Full Moon in Sagittarius!
Dear star friends, Salut! ♊️ ♐️
Welcome to the airy magic of Gemini season and the super dynamic fire energy of this Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact on Thursday May 23, just before 10 am ET. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is always one of the most expansive, wild and spirited Full Moons of the year, so there is a lot of big energy being expressed in the collective and in the minds, hearts, souls and bodies of everyone on the planet, including Gaia herself. Thank you for joining me!

Have you recently felt a stronger desire to connect with people more socially, to talk, laugh, hang out and share stories, hopes and dreams? This is the power of the Sun shining in Gemini since May 20th, which also connects to the unofficial start of summertime, here in Canada. Gemini is the sign of social connection and communication, par excellence! When the Sun in social Gemini connects with the bright light of the Full Moon in adventurous Sagittarius, we can feel a great joy and playful energy in the air.
Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs, which reflect a universal impulse for flexibility, adaptability, and flowing with waves of change and transformation. We are now seeing an incredibly diverse array of plants, flowers and vegetation sprouting new life with gorgeous colour and vibrancy. This Full Moon is shining a light on the multiplicity and multidimensionality of life on Earth and in the human experience. This energy is opening up new pathways, options and choices to make that stimulate our free will to choose. What are you choosing to think, believe and do at this time? These cosmic currents remind us that variety is the spice of life and so the universe invites to spice our life with new ideas, experiences, conversations, adventures and journeys of all kinds!
Sagittarius embodies the great power, strength, confidence and soaring spirit of the Centaur. This Full Moon in Sagittarius awakens a wild and freedom-loving, truth seeking instinct within everyone, especially if you have some planets or angles in the early degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces. Sagittarius can fire up a lot of excitement, enthusiastic joy and a desire for movement or travel. Like all Full Moons, we could also feel stronger emotions a heightened sense of urgency especially regarding matters related to those themes in our chart. Remember to slow down and breathe deeply, often.
The synergy of Gemini and Sagittarius can also boost our curiosity to explore our personal sense of deep truth and meaning as well as in the lives of people around us. At its most beautiful expression I see this Full Moon illuminating a global network of huge camp fires around which many people gather to sing, dance, talk and engage in delightful revelry. This Full Moon calls us to express a bit of our wild side; it also means we need to be patient and understanding with the expression of wildness of others.
One of the most significant features and cosmic gifts of this Full Moon sky involves a near perfect alignment or conjunction between Venus and Jupiter at 29 degrees of Taurus, which also conjoins the Sun in early Gemini. This dance between the Sun, Venus and Jupiter is expanding our desire to connect with beauty, love, joy, life, people and the Earth with more grace, trust and magic. I hope you enjoy the beauty and the warm spirit of this Full Moon!
Call, message, text or email me to book your astrological reading if you are feeling called to explore the beauty and unique magic in your soul or a loved one. Astrology is my greatest joy and honor! Check out my website for a complete list of all my services. You can also show your appreciation of these Star Notes by joining my Patreon community for whom I also create exclusive podcasts.
Richard 🌟