Star Notes - December 21-23, 2022
Dear star friends, ☀️💚☀️
Welcome to the celestial magic of the winter solstice & New Moon in Capricorn! Thank you very much for joining me. Please make yourself comfortable, enjoy some deep breaths and take your time reading. I feel called to begin by honouring all of you for doing a fabulous job of being you in one of the wildest times of evolutionary change on Earth. Living life consciously is a full-time job.

In these times of rapid shifts and intensity, it is normal to feel overwhelmed at times by waves of stress and anxiety, yet there are also very high and loving vibrations on the planet that are supporting us through massive breakthroughs and transformations. It makes sense to cultivate a simpler approach to life, maintain a grounded focus, trust the process, and simply take it one moment at a time. Here is a beautiful, inspiring message from Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young. “You impress and amaze us with your intrepid nature, your commitment to your growth and the shift, and your willingness to be the love and the help while going through your own personal challenges and expansion. You are truly wondrous and we honour you for all you are and all you do. We are pouring our love and blessings upon each and every one of you!”
The Sun’s shift into the grounded energy of Capricorn on December 21 also means that we have reached the winter solstice. We celebrate the return of the light on the longest night of the year, while the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere honours the maximum power of the Sun. The solstice truly is a celebration of the light of our sun, which is also a star. May the Sun inspire all of us to step more fully and lovingly into our own unique light and make the world a brighter place for all beings and all life.
The New Moon in Capricorn happens just 2 days later in the early morning of December 23. This New Moon solidly anchors the new Capricorn energy that was birthed at the winter solstice. At its highest frequency, Capricorn represents the embodiment of personal responsibility, integrity, maturity and soul wisdom. It activates an incredibly resourceful part of the human psyche that is motivated to think strategically. The Sun’s passage through Capricorn teaches us to slow down and live more consciously with self-dignity, self-respect, self-honour and self-sufficiency.
As the mythical Sea-Goat, Capricorn beckons us to visualize ourselves at the top of a majestic mountain and enjoy more elevated perspectives on our personal and collective journey. I invite you to take some time to sit in this space of silence and sacred solitude. Breathe deeply, relax and send loving energy to the parts of your body that are ruled by Capricorn: your knees, bones, teeth and jaw. Imagine a glorious Sun rising that soothes your body and invigorates your soul. What do you see, hear or feel? Silence is the key to unlocking the doors to the cosmic libraries of higher knowledge.
This Solstice and New Moon signal a time of radical new beginnings. The New Moon is at 1 degree of Capricorn, and is the second of 5 New Moons in a row, all in the first degree of a Zodiac sign. This is a time to honor the power of the number 1, which symbolizes brand new energy and the birthing of new possibilities.
Just a day before the solstice, Jupiter jumps into the fire of Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. Jupiter in Aries infuses the collective atmosphere with a strong boost of life-force energy, hope, fierce courage and an impulse to initiate something new. Jupiter will stay in Aries until May 2023 and awaken the inner Leader, Warrior and Pioneer within the human psyche. Allow yourself to feel this brave new fire of hope. How do you want to express it? Look to see where Aries falls in your birthchart to energize new possibilities in your personal life. In my chart, Jupiter is now conjunct Chiron, symbol of the healing journey. I just saw a friend who is a compassionate and intuitive pharmacist. She spontaneously gave me a natural remedy that I needed. What a lovely Jupiterian experience! Chiron will actually station from retrograde motion to forward movement on the same day as the New Moon, which increases the power of Chiron’s healing frequencies at this time.
Jupiter in Aries will form a tight geometric square aspect with the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, which highlights these dynamics over the holidays and into the first days of 2023. The Sun in Capricorn naturally stimulates a quiet, controlled, and reflective part of our energy field, while Jupiter in Aries activates a part of us that feels a strong impulse to boldly initiate something new and express our personal desires. Ideally, the alchemical combination of Aries and Capricorn calls us to initiate brave action as consciously and constructively as we can. Since Mars is currently retrograde and Mercury begins a 3-week retrograde period in late December, it would be wise to journey on our path very carefully and strategically. Just because Mercury is going retrograde soon, it doesn’t mean that disaster is looming as popular culture may indicate. Slow and steady is the way to go, but in late January, all planets will be in forward motion: get ready for full steam ahead in a few weeks!
Let’s come back to the spark of hope indicated by Jupiter’s entry into Aries. I was recently guided to reflect more deeply on the power of hope. When we feel hope, it instantly ignites and feeds the fire of faith. Hope is an expansive vibration that creates space for new possibilities that exist beyond any definite timeline or specific result. Feeling hope nurtures trust and faith in the future, which fosters courage and confidence in the present.
* * * I lovingly accept donations! If you truly enjoy these Star Notes every 2 weeks and feel guided to make a donation, I would be deeply grateful. Your support keeps me going! You can send an etransfer at or use the PayPal button in the Readings section of my website. You can also support my work on Patreon and receive everything that I create. Merci infiniment! If you make a donation, I will add your name into a draw for a free astrology reading (75$ value)
Our annual Destiny Readings event will take place on January 14 at the Tree of Life North in Sudbury! Enjoy a 2023 Forecast reading with Sharon Alkenbrack, Victoria Chapman and myself on the same day! I will post an event page soon but you can sign up now to secure your spot.
With love and appreciation,
Richard ✨🙏 ✨