New SuperMoon in Taurus
Dear star friends, Salut! ☀️ ♉️ 🌙
Welcome to the lush and calming energies of May and the New Moon in Taurus, exact on May 7th, at 11:22 pm, ET. This is one of the most fertile and creative New Moons of the year, so plant the seeds of your intentions deeply into the earth of Taurus. Nurture them, trust in them and watch them grow into marvellous creations in your life. Also send your love to this wondrous planet Earth. Thank you for joining me! What do you want to grow in your life that feels wild, wonderful and new?

The Sun and Moon conjoin at 18 degrees of Taurus, close to Venus, Jupiter and Uranus, forming a huge 5-planet stellium in the sign of the Bull. If you have planets between 10 and 25 degrees of Taurus, your birth chart is powerfully stimulated for the entire month of this SuperMoon cycle. The cosmic Bull is calling us outside to feel the peaceful healing energy of the wind, animals, birds and insects in the fields, forests and jungles so that we can heal and breathe new life into our physical bodies and ancient cellular memories.
We need to consciously ground all the electricity generated in these recent eclipses and the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April. It is time for calming our nervous system with meditation, relaxation, breathing and simply being quiet and still. This is the regenerative magic of Taurus.
It is also time to reconnect with our inner Artist since Taurus is ruled by Venus, goddess of love, connection, art and creativity. I felt inspired to share this timely message that comes from the Art card of my new Voyager Tarot, by James Wanless. “You are a creative artist in all aspects of being and in all endeavours of life. Creativity is an alchemical art of dissolving old forms and recombining them as a new synthesis. Use the disintegration in your life as a creative opportunity. Allow yourself to be driven by the creative fire-spirit, which issues lightning bolts in the form of ideas and visions into your conscious awareness.” Let your inner Artist come out, play and re-design your life with new colours, textures, dances, stories and songs.
In Taurus season, we feel an instinct to slow down our internal rhythms to relax and recalibrate our core power matrix. From this space of inner calm, we can begin to move more efficiently, intuitively and gracefully in the flow. I find that Taurus and Venus also stimulate a deeper love for music, rhythm, dancing, singing, and moving our bodies more playfully and intuitively.
This New Moon re-energizes the rare and super important Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that was exact in late April. We have been feeling its wild, electric, unpredictable power for many weeks as perhaps the biggest planetary alignment of the year. This powerful alignment invites us to expand (Jupiter) into the great unknown (Uranus). Jupiter and Uranus only align every 14 years or so but only come together in Taurus, specifically, every 85 years. Jupiter represents abundance, growth, faith, joy and expansion, while Uranus symbolises freedom, radical change, revolution, technological innovation, lightning storms and earthquakes.
It can feel quite destabilizing because that is what it is designed to do. Periods of change and instability create space for new discoveries, breakthroughs and wonderful, unexpected surprises. The cosmic alchemy bursting through this Jupiter-Uranus alignment is an invitation to take quantum leaps in our individual and collective evolution. Uranus reminds us that change is a natural and necessary part of life. Energetic storms have the purpose to break open areas where tension and repetition has built up, and dare us to do something different to create a new future in the now.
Take a few seconds to feel and compare the energies of 2020 with the energies of 2024. Astrologically, 2020 was driven by the gravity of Saturn and Pluto aligned in Capricorn, which unleashed intense energies of control, power, authority and intense contraction for a couple of years. This has changed significantly as Jupiter and Uranus are ushering in a time of expansion in 2024. Allow yourself to embrace new possibilities and feel the sparks of joy and post traumatic growth in your body in this wild season of change and growth.
This spring, we have a synergetic activation of Aries with Taurus. There are still many planets in the sign of the Ram at the time of this New Moon, locking in their influence for 4 more weeks. Mars, North Node, Chiron and Mercury are all energizing the courageous Warrior in all of us to Ram through blockages and obstacles in our path but in a more controlled, embodied way thanks to the grounding presence of Taurus. We are coming out, stepping out of our old skins in an epic rebirthing into a new more authentic version of ourselves. What feels new to you? Embrace it, own it, cultivate it, and keep on showing up as the strong, embodied, new you.
Please reach out if you would like a personal reading. I am available at the Tree of Life North : Complementary Healing Centre in Sudbury or on Zoom. Connect with me on Patreon!
Peace, love and cosmic connection,
Richard 💚 ✨