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Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra * Sacred Balance

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Star Notes * October 14, 2023

Dear star tribe, Bonjour,

Sending everyone warm waves of loving energy. Our home planet and global family need a strong boost of sacred love and divine light, and I sense that is ultimately the highest message and purpose of this Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse. I trust that many of you will resonate with these messages. Since the collective vibe on the planet is so intense these days, I feel called to bring some intention to our internal energy system.

Like many of you, I have been reflecting on the concept of time, freedom, relationship, balance and the most important priorities in life. I received a clear message to let go of a service that I was doing every weekend that took many hours to complete, but wasn’t a priority. I feel much lighter and freer since making this decision. This Eclipse is illuminating the ways in which we can create more harmony and a stronger sense of balance by letting go of activities and habit patterns that create imbalance in any area of life. We are learning to better manage our energetic boundaries so that we can realign our mind, body, soul and spirit in sacred balance.

This New Moon Eclipse in Libra is helping us look at life and all our relationships in a new light. To live a balanced life, we must allow ourselves to receive as much as we give. I truly enjoy writing these Star Notes; it is a very stimulating and creative experience, and I feel a strong sense of honour, contentment and fulfilment offering this service.

One of the many important energetic features of this transformative Eclipse involves Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype in close opposition to Mercury, planet of intelligent communication. This Eclipse shines a bright cosmic light on our individual and collective healing journey especially related to our thinking and communication patterns. We are called to use our voice to heal karmic wounds, speak deeper truth, and spark deeper connections & profound conversations.

Pluto, lord of the underworld, has been strongly vibrating for most of the year as it forms a long-lasting square aspect with the Lunar Nodes, symbols of our past habit patterns and future growth. As Pluto dredges up deep and ancient intergenerational wounds, it is time to address transformational grief, reckoning and rebirth. “Although we have been conditioned to fear and avoid the heaviness of grief, we are learning to dance with the transformational energies of grief better than before. It’s important to allow ourselves to feel all that is coming up and letting it move through us.” (Lee Harris Energy) As we learn to better integrate the interconnection between life and death, it increases our awareness to be more present, grateful for the magic of life and more embodied in every moment.

Eclipses happen when the New Moon or Full Moon are conjunct the South or North Node of the Moon. Astrologer Suzanne Gerber calls them “karmic exclamation points, suggesting that whatever is coming up around those archetypes has a soul-level significance. If we’re paying attention, dodging triggering tripwires, and doing our human best to stay conscious, well, eclipses can be like gateways we pass through to accelerate our efforts at self-awareness and seeing shadow for what it is: a projection of our unclaimed and unhealed psyche.”

The South Node is in Libra while the North Node is in Aries. As the cosmic Warrior, Leader and Pioneer, Aries reminds us to stand up and hold space for ourselves so we remain strong in our personal sovereignty. We can then better hold sacred space for others and maintain healthy energetic boundaries. This emphasis on the Lunar Nodes can help us reconnect our past and future in new ways, by stretching our self-awareness beyond present life conditioning. We can access the authentic personal wisdom and skills that we developed in previous life expressions and offer them in new ways in these accelerated time lines of evolutionary growth.

Eris, mythological sister of Mars and feminine warrior for soul intention, has been in close alignment with the North Node since the summer. We are feeling Eris powerfully. This universal archetype is very bold, fierce, powerful and can be uncompromising and relentless in pursuit of truth, justice and equality. With Eris booting the North Node in Aries, we are also feeling a strong impulse to make strong and fast leaps of faith like never before. The accelerated Flow is supporting big, sudden changes. Uranus, planet of awakening, freedom and revolution, is forming a close quincunx aspect (150º) with the Sun and Moon. Uranus also rules earthquakes and lighting storms of change that can create tremendous chaos for a time, but also awaken us to see reality in a different light. Eclipses can foster quantum leaps on our individual and collective path.

The Warrior aspect is glaringly intense at this time. Can we energize the sacred warrior and initiate action with a balanced heart, mind, soul and body? Aries also stimulates the great Pioneer within that is birthing many new ways of living and being, to help us live in greater connection with all life. As the cosmic Leader of the Zodiac, the Ram can inspire us to be the empowered Leader of our greatest and happiest life.

This world truly is a fantastic teacher of balance. One of the reasons why there is an increase in the darkness in the world is because there is an increase in higher dimensional or divine frequencies on the planet. As the dark rises, so does the light. Here is a beautiful message that encapsulates the wisdom of these tumultuous and unprecedented shifts. “You are on the precipice of great and monumental changes on your planet, both within and without. The shift that you are all going through at this time is about shifting from the old habit system of doing, doing, doing, in order to hopefully be, one day - into allowing yourself to Be, and through your beingness, then take inspired action to Do. It is safe to be the divine you that you came onto the planet to be. In fact, that is exactly what you are on the planet to do. It is your highest service and your embodiment process.” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young of Trinity Esoterics.)

Cosmic Light & Love,

Richard ✨

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