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Winter Solstice Magic: Phoenix Rising

Writer's picture: Richard MaletteRichard Malette

Dear friends, chères amies:

I feel that this amazing Winter Solstice is the take-off point, bridge, portal and transition between the heavy energies of 2020 and the new, lighter energies of 2021. In this special Star Notes post, I will share some insightful messages that encompass the total solar eclipse New Moon of December 14th, as well as the momentous Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, which is happening on the very same day as the Solstice. The Stars are communicating powerfully in this historic sliver of time. I invite you to get comfortable, take some deep breaths and enjoy this ride as we individually and collectively take flight on wings of light! 🌟

Let’s begin with a few words on that super potent New Moon eclipse that featured the Sun, Moon and Mercury all clustered very closely to the Lunar South Node in Sagittarius. The Archer was aiming his cosmic arrow to the Galactic Centre only a few degrees away, gathering sacred information that will guide us on our collective journey into the new frontiers of experience in 2021. That Sagittarius New Moon eclipse represented an amplification of cosmic energy that will have ripple effects for quite some time. Since the focus was on the South Node, that eclipse is pushing humanity to release an enormous amount of ancient karmic baggage and mental conditioning, which will help to “lighten our load” and catapult all of us forward on our path forward.

With Mercury conjunct the South Node in that eclipse, we may experience a profound illumination of knowledge or sudden insights regarding any part of our reality in this window of time. Some people may even be shocked by some aspects of life that are coming to Light. Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, we may also feel a sense of expansion, faith and joy as we make the leap of faith into 2021.

“An expansion of consciousness is often preceded, accompanied or followed by disruption and challenge, as our previous understanding gives way to new insight.” (Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young)

I like to focus on the exciting aspects of all this energy, but it is important to be aware of the destabilizing effects of the shifting magnetic fields and the intense solar flares. We are on a wild ride that can easily make us feel lost and disoriented and so we need to do calming and grounding activities every day, like deep breathing through the heart, physical exercise, hugging trees and repeating the “divine combination” mantra: Surrender, Trust, Faith, Flow. I want to thank Shelley Young and Archangel Gabriel for that powerful spiritual medicine. We had a total of 6 eclipses in 2020, which is unusual and is one of the many extraordinary factors of this historic year. I see all these eclipses symbolizing a galactic light, flashing brightly in the global human psyche. It was time to stop, turn off our engines and reconsider every aspect of human progress. Have we truly been growing and evolving sustainably, peacefully and harmoniously with Gaia and all life?

On this epoch-making Winter Solstice, we are witnessing the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius. Let me explain why this represents such a significant change in the cosmic weather. This special alignment happens only every 20 years and always signals a change in the values and cultural trends around the world. In fact, it reflects a brand new world view. This Great Conjunction is particularly epic for many reasons. First, this conjunction is happening at 0 degrees of a new sign (Aquarius) and element (Air). Second, it is occurring the same day as the Winter Solstice, which is a powerful energetic checkpoint in the yearly cycle. Third, Jupiter and Saturn are aligning horizontally and vertically, which is even more rare. The last time these two planetary giants came together this closely was in 1623! This “Star of Bethlehem” is putting on a very rare and dazzling show. Let’s all gaze at the night sky facing west just after sunset! Keep on looking every day with binoculars or a small telescope.

I recently learned that these great conjunctions are connected to an 800 year cycle! Jupiter and Saturn form a conjunction every 20 years in the same element (fire, earth, air, water) for approximately 200 years, then come together in a different element every 20 years for another 200 year period, and so on through the four elements. This new conjunction in Aquarius marks the first time that Jupiter and Saturn will align in a new element since 1800! So this Solstice marks a massive shift from two centuries of earth sign energy to a new 200 year focus on air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Think about all the cities and factories that were built around the world over the last 200 years of Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions which required extracting massive amounts of natural resources from the Earth. We have been grounded in a very material and physical world view and it divine timing, once again, that the planets help us to shift. There was an exception in 1980-81 when this alignment happened in an air sign, which was perhaps the beginning of the transition from Earth to Air. It is fascinating to note that in that time frame, both Star Wars and Star Trek film franchises beamed us into outer space!

I will share some more imagery that came to me recently as I was contemplating the transition from 2020 to 2021. I feel that we are coming to the end of a long and arduous sojourn into the cavernous depths of the Underworld (Pluto) and are rising up to the surface to breathe some fresh air. The Winter Solstice reflects the longest and darkest night of the year, and heralds the return of the Sun, the rebirth of the Light and a new spark of Life. Can you feel that? In 2020, it felt like the world soul was lingering in limbo for what seemed like eternity. Thanks to the combination of the Great Conjunction shifting from from earth to air on the day that celebrates the return of the Sun, I now see the human spirit as a bright and beautiful Phoenix rising out of the ashes of 2020 and spreading her wings of golden light into the skies of 2021. I believe that humanity is in the process of birthing a brand new chapter in our evolution.

Shift happens! In fact, shift, change, mutation and regeneration is what human life is all about. In the words of Matt Kahn, we are flowing into an “infinite spectrum of quantum possibilities.” I sense that a greater number of people are hungry for life beyond the physical. The Covid-19 pandemic has cracked humanity more open to allow more light and love from the universe to pour in. The shift from earth to air will help humanity to literally take in more prana, the breath of life-giving force. We need to trust the life-force within us and allow our inner light to lead the way!

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love)

As we rise into the magic of air and the light of 2021, we will see the world with fresh eyes from new vantage points and new vistas of understanding. The North Node of the Moon always points to our evolutionary future growth. It will be in Gemini, the sign of communication and education, from mid-2020 to the end of 2021. Gemini is also an Air sign and so with Gemini and Aquarius very prominent in the skies of late 2020 and all 2021, it’s like we are all learning to fly with new wings. Many people will adapt and soar high into the mental realms of innovative thinking and fresh ideas while others will adapt more slowly and it’s all perfect of course. It will take much longer for the large and complex systems and structures of the world to adapt to change and so we need to be patient with the evolution of society. But rest assured: the seeds of change have been planted deep into the earth and are sprouting new growth.

As I have mentioned in previous posts, Neptune is coming closer and closer to forming an exact 90 degree square aspect to the North and South Nodes of the Moon. Neptune is reminding us to communicate with greater compassion and imagination as we evolve collectively. We need to allow ourselves to dream a new world into form. As the planet of heart-centered compassion, I see Neptune as a spiritual compass reorienting us back on our highest evolutionary course by following the intelligent guidance of our heart. Bob Marley, a master Aquarian, gifted the world with so much beautiful music, including the exquisite song: “One Love”. I vote for this song as a global anthem heading into 2021, especially if I could modify the chorus slightly to: “One love, one heart, one mind.” What is your choice for a global anthem to sing loudly over these Holy Days?

In my next post, I will expand on the magic of Aquarius and the major themes of 2021.

In conclusion, I would like to share the perfectly à-propos wisdom from my Winter Solstice Yogi tea bag: Live light, travel light, spread the light, be the light!

Sending all of you beautiful bouquets of galactic light,

Richard 🌟💜🌟

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