the spring. I recently watched season 1 of the new Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power series, and I learned about the ancient elven tradition of planting seeds into the earth just before a battle, proclaiming: “New life, in defiance of death.” Pure Scorpio magic.
“The passion of Scorpio is to understand the source of life - the secret of the seed. To appreciate the power of the seed, Scorpio must comprehend its opposite: the power of death and the energy that flows from source to seed, to life, to death, and to rebirth.” (Elizabeth Rose Campbell, Intuitive Astrology)
The mystically charged New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25, features a very close conjunction between the Sun, Moon and Venus in the early degrees of Scorpio. The prominence of Venus in this New Moon sky will energize the themes of relationships, values, beauty and artistic expression over the entire 4-week lunation period. If you know your birthchart, see where 2 degrees of Scorpio falls in your chart to set bold intentions and manifest the most beautiful and beneficial outcomes.
Venus symbolizes love and beauty because it is the brightest orb in the sky after the Moon. After Venus completes its alignment with the Sun, it will once again grace the skies as the Evening Star in the next few weeks. Venus also represents relationship and connection because it is the closest planet to Earth. I imagine Venus giving Earth an eternal loving embrace in the sky. In this New Moon cycle, we have a powerful opportunity to reconnect with our own soul, psyche and body with deep compassion, honesty and tenderness. Scorpio is an extremely gentle and loving energy, but it needs to feel very safe in order to surrender into these depths of vulnerability. We need to create sacred space by cleansing with our favourite medicines and prayers, and inviting our favourite spirit guides. Then, we can take some time to breathe deeply, release tension in our body, and engage a compassionate conversation with our deep self. This New Moon is a time to be very honest with all the feelings and truths that our soul wants to share with us.
Every human being on the planet has experienced profound change in the last 2 years. Let your soul communicate to you how you have changed, how your relationships, friendships, service contracts, values, desires and beliefs have transformed in some way. This Scorpio New Moon can support us in accepting and allowing the release of all these old energies with gratitude for their purpose. In the alchemy of death and rebirth, it is also important to embrace, honor and appreciate the new energies that have already come in to replace the old ones.
There is a tremendous amount of magic and beauty in the Venus archetype and in the way it orbits the Sun, including the magical Venus Star Point. As Venus travels around our star, the goddess of love creates a perfect pentagram pattern in space every 8 years. This Venus Star Point occurred in the last degree of Libra, which strengthens the influence of Venus as the ruler of Libra. We are feeling more heart-centered. Astrologers and intuitives are predicting a renaissance in the arts, law & justice, relationships and the power of love itself to change the world this decade in this grand Shift of the ages!
May this New Moon Eclipse and Venus Star Point inspire all of us to plant new seeds that go deeper into the alchemy of loving transformation and imagine an exquisite future for all life on our precious Earth. We are creating a new reality, a new world and a new Earth in every expression of connection, love, patience, gratitude, joy and faith.
I am excited to share that I am expanding my service as astrologer through consultations, teaching and writing! I invite you to reach out to schedule a reading, join my Patreon community, or inquire about my next workshop/class.
Peace & Love
Richard ⭐️