New Moon in Virgo * True Embodiment
Dear star tribe, Salut! ✨ 🍃 ✨
Welcome to the invigorating, yet grounded magic of the New Moon in Virgo, exact at 9:40 pm on Thursday, September 14th. This is an auspicious day for setting new intentions because Virgo is a very fertile and productive energy. There are always many threads woven in the energetic tapestries flowing in the collective at any time; here are a few insights and messages that came through. I hope you enjoy them. Thank you for joining me and make sure to check out some exciting announcements at the end of this star notes!

This New Moon in Virgo ushers in a new lunation cycle that strongly activates the Earth element. We have the Sun/Moon and Mercury in Virgo, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. It is time to get real, practical, organized and focus on positive actions and thinking patterns that support radiant health, vitality and optimum functioning in all aspects of life.
Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, it has a highly sophisticated mental and intellectual quality, which stimulates the nervous and digestive system. Nervous energy can provide an abundance of useful physical and mental power, but if you are feeling more anxious or high-strung lately, it is beneficial to do self-regulating and soothing practices regularly to stay calm and focused. Try some yoga, gentle walks, dancing, exercise or conscious breathing techniques. The industriousness of harvest season has been hardwired in our psyche for a very long time, but it is possible to flow with it more easily and smoothly.
This increased Virgo impulse can encourage us to optimize our wellness through nutrition, natural plant medicines, decluttering and cleansing our space and by tweaking our daily habits and routines. Virgo is about discernment. What habits and routines work best for you? Which ones can you weed out if they are not helping you? The universe is now asking us to be more conscious and intentional with all our actions.
Virgo is also about devotion. This part of our psyche feels a call to develop, practice and refine our skills through apprenticeship or devotion to a path that feels meaningful or sacred. At its highest expression, Virgo is about offering pure service with humility and a commitment to excellence. The wounded or unconscious expression of Virgo can lead to self-judgement or criticism towards others as a result of a misguided attempt to achieve perfection. Be gentle with yourself and others at this time.
This New Moon in Virgo kicks off a new 30-day lunation cycle in a close trine aspect with Uranus. Whenever a New or Full Moon connects with Uranus, we may feel some unexpected, sometimes disruptive but always stimulating and awakening energies. Uranus will infuse the skies with increased electromagnetic energy for the next 4 weeks. Let’s allow these new energetic waves to usher in new expressions of our evolving individuality. Can we dance with the storms of change more gracefully? Uranus can also provide some downloads of higher mind knowledge, encourage us to see an expanded view of the world and our life path, and boost our connection to embodied wisdom.
The purpose of Uranus is to awaken us to a greater sense of truth about our life and the world around us. Ultimately, “the whole purpose of the spiritual journey is coming Home to the truth of who we really are. Early in your journey it is common for you to look for wisdom outside of yourself. Over time you begin to trust your own wisdom and easily identify your own truth on most topics. And finally, in your embodiment phase you are secure in your own wisdom and navigate your life confidently from there. The passions and dreams we have are designed to help us direct our paths. Can you imagine if we were all raised to follow our dreams and trust where our hearts want to lead us?” ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The Sun/Moon and Uranus are also in a trine aspect with Pluto, which forms a Grand Earth Trine in the sky. This configuration can inspire the building of some innovative and stronger physical systems and structures in our own life and anywhere in the world with lasting integrity. As Pluto grinds through the last degrees of Capricorn these last few years, it is testing the integrity of many physical, political, economic and social structures of power. This is all part of a massive and historic overhaul and regeneration of humanity.
We are still in the throes of an important and prolonged retrograde period, but most of you will be happy to hear that Mercury is going stationary direct on Friday, just one day after the New Moon! Give Mercury at least a few more days to start moving faster before moving forward with important new ventures, if possible. The cosmic Trickster will finally enter new territory at the end of September. Take your time to get the most precise, useful and constructive information. There is a method to this planetary madness! All retrograde periods are designed as opportunities to deeply reflect on our recent past choices, decisions and experiences. Are we leading our life from a place of authentic soul expression? When planets resume direct motion, it is a chance to initiate new actions centred on personal wisdom and true embodiment.
Neptune in Pisces is also making its presence felt with an opposition to the New Moon in Virgo, which carries an echo of the recent Full Moon in Pisces. As the god of the seas, Neptune can manifest in many ways. Sometimes it can create a deep fog or confusion, or a desire to escape the nitty-gritty of life and just coast for a while. How can we best integrate Virgo and Pisces? How can attention to detail and physical excellence serve to deepen our relationship with spirit/universe/the divine?
This New Moon invites us to step more boldly and confidently into the truth and purpose of our authentic self. “Purpose is the reason why you are on the planet at this time in history. And remember that the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose.” Chadwick Boseman
I am honored to present these 2 special events!
🌟 Fall Equinox Readings Event - Saturday, September 24 - live at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury. There are still a few spots open for this unique 3-reading experience in which you receive an Astrology reading with me, an amazing Oracle/Intuitive Tarot reading with Victoria Chapman, and a deep soul and past life reading with Sharon Alkenbrack, all in one 90 min session! Calll Sharon to register: 705.282.7989
🌟 My Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 class - on Zoom, starts Tuesday evening, October 3, for 8 weeks! Do you find astrology incredibly fascinating and desire to deepen your connection to your soul's magic and purpose? Would you like to give astrological readings for others? If so, I designed this course for you. I love to teach with compassion, hold sacred space and offer constructive and heart-centered perspectives. Investment is $369, with flexible payment options. All Zoom classes are recorded so that you can review them for a long time! Message me privately, or email me at