Dear star friends, Bonjour,
Welcome to the invigorating, healing fire energy of the Spring Equinox on March 20th and the New Moon in Aries on March 21st! I will also share in this report a few insights on the powerful shift of Pluto in Aquarius which happens only 3 days after the equinox. Please get comfortable, strap on your seatbelt, and enjoy this ride as we explore the energetics ushering us into the rebirthing magic of spring 2023!

The first thing I would like to talk about is the intensity of these times and its effects on our health and wellness. When you consider the unprecedented solar tsunamis, spikes in the Schumann Resonances that measure the Earth’s electromagnetic frequencies and the powerful astrological shifts lately, it is no wonder that so many people are experiencing a variety of health issues including sleep disturbances, fatigue and mysterious aches and pains. Personally, I am just coming out of a challenging week as I begin to feel this new fire and radical rebirth. This new fire is helping us to blast through some very old patterns and dense energies, which could also bring up energetic residues that are ready to be healed and transmuted. Stay open to the flow with faith and trust. Thank you Aries and thank you spring!
It is time to embrace this fresh, new rush of life force energy that is designed to open up many doors and possibilities in any area of your life. If you know your birthchart, feel into the energies that 1 degree of Aries activates in your life. In my chart, it is the 2nd House near my natal Chiron. I am feeling a strong urge to invest in many resources that I know will activate a strong healing rebirth. What about you? Feel free to share in the comments below.
My friend Shelley Young of and many astrologers have been talking a lot about the epic birthing process that began at the winter solstice when we collectively entered a birth canal. There have been massive squeezes and contractions! We are now at the pivotal apex of the process that will bring a new balance point in our individual and collective journeys. The spring equinox always ushers in a new equalizing and balancing force as daylight is now equal to nighttime, and the days will begin to get longer, here in the Northern Hemisphere. Yay!!
Aries, the Ram, is the first sign in the Zodiac cycle. It embodies the archetypes of the Warrior, Leader and Pioneer in the human psyche. Through Aries and the planet Mars, which rules Aries, we feel a stronger courage, bravery and willpower to face and breakthrough any challenging circumstances. Aries is also the tough and resilient Survivor in the human spirit. We have faced the most physically, emotionally and psychologically intense years of our lives since 2020. The zeitgeist of this entire decade is indeed the most massive and important death and evolutionary rebirth we may ever experience! I honor all of you strong souls for braving the storms of change as we birth a new consciousness and a more evolved humanity on our world.
We are now entering brand new, unchartered territory. This equinox and New Moon in Aries are calling all of us to see and feel into our deepest desires with as much clarity as possible. What do you truly wish and desire in your life from the deepest part of your soul and heart? Astrology is only half the picture; how we choose to express the planetary energies completes the picture. Human free-will and consciousness are always the ultimate wild card and super power. Our future is not set. We co-create our future in alignment with our thoughts, beliefs, values and actions. Go for it, brave souls! The more we all embody the courage to do what we truly want for the highest life expression for self and all, the more we collectively create a new reality and a new Earth.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, but it is also ruled esoterically by the planet Mercury. Esoteric rulerships operate on a soul or spiritual level of support, and are fascinating rabbit holes to explore. I really appreciate this esoteric connection between Aries and Mercury. When Mars is too strong in the expression of Aries, we see impulsiveness, unconscious reaction, aggression and violence. When we can consciously initiate actions with intelligence and thoughtfulness, we express the high road of possibilities and truly create wonderful and powerful changes for self and others. Together, we can change the world in fantastic new ways when we think and act bravely and intelligently.
At the exact moment of the spring equinox, on March 20, the Sun moves into 0 degrees of Aries while the Moon is in mid-Pisces. Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces, is loosely aligned with the Sun and also with the Moon at this time. Therefore, the influence of Pisces and Neptune will remain strong this spring, and ideally infuse the collective atmosphere with increased love and compassion in all our actions. Love will always be the most important ingredient in the recipe for intelligent change.
Speaking of love, it is important to note that Venus, planet of social love, beauty, peace and relationship, is almost exactly aligned with the North Node in Taurus, in this spring equinox and New Moon. As the symbol for evolutionary growth, the North Node, in alignment with Venus is reminding us to move forward with love, peace and and conscious connection with each other and the planet. Earth is our home and an incredibly loving, generous and loving guide. In your birthing meditation or visualization, I invite you to see yourself grounding and connecting with the Earth in its purest, exquisite form.
I recently saw a video of some friends and their beautiful baby taking his first steps. So heart-warming and exciting! On some level, we are all taking our first steps towards a very exciting future. We don’t have to know all the steps of our journey, just the first or the next ones. As we get comfortable in this new energetic space, we will soon run faster, longer and stronger every day. What new steps do you want to take this spring? Shout-out to all parents of young children! Your love, patience and encouragement are vitally important. Bravo!
Let’s now address the mega important shift of Pluto into Aquarius. This is very significant because Pluto rarely changes signs, and when it does, the world feels powerful reverberations from the lord of the underworld. Pluto, aka Hades, represents the cycles of death and rebirth leading to massive transformations, as well as our deepest fears, desires and subconscious programming. Its energy is the fire to destroy as well as the power to rise up out of the ashes of destruction into new forms. When Pluto enters a new sign, it intensifies and reveals some of the shadow expressions of that sign, and shifts power dynamics on the world stage.
Pluto last changed signs in 2008, when it entered Capricorn shortly before the global financial crisis. Since then, we have witnessed the intensification of authoritarianism, top-down power structures in global corporations, governments and banking. Pluto is now entering Aquarius for the first time in nearly 250 years, but only until June. Due to retrograde motion, Pluto will go back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn until November 2024, and then will remain in the sign of the Water Bearer for 20 years. We are already seeing massive shifts in many social, political and economic structures.
Over the next few years, Pluto will expose the shadow side of Aquarius regarding artificial intelligence, humanitarianism and technological advancements to name a few. However, we will also the rise of People Power to a much greater degree as communities around the world cooperate to foster a stronger sense of freedom, equality, sovereignty, self-sufficiency and empowerment. We are also going to see fantastic innovations and technological inventions in health care, transportation, aviation and in many spheres of social life that we haven’t even imagined yet. Aquarius is the Revolutionary & the Genius of the Zodiac, and is very progressive and future thinking.
Voilà! I truly hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed researching and writing it. These Star Notes always inspire me to explore astrology and keep on learning as an eternal student of the stars. I will be announcing the dates for a new Astrology 101 workshop coming in April (virtual and in-person) as well as the launch of my new in-depth Level 1 Astrology course starting online in May. Please reach out to me privately if you are interested. I am always available for astrological readings, and invite you to join me on Patreon to receive all my offerings.
Wishing you all joy, courage and confidence in all your new journeys!
Love and lightning,
Richard ❤️ ⚡️