New Moon in Aquarius * Wild Waves of Evolution
Dear star friends, Salut! ♒️
Welcome to the wild and electric energies flowing through this New Moon in Aquarius, exact at 6 pm, on February 9th. What do you see and feel when you look at the Zodiac symbol for Aquarius? I see energy waves that symbolize strong rushes and impulses for (r)evolutionary change. I feel that this New Moon reflects the core vibrational textures that will colour much of 2024. Galaxy of gratitude for joining me! May you receive these star notes as harmonious music for your soul.

This New Moon in Aquarius greatly stimulates the Air element in the collective. Over the 4 weeks of this lunation cycle, we can experience a rush of new thinking, revelations and downloads of new information to help us gain greater insight into our personal and collective reality. Many of us will rediscover who we are and how we can better integrate and support life on planet Earth as we ride these wild waves of accelerated change.
The Sun and Moon in Aquarius are in a very close square aspect with Uranus at this important New Moon, which highlights the mega influence of Uranus in 2024. Pluto’s recent shift or ingress into Aquarius, which last happened during the American and French Revolutions, also boosts the transformative alchemy of change. This New Moon and the energies of 2024 are ushering in a new paradigm and cosmology that can feel very chaotic one moment and very exciting the next. The universe is reminding us that it is time to more profoundly change the ways that we have been led to think about and believe what was true, real or possible in life. As we change our personal beliefs around the entire human experience, we effect change in the world.
I feel like humanity is embarking on a radical journey of awakening akin to so many iconic stories, mythologies and movies like The Matrix, when Neo takes the red pill and Morpheus says: “It means, buckle your seat belt Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye-bye.” We can trust that it is safe to embrace a new and better life. “You shall change, you will change, you must change, because this is the season of change.” (Barbara Marciniak, Family of Light) Uranus represent the creative power of the universal mind. Take some time to plant clear and strong seeds of intention for this lunation cycle. Think it, see it, believe it, and feel it in your heart and body to manifest it in your world.
It is increasingly necessary to question everything we hear and see in mainstream media, and explore alternative media with an open mind and warm heart to see and feel reality in greater coherence. One of the gifts of practicing mind-body-heart coherence is that it opens a doorway to seeing and reprogramming our subconscious belief systems that drive our deepest and most repetitive behaviour patterns. As we release our old conditioning, we rise like the Phoenix, reborn, revitalized and ready to embrace a new way of living on new Earth.
These New Moon Aquarian air waves will propel us forward into a lighter, multidimensional space that can support us in busting out of ancient belief systems and soul cages that have impeded our natural growth as sovereign beings. Not everyone is feeling this of course, but I see many people expressing their authentic light, power, joy, beauty and magic more boldly than ever before. It is truly beautiful and awesome to witness.
Did you know that you can develop a relationship with the Sun, Moon and planets like spirit guides? If you are open to this way of connecting with our galactic support system, invite Uranus as a beneficial and benevolent spirit guide to help you understand and let go of your resistance to change. Ask your higher self to support you in the art of trusting and surrendering to beautiful change, to shake things up and break down stuck energy in any area of life. Can you feel the parts of you that are ready to change?
This New Moon in Aquarius is another big wave carrying us more deeply into the Age of Aquarius. This new cosmic flow is divinely designed to assist all of us in feeling and embodying a new level of self-love, freedom, independence, authenticity, sovereignty and kundalini life force energy. Be the cosmic surfer of the waves of change in your life to more fully embody the change you want to see in the world.
Over the next few days, Mars and Venus will enter Aquarius and align with Pluto in Aquarius, which greatly stimulates our ability and desire to reconnect with our deep subconscious motivations and relationship instincts. Let’s be clear: this whole process can be messy! However, it can also feel very exciting and liberating. In French, there is an expression: “le coup de foudre”. It refers to the strikes of lightning that can suddenly ignite a new love or passion for life. I love this fascinating synchronicity between Valentine’s Day and Aquarius/Uranus. Let’s embrace this “coup de foudre” to awaken and energize all our chakras for a new loving connection with all life, animals and ecosystems on Gaia.
Shout out to all my dear friends who assist me with creative design and technical support that keeps Richard Malette Astrology running. I couldn’t do this without all of you! Shout out to my fans and supporters on Patreon and to all of you beautiful souls who journey with me for personal readings or group classes. Merci infiniment! And sending big love to my fave Aquarius of all time: the great Bob Marley who continues to rock my soul and stir my heart with his incredibly energizing magic. May this New Moon spark your mind, body, heart and soul in the most beautiful and wonderful ways! Art by Tuco Amalfi.
If you would love to study astrology more seriously, I am stoked to announce the launch of my 8-week course: EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGY LEVEL 1 * Journey of Self-Discovery. It will run on Zoom from Tuesday March 5th to April 23rd, 6:30-9 pm. I already have a few people signed up so if this journey is calling you, I invite you to contact me asap to secure your seat as I limit my classes to 8 participants.
Love and lightning,
Richard 🩵⚡️