Star Notes - February 16, 2022
Dear Star tribe, Bonjour, ❤️
Namaste and warm hugs to everyone. In these times of turbulence and uncertainty, I believe it is increasingly important for us to come together with care and compassion for all beings in this world. We are called to embody our deepest truth with peace and integrity, and become heart-centered leaders. Thank you so much for joining me and reflecting on the magic of this Full Moon in Leo. The Stars have a lot to say in this post so take your time, breathe gently and allow yourself to get comfortable.

In this epic evolutionary shift, reality is more fluid, dynamic, multi-faceted and multi-dimensional. I recently saw an interview with one of the most influential astrologers and philosophers of our time, Richard Tarnas. He eloquently described how the ancient astrological world view reminds us that the cosmos is enchanted. Everything in existence is interconnected and breathes together. Through the law of synchronicity, we see and feel the coherence between what is happening in the heavens and what is happening on Earth. As above, so below. I invite you to register for a free docuseries called Changing of the gods that is inspired by the work of Richard Tarnas. Here is a link to sign up :
That series is subtitled “When the stars align for revolutionary times.” Clearly, we live in times of rapid, chaotic and unchartered transition that stretch out over a long period. If we consider the powerful astrological transits that we have experienced over the last 10 years, such as Uranus square Pluto from 2012-2017, Saturn conjunct Pluto in 2020, and Saturn square Uranus from 2021-2022, we can better understand the intensity of these winds of change that are even stronger than the zeitgeist of the 1960s. Humanity is experiencing a multidimensional crisis; however, if we can hold the deep tension and embrace the highest expressions of every archetype, we can express a creative synthesis of all these potent energies. I see the ebb and flow of the pandemic waves echoing global contractions in the birthing process of a new world view.
I feel that we are near the end of a long, collective dark night of the soul, and it is always the darkest just before sunrise. Since the conjunction in 2020 between Saturn and Pluto, lord of the underworld, we have all psychologically journeyed to the depths of ancient individual and collective shadows, which has brought us face to face with our deepest fears and worries. We are also seeing more clearly the abuse of power within the fundamental institutions of society. Recently, through Pluto’s conjunctions with Mercury and Venus, we have also experienced some painful realizations in our communication and relationship patterns. Yet, these challenges are offering us sacred opportunities for tremendous healing in self-worth, empowerment and personal growth. We are called to listen and feel the traumas that are communicating to us through our body. If we create a sacred space and compassionately sit with these deep traumas like a loving parent, we can allow these feelings to come out, be understood and reintegrated back into our energy field. I invite you to take some time to visualize your unique healing chamber filled with divine light and love to facilitate your own healing journey.
A Full Moon always shines a cosmic light on the important relationship between 2 opposite and complementary signs. This Wednesday, February 16th, we honor the dynamic interplay between the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo within the collective consciousness. Since the New Moon in Aquarius 2 weeks ago, we have witnessed a dramatic rise in populist movements in Canada and around the world where people of like mind are connecting and supporting each other in a collective effort to reclaim personal and social sovereignty. It is important to understand that when great masses of people rally and protest quietly or loudly, it represents a powerful instinctive reaction to strong feelings of injustice or imbalance in the collective mind.
Yet, the patriarchal conditioning of power is deeply entrenched within the Establishment, there is usually a strong resistance to any challenge of their authority. Social movements can be aggressively stopped for a while but the tension will rebuild again. What can we do? Ideally, the Air of Aquarius can feed the Fire of Leo with inspired thinking in the minds and hearts of leaders on all sides that can help to foster balance and healing to our planet.
Astrology reminds us of our authentic individual strengths and soul magic. I believe that one thing we can do is channel the brave lion-heart in this Full Moon to send powerful waves of love around the world. HeartMath institute and other studies have proven that when people centre themselves and meditate on their heart space, they create an incredibly strong love vibration. In Buddhist meditation, this is called metta: unconditional love for all beings. Please take a moment today and join me in breathing with our heart and radiating pure loving kindness to everyone. When we pursue our highest aspirations, it always makes a difference, whether that is demonstrating publicly or praying quietly.
To help us master the Air element, I felt called to share a bit of timeless wisdom from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz that came into my awareness this week. “Be impeccable with your Word. Speak with integrity. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. Don’t make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.” I find myself coming back to these agreements every day now. May they bring you comfort and guidance as well.
While walking in my local park yesterday, I saw a gigantic aura around the Sun, and I immediately felt uplifted by its magical healing power. In this week’s Full Moon in Leo, we could start to see the first rays of sunshine breaking through those dark clouds in the collective human psyche, warm our soul and reawaken the majesty of our spirit. Leo inspires us to reconnect with our divine inner child and allow it to celebrate the incredible joys of life no matter what dramas are being played out on this amazing planet. Love, play and laughter are vital and necessary medicines that can heal any ailment.
I also felt called to share with you my most cherished quote that beautifully evokes the powerful light shining in the heart of our inner Lion. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our LIGHT, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love)
In remarkable synchronicity, Mars and Venus will come to an exact conjunction near the time of the exact Full Moon. Mars represents our strongest drives and desires, while Venus symbolizes our attraction, affection and values. This cosmic union happened in July 2021 and will also occur in early March. Venus and Mars invite us to harmonize our desires with our values, and to balance how we give and receive to others and ourselves. Let’s channel the courage to express more love, not less.
The archetypal marriage between the inner Lover and the inner Warrior can clearly be seen in the videos of Freedom Movement events unfolding in the heart of Ottawa, especially on Saturdays when thousands of colourful people have been courageously congregating on Parliament Hill to stand in solidarity, celebration, support and warm connection. These images are diametrically opposed to the ones that the mainstream media are choosing to broadcast, which is creating cognitive dissonance in many people. Every Full Moon brings to light things that have been hidden, and I sense that a greater number of souls are awakening to see the light of truth above the clouds of illusion.
From February 2 to 22, 2022, we will experience a unique portal/activation/gateway created by the magic of 2s. There are many interpretations of this special gateway, but I believe the message is to embrace a quantum leap towards a more expansive consciousness where unity, compassion, self-worth, sovereignty and empowerment shine more brightly in everyone. This Full Moon in Leo invites us to lovingly heal and reawaken our heart. Here is a healing mantra: “I allow my heart to be lovingly reawakened. I embrace the frequency of love with every breath, in every moment.”
This Leo Moon and gateway is inspiring me to share that RMA now has over 1000 likes and followers on Facebook, and a growing community on Patreon! It is a sacred honor to serve as an astrological consultant, writer and teacher. Your ongoing support has nurtured my inner light to shine brighter and stronger. I see many more of us allowing our natural luminosity to lead the way forward, and I see this collective light ushering in a new Earth.
I spend hours lovingly preparing and writing these Star Notes for my community. If you feel called to express your gratitude for these Star Notes, I graciously invite you to send an e-transfer of any amount to I also have a PayPal button on my webpage under Readings. I also invite you to sign up to receive my newsletter or support my work on Patreon every month.
Galaxy of Love and blessings,
Richard ❤️