New Supermoon in Pisces * Alchemy of Change
Gentle greetings star tribe, Sincères salutations,
Welcome to the deep and multidimensional energies of this New Supermoon in Pisces, exact on March 10, 5:00 am ET. This New Moon features Neptune and Saturn with the Sun and Moon, all conjunct in the Sign of Pisces. Thank you for journeying with me as we dive in and explore the soul, spirit and magic of the Fishes.

Life on Earth can feel very confusing, disorienting and challenging, which can create fatigue, illness or shutdown. The astro cycles of this new decade clearly outline an epic evolutionary shift. As our planet is transitioning from one epoch to another, we are seeing the beginning phase of the dissolution and deconstruction of many structural institutions that have organized human life for a long time. Some people go with the flow quite easily while many struggle and feel waves of anxiety, depression, anger and escapism. Practising mindfulness and stillness are vital these days. “In reality, it is through stillness that every wonder of the universe can be experienced. In this age of constant distraction, remember stillness is something your soul absolutely requires. Distraction feeds the mind, stillness feeds the soul.” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
In this symbolism of Pisces, we see one Fish swimming up and another one swimming down. This New Moon invites us to reconnect our human self with our soul and spiritual self more consciously and powerfully. “For most of you, unleashing the full power of your soul consciousness into your human life is the scariest of all. Yet, the more power and light you have in your mind, your heart, your awareness and in your ability to interact with the outside world, the more you become an alchemist for good on the planet.” (Lee Harris) Take some time to feel your light and your power right now. What do you see, feel and sense? Lee Harris also offers this affirmation: “I allow my power and light to gently arrive in me now.”
I truly believe that love is a superpower. May the loving energies of this New Moon inspire many of us to feel and express the most compassionate love possible for ourselves and everyone. What activities help your mind and body feel more aligned with your soul and spirit? This New Moon also invites us to root our most beautiful dreams into the Earth of Taurus, and to love and honor our physical body as the home and temple of our soul in this life.
The alignment of the Sun, Moon, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces can powerfully activate our imagination and creativity. Pisces reminds us that our imagination is another great superpower. Our most heartfelt dreams can powerfully inspire us and inform our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The influence of Saturn can boost our motivation and capacity to make our dreams real. Saturn’s strong placement in this New Moon can stimulate a focus on practical, physical and structural support for our soul’s deepest yearnings. Every soul on the planet is invited to participate in the envisioning and building of a new world. What does the Earth of your dreams look and feel like?
In this New Moon sky, Mars in Aquarius is forming a close square aspect with Uranus, planet of awakening, freedom and revolution. There are very strong revolutionary drives happening all over the planet for some time now, and many of them involve farmers pushing back against government control. Uranus is in Taurus, sign of the Bull. The symbolism here is powerful and fascinating.
Create some sacred space. Give yourself time to relax, light a candle, play some soft healing music, burn some sage or incense, soak in a lovely warm bath. Breathe with a hand on your heart chakra and invite the divine into your energy field by praying or connecting with your spirit guides.
Pisces is a mutable sign, which reminds us that life is a continuous, never-ending flow. The tide comes in and goes out. We breathe in and out. The Moon waxes and wanes. We are part feminine and masculine, physical and spiritual, yin and yang. This New Moon is the last wave of winter just before the fresh rays of spring. We can relax and trust that the new life-giving force of spring will soon sprout in nature and within our bodies.
When the Sun enters Aries to mark the spring equinox on March 19/20, masses of people will want to come out, step out and bust out to express themselves in bolder, more passionate ways. This reconnection with the Hero archetype is especially healing over many weeks as Chiron, the Wounded Healer archetype, is conjunct the North Node in Aries. The energy of mid-March is a journey into wholeness, union and integration as we slow down, breathe deeply, and get ready to greet the dawn of a new cycle that begins on the spring equinox, only days away. It is time to lovingly welcome and embrace the alchemy of change.
Sending everyone peaceful waves of warm energy and strong New Moon blessings. Find me on Patreon to receive all my Star Notes, exclusive podcast versions of my Star Notes, discounts and draws for free readings. I am also available for in-person and virtual consultations on Zoom.
In peace and gratitude,
Richard ✨