Full Moon in Virgo * Fierce Trust
Dear star friends, Bonjour,
Welcome to the powerful healing energies of the Full Moon in Virgo, exact at 7:30 am February 24, the last Full Moon of the astrological year. Thank you for joining me in this reflection on the astrological magic flowing through most of February and early March.

There are many huge, important astrological cycles and transits happening at this time. One of them is the recent conjunction between Mars and Venus in Aquarius on February 22, also aligned with Pluto. This alignment is generating a very profound death, rebirth and radical reinvention of our most authentic expression of love, creativity and divine feminine (Venus), and our deepest passions, drives and divine masculine (Mars). What truly lights you up, turns you on and makes you feel most alive?
As we liberate the most natural and confident versions of ourselves, we also naturally attract relationships with our most harmonious community and social environment. This is the second wave of a Mars-Venus cycle also in Aquarius that we had in March 2022. What were you feeling then? You can look to the early Aquarius ruled section of your birthchart to get some clues. Pluto’s shift into the first degrees of Aquarius this year also boosts the significance of the ways in which you can contribute to the unfolding of the Aquarian Age. For many people, this is an intense process that can also feel exciting and rejuvenating as we do the work to heal, realign and express this energy.
The second important astro event of February is the conjunction of Chiron with the North Node in Aries. Fundamentally, this is about embodying the courage to take some new steps on our personal and collective healing journey. We have been feeling this for many days before and after this week’s exact alignment. As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries symbolizes a fierce courage, personal power and leadership to be the leader of our own lives.
Chiron represents the complex Wounded Healer archetype and strong inner Teacher that reminds us to always come back to a place of compassion for our own suffering. “It is not about diagnosis and being pain-free. It’s about how we relate to our experiences and reorienting ourselves to the journey of awakening.” (Chiron & the Healing Journey, Melanie Reinhart) Indeed, we are awakening to a greater level of self-love, self-care, self-respect, self-acceptance and self-realization then ever before.
Let’s now explore the Full Moon in Virgo, which is opposite the Sun, Saturn and Mercury all in Pisces now. When the Sun flows through Pisces, the cosmos invites us to slow down, breathe deeper and relax more deeply into a gentle, dreamy, mystical and spiritual space. Pisces invites us to pause, take a break from the nitty-gritty aspects of life, and reflect on our life journey. It is the soft yin phase before the yang rebirth of the Zodiac cycle that initiates the spring equinox and the rush of Aries fire energy. Take it as easy as you can dear friends, and allow yourselves to feel your connection to all that is. In the realm of Pisces, we are earth, water, wave, wind, sky and space all flowing as one.
The Full Moon in Virgo beautifully illuminates the polarity between Pisces and Virgo, and the best ways to integrate these very different energies. Pisces can attune us to the vastness of human consciousness that helps us access and explore the spiritual and multidimensional aspects of reality. Unconsciously, this can also manifest as escapist and addictive behaviours.
Virgo can perfectly balance Pisces because it is an Earth based energy that brings us back into our physical reality to see things as they are, in the now. We need to balance the love, compassion, idealism and dreams of Pisces with some very grounded earthy energy that keeps us in the body, on this Earth - sometimes spiralling up and out and always coming fully down and in.
Since Pisces and Virgo are mutable signs, we are feeling an increase in mutable energy at this time. We are flowing, shifting, morphing, dancing and in transition from one rhythm to a new one. It is a time to lean into surrender, faith and fierce trust of the flow within and around you. As we trust our internal intelligence, natural instincts and intuition with any aspect of life, we can experience breakthroughs and revelations that deconstruct outdated programs and energize new ones that will support forward evolutionary movement.
May this Full Moon inspire you to release all the old and heavy energy that has weighed you down for a long time. Can you let go of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, emotions and situations so that you can become energetically lighter, clearer and more focussed on the ways in which you can best serve your energy. Virgo reminds us to be efficient, clean and function as smoothly as possible for optimum energy flow.
In many ways, Virgo is about health, healing, wellness, nutrition, ecology as well as the intelligence flowing through all intricately interconnected ecosystems. Virgo stimulates an instinct to connect with helpful information and healing supports that can assist us in living the healthiest and happiest life possible. Let’s take care of ourselves and each other with as much peace and compassionate healing service as possible.
This Full Moon in Virgo opposite Saturn is also a great teacher of discernment, mindfulness and the power of our focus. The highest expression of Virgo is the embodiment of sacred purity in mind, heart, body and spirit. Here is a beautiful quote that I just discovered from Mother Theresa who had the Sun in Virgo, opposite Chiron. “The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, and the fruit of service is peace.” Isn’t that lovely?
Do you love astrology and desire to learn the fundamentals of birthchart interpretation for yourself, friends, family or a new service offering in a heart-centered approach online? If so, this new course starting on March 5th is for you. It is called: Evolutionary Astrology Level 1 🌟 Journey of Awakening, Discovery & Empowerment. Please contact me or visit my website or FB page for more info. Find me on Patreon to receive all my Star Notes and exclusive podcasts. I am available for in-person and virtual consultations most Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays.
With fierce love,
Richard ✨