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Reflections on the Magic of Pisces and Mercury Retrograde

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chers amis, 💜 Namaste Welcome to the gentle and dreamy energies of Pisces, the cosmic Fishes. Thank you for joining me in this deep dive exploration of the magic of Pisces with a reflection on the cosmic weather for this time.

Since the Sun’s ingress into the unique energetic matrix of Pisces on February 19th, I am quite certain that you have been feeling a shift. I find that the skies of late are casting a bright yet beautifully soft, numinous light. Do you feel it as well? The message from the Stars at this time is to energize our intuitive intelligence and open our feeling center in order to live every moment with gentleness, sensitivity, tenderness and compassion. If you read these Notes regularly you know that I value peace, love and compassion very much. I am very happy to deliver that core message once again because I feel that the greatest teaching of Pisces is to channel the purest, most unconditional and divine Love that we can for ourselves first and then to everyone and everything on this planet. After many weeks of intense and fast moving energies since January, the Fishes remind us to slow down, take deep breaths, soak in warm baths and chill out. It is not a coincidence that Pisces time coincides with university reading week and soon it will be March break. Truth is, we all need a break these days, right? If we don’t allow ourselves as much down time as we need, life will step in and may create situations that will force us to gear down for some much needed rest and relaxation.

In my mind’s eye, Cancer energy connects to flowing rivers, Scorpio refers to deep, still lakes, and Pisces symbolizes ocean energy. As a mutable sign, Pisces is very flexible, adapting with the never ending ebb and flow of life and all the currents of energy within and around us. Pisces is the last sign, the last stop on the cosmic odyssey through the Zodiac. Physically and metaphorically all paths ultimately find their way to the ocean, which has always been a symbol of mystery, magic, infinity and oneness. The Sun’s journey through Pisces can be perceived as a slow, deep, long breath before the birth of spring, which awakens Aries, the Ram, and sets off a new journey of development through the Zodiac.

Archetypally, the Fishes refer to the Dreamer, the Poet, the Mystic, as well as all forms of escapism, addiction and martyrdom. At this time of year, or if you are born with a strong Piscean signature, we may experience powerful currents of energy that can inundate our consciousness with a tidal wave of feeling. If this happens, we basically have 3 choices: 1. Allow ourselves to be crushed by the intense feelings and lose ourselves in those emotional undercurrents. 2. Escape into any activity that will temporarily numb us from the pain and craziness: television, social media, alcohol, drugs, sleeping, sex, work… the list is infinite in the modern world. 3. Acknowledge and honor those feelings and then release them to the Universe. In truth, we probably make different choices depending on the day. The spiritual teaching of Pisces is to remember that we are never truly alone: we are always All One, in union with the Universe, God-Goddess, Source, Spirit, which adores and supports us in a myriad of obvious and subtle ways.

If you follow the news or can feel into the pulse of humanity, you know that the fear of the coronavirus is spreading deeper and wider every day, much faster than the virus itself. There are so many things in this reality that we can’t control: wildfires, powerful disease, drought, flooding, famine and war. The one thing that we can control is our response to these challenging situations. We can choose to respond in the spectrum of fear/anger/denial/panic or in the spectrum of love/peace/compassion/courageous action. I believe that if we have the ability to see that in the big picture reality we are all interconnected threads in a global energetic tapestry, then we have the spiritual responsibility to maintain a frequency of peace, love and compassion within our being, and broadcast that frequency in heart waves around the world. This may or may not stop an epidemic, but it can soothe the human spirit, which is in need of healing tender loving care. Please join me in sending loving, healing, compassionate vibrations to all beings everywhere.

Pisces often indicates non-ordinary states of consciousness, everything from wild hallucinations to sublime experiences of connection with Totality. The high road of Pisces is spiritual surrender, which means remembering that we are not separate egos. This realization helps in letting go of fear and allowing ourselves to trust life. When we accept and honor the spiritual dimension of reality, we allow the universe and a team of celestial and earthly guides to lead us forward. It is important to remember that Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter reminds us that we live in a universe of infinite abundance. Neptune teaches us about trust, surrender, faith and flow in divine love.

Pisces is also the symbolic gateway to unlimited imagination, inspiration and vision. Imagine boarding a ship and setting out into a calm sea at night, miles away from shore, under a cloudless sky. You are now breathing in the magic of Neptune, god of the seas. What do you see? Mysterious emptiness under you and sparkling, infinite space above you. How do you feel? Some of you are going to feel euphoric and teleported into another dimension, while others may feel lost and longing for shore. The ocean waters of Pisces and Neptune have cast a spell on us for eons, especially in the heart of sailors, mystics, artists and poets. May you embrace the magic of Pisces and sail into the enchanted waters of your creative muse in order to visualize the next steps in your personal life journey. Let’s also take the time to envision a beautiful, peaceful, enlightened future for this world. 💜

The ebb and flow in the ocean of Pisces symbolism is also a powerful metaphor for navigating the world of relationships. The Fishes remind us that there is a natural rhythm that governs partnership: a time for closeness and also a time for solitude, especially for the more energetically sensitive. Some of us need more sacred solitude to tune in the depths of our being and swim in the sacred realms where soul mingles with spirit.

“Being willing to embrace ebb and flow within your partnerships allows you the joy of reconnection, time and again, which ultimately creates security and satisfaction for both and the experience of safe connection. It provides exactly what you need for the growth and expansion of the individuals as well as the relationship as a whole”. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

And now a word on Mercury retrograde in Pisces. As most of you know, Mercury is in retrograde motion from February 16th to March 9th. This particular retrograde can create much chaos! This is a time of humility, compassionate collaboration and patience. The successful navigation of this Mercury retrograde in Pisces is about letting go of trying to understand life rationally from our external senses and turn on our much more intuitive “under water perception”. When we open your eyes under water, we enter a world where time and space and our sensing intelligence operate differently. We can receive cosmic downloads or sudden insights when we are in or near water. So take long baths or walks near water if you can. It is also a perfect time for meditation, contemplation, chanting, listening to the heartbeat of the universe and honoring the dream world, where our unconscious mind is allowed infinite freedom to explore. When Mercury is retrograde, we can feel confused, but when we are calm and centered, we can receive a crystal clear message that says yes to something very specific. Trust it!

“Embrace the spaciousness of this time. Use it like a quantum reset button. Approach it like a new land with magical discoveries just waiting to be made. It is how you enter the land of potentials and possibilities that holds all the energetic support for your greatest creations to come to life.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young.

Sending gratitude to Shelley Young of Trinity Esoterics, Kaypacha, Lara Newell-Barrette and the Stars for the inspiration to write this new post!

Sending love and gratitude to all my clients, students, colleagues and the Tree of Life North for nourishing my growth as an astrologer and human being. Merci infiniment!

Love and infinite blessings to all of you! Richard ❤

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