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Writer's pictureRichard Malette

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini: Recalibrating the World Psyche

Dear friends, chères amies,

“What we think, we create. What we feel, we attract. What we imagine, we become.” (Dolores Cannon) To me, this lovely quote perfectly encapsulates the wisdom in the cosmic currents at this time. I invite you to take some nice deep breaths as we explore the magic of this New Moon Solar Eclipse. Thank you for joining me!

This Thursday morning, June 10th, Luna and the Sun will both align very closely with Mercury, all in the sign of Gemini. The leading light of this New Moon sky is Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, and as you know, Mercury is retrograde from May 29 to June 22. I feel that the purpose of Mercury in Gemini, especially, is to slow down the communication systems of the mind in order to review all the mental programs that are continuously running behind the scenes, deep in our psyche. These mental programs are extremely powerful because they create our reality and condition our beliefs and actions.

Mercury goes retrograde 3 times a year for approximately 3 weeks each time. This Mercury retrograde is particularly potent because it is almost exactly conjunct the Sun and Moon at a New Moon Solar Eclipse. We have a powerful opportunity to more closely observe our thoughts and reflect on the deep and critical mental conditioning that has shaped our reality. We are invited to take the time to consciously reprogram our subconscious mind with positive, constructive, loving thoughts, statements and mantras. As we begin to create a new paradigm and a new consciousness in this time of planetary awakening, we must take greater responsibility for our own well-being, which includes our relationship to own self and our self-talk. This New Moon is blessing us with a powerful opportunity to seed new, higher frequency thought forms in our personal and collective psyche that has the potential to recalibrate the world mind.

We are witnessing a cosmic reset, reboot, reconfiguration, reinvention and renewal on a massive scale. In the words of astrologer Pam Gregory, we are “widening the potential bandwidth of frequency for humanity.” We create the magic of Gemini by becoming curious and embracing new possibilities and new stories to tell ourselves. It is time for our minds to fall in love with the wonderment of life again!

These eclipses energize Gemini and Sagittarius, which are both mutable signs. We also have Jupiter and Neptune in the sign of the Fishes, also a mutable sign. On some level, reality can seem more malleable and be apt to change rather suddenly when there is a lot of mutable energy in the air. Mutable signs ask us to get ready to adapt and go with the flow of changes in perspectives. They remind us that reality is not set in stone; it is very fluid and dynamic. We are learning to accept more diversity of ideas and points of view regarding all aspects of human life. It can also feel a little destabilizing or uncomfortable. When you factor in the extra strong Uranus in Taurus energy this month, it can feel like the earth is rally getting stirred up to allow for a radical new growth around the world.

This New Moon Eclipse also features the galactic presence of Neptune, which is in a strong 90-degree square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Mercury. Ultimately, this means we need to create coherence in our head and our heart. One simple way to do that is to place a hand on the heart and breathe gently. It feels so good! We all need to soothe our nervous system. What do you love to do to calm yourself down?

On a spiritual level, Neptune teaches us to channel more intuition, creativity, imagination and compassion through all our personal and virtual communications. One way or another, the transcendental energies of Neptune are being broadcasted through this eclipse power-up. We are asked to make the best choices and decisions moving forward from the highest level of consciousness. Gemini is about people and how we connect with each other as neighbours, sisters, brothers, parents, children and intergalactic citizens in a loving universe. Let’s visualize the world living, breathing, communicating on a more loving frequency!

In closing, I would like to share some fantastic wisdom from my friend Shelley Young that can greatly assit us in navigating these tumultuous times. “Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element for you as you move forward into the new energies. Acceptance for others. Acceptance for yourself – all aspects of yourself including your tender human parts that are seeking your love and guidance as well as your divinity. Acceptance that there is profound intelligence and purpose in the unfoldment of the shift you are participating in. Acceptance that your body knows exactly what it needs to do to navigate your ascension process if you take the time to listen to its guidance. Acceptance of the unfoldment and the support that is available for you at all times if you are willing to ask and receive. Acceptance is the way to your forward movement and how to harness the most out of any energies that are presenting to you. When acceptance and allowing are employed together it opens the door to patience and peace. Acceptance is essential for manifestation. You cannot receive without the energy of acceptance. It is also how you allow your relationships with others to bloom and grow into their greatest potentials. It is how you have more time to see the beauty and wonder that is always there when you have eyes that want to see it. Acceptance is truly how you become a beautiful and empowered partner in a universe that is ever-evolving for the greatest good of all. Simply put, acceptance is the key to the kingdom. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Sending all of you cosmic waves of gratitude, love and friendship.

Richard 💙

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