Dear star friends, 💗 Gros bonjour,
Welcome to the soft and dreamy energies of this New Moon in Pisces, exact at 2:06 am ET, February 20th. Essentially, this New Moon asks us to slow down, take more time for rest and relaxation, breathe more deeply, and feel more consciously the flow of love that connects everyone and everything, everywhere. Thank you very much for joining me! Let’s dive into the magic of Pisces and the astrology of late February.

This New Moon signals an important transition between the intellectually focused air of Aquarius and the deep, sensitive waters of Pisces. The Fishes have a very mutable quality, which means that we can flow with life more intuitively now and adapt to changes more easily. The universe invites us to open our mind & heart and embrace a new flow that is designed to take us to new energetic possibilities.
As the last sign in the cycle through the Zodiac, Pisces represents a pivotal phase in our personal and collective journey when we need to step out of ordinary consciousness and retreat into gentle, safe harbours for awhile. For masses of people, life on Earth has been very intense and overwhelming physically, psychologically and emotionally. The planet itself is shaking and shifting powerfully. We simply need more time for compassionate quietude and re-energizing our self-love practice. With the Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune all in Pisces, the spiritual healing magic of Pisces is strongly emphasized in this lunation.
It is always fascinating to see how winter vacations, festivals and March Break are woven into the time frame of Pisces season. I believe that the ultimate function of the cosmic Fishes within human consciousness is to remind us to dive deeper into the ethereal dimensions and remember that we are both human and spiritual beings. Pisces invites us to flow more strongly in our imagination and dream a new dream, envision a new reality that is more compassionate and flowing with more love. We can also access and express this energy more creatively through words, sounds, colour and images of all kinds. Follow your heart and follow your inspiration!
Saturn, at 28 degrees of Aquarius, is closely aligned with the Sun and New Moon at 1 degree of Pisces. These different Zodiac energies reinforce the continuing theme of endings and new beginnings that permeate the astrology of 2023. All this water energy will accelerate the dissolution of many ancient social systems and structures (Saturn) that have lost their core integrity and purpose.
This is the 5th New Moon in a row that happens at 1 degree of the signs, which powerfully boosts the idea of beginnings, awakenings and rebirthing on a grand scale. I see an image of a new energy cracking through a thick shell and beginning to emerge into the world. The Magician is card number 1 in the Tarot. In similar fashion to Pisces, the Magician has one arm stretched up towards the spiritual reams and the other pointing down to Earth and the physical realms. As a master manifester, our inner Magician can help us access the tools and resources to more fully crystallize our most cherished dreams into reality.
With the abundance of Pisces energy, especially the recent conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces, it is time to nourish our new dreams with the most beautiful and divine love we can imagine. I am seeing an image of the Universal Mother within us giving birth to a new consciousness and higher understanding of the human experience. We are learning to open our heart chakra to an increased flow in love energy. Love is the power of creation and miracles.
At the time of this New Moon, Venus at 29 degrees of Pisces forms an exact sextile or 60 degree aspect with Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. This cosmic geometry can spark up our spiritual engines with more love power. Venus in connection with Pluto brings to mind the eternal dance with the darkness. “The darkness wanted to dance with me, so we danced. Only this time, it was my turn to lead.” (author unknown) Allow yourself to feel an awakening of love within all your cells, beginning with the feet, all the way through your body up to your head. Visualize your awakening love energy growing below your feet, deep into the Earth, and also above your head, as big and expansive as you wish.
Mercury, the messenger of the gods is also strongly wired into the magic of this New Moon, forming a smooth trine aspect with Mars and a square with Uranus. There is potential for wonderful intellectual breakthroughs and new communication pathways, provided we maintain a relaxed state of mind. Just as I was nearing the completion of this post, I received a video call from some dear friends that I had not seen in many years!
I hope you enjoyed this reflection. You can find me on Patreon to receive all that I create, including an exclusive weekly guide to the Cosmic Currents. I deeply appreciate all your support and feedback.
Are you curious to explore your birthchart in more detail from a heart-centered, evolutionary perspective? I am available for astrological consultations on Fridays and Saturdays.
Wishing everyone a gentle and lovely Pisces season.
Richard ✨ ♓️ ✨