The amazing astrology of 2025 & the Full Moon in Cancer
Dear Star Friends, Bonjour!
Welcome to 2025! 🌟 This is a fairly lengthy post, so I invite you to get comfortable and take your time reading, reflecting and journalling as you contemplate the powerful new energetic vistas of 2025. This edition of Star Notes reflects countless hours studying, contemplating and gathering insights from a variety of my favourite astrologers and intuitives. Thank you so much for joining me. The most remarkable feature of this year is the fact that all the major outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are shifting into new signs in a very short time! The shifting of a planet from the last degree (29º) of a sign to 0º of a new sign always represents big endings and bold new beginnings. It is an energetic void where all the magic happens.

This year and in 2026, we are going to experience the most endings and new beginnings of our lifetimes! The speed of evolutionary change could be so significant that we will need to schedule more time for self care, sacred rituals and regular visits in nature to stay centred, calm and grounded. I honor you for taking the time to journey with me and I invite you to come back to this post a few times to anchor what I trust will be a useful navigational intelligence for the whole year.
Paradigm shifting 2024-2025-2026. As we let go of many old ways of living, we naturally experience feelings of loss and grief as we shed old world views, values and belief systems that are no longer supported in the new paradigm. To maximize the magic of 2025, it is necessary to focus our energy on cleaning, clearing and cleansing any lingering energies and unresolved issues to create space for brand-new creative potentials that will begin in 2025 and build momentum in 2026. We want to build new energy with peace in our body, mind, heart and soul. In numerology, 2025 adds to a 9, which reinforces the theme of completion, endings and new beginnings.
We have our first Full Moon of the year at 24º of Cancer on January 13th. Look in your chart to see and feel the parts of your life that are glimmering with heightened lunar magic. Since the Moon rules Cancer, this Full Moon illuminates very strong feelings and instincts to reinforce our connections to safety, health & wellness, family, home, comfort, and radical self love. Allow yourself to really feel and explore your inner world at a deep level. Mars retrograde in Cancer is closely conjunct the Full Moon and opposite the Sun in Capricorn, which awakens our inner Warrior/Leader to initiate actions that will support our healing journey and sustain us and our family tribe through the early winter. This Full Moon is a wonderful opportunity for emotional and spiritual re-programming to re-parent ourselves in the importance of self care, self respect and self presence to be the guardians of our best lives.
Chiron forms a square aspect with the Sun and Moon, while Uranus forms a close trine aspect with the Sun and a close sextile with the Full Moon and Mars. This first Full Moon of the year is a gift of bright cosmic lightning that can facilitate a release of stuck energies, and offer new insights and breakthroughs in healing to help us navigate the first weeks of this revolutionary and intense New Year. “What do you need to shed in order to create space for new growth in 2025?”
The first significant astrological event of 2025 happens on January 11, just a couple of days before the Full Moon, when the very important Lunar Nodes change signs for 18 months. They used to be on the Libra-Aries axis, which energized the theme of Me (Aries) vs We (Libra). The South Node, our karmic past, now moves to Virgo, while the North Node, our collective future evolution, changes to Pisces. What is super fascinating is that the North Node is now very close to Neptune in late Pisces, which significantly boosts the importance of Pisces and Neptune at this time and for many weeks in 2025.
Virgo rules the gut and the microbiome so nutrition, soil health, gut healing and trusting our gut intelligence will become very important. I just learned a bit more about the Gene Keys from Richard Rudd in which he described how between 80% and 90% of our DNA lives in our gut biome which strengthens the importance of gut health. He also described how our microbiome naturally interacts and communicates with the larger macrobiome in the outer world; our DNA is a participant in the universal quantum field! To me, this knowledge reflects the wisdom of the Virgo-Pisces axis in astrology. As above, so below, in so many ways.
Both Pisces and Neptune naturally stimulate the right brain and heart intelligence, which is highly intuitive and imaginative, and less logical and practical than Virgo. Neptune and Pisces boost the Water element in our psyche, which boosts our psychic sensitivity, telepathy, interconnectedness, spirituality, multidimensionality, fluidity and creative imagination. How we interact with water, the ocean and all waterways will become more prominent themes for the next year and a half. On the topic of creative expression, let’s remember that true creativity is a co-creative dance with the universe that ebbs and flows and changes in very fluid, dynamic and unpredictable ways.
The challenging underbelly of Pisces and Neptune might be a sense of energetic overwhelm due to its highly sensitive nature that can easily lead to disconnection, escapism, addictive numbing behaviours and mental health challenges that result from confusion and disillusionment from trying to distinguish between what is real and what is deception. The synergy between Virgo and Pisces reinforces the importance of discernment, holistic healing, wellness and self care.
The second important astrological event of 2025 happens in late March, when Neptune shifts out of Pisces, where it was since 2012, and enters 0º of Aries, the genesis point of creation in the Zodiac. Neptune spends roughly 13 years in a sign, so when it does shift signs, it creates massive changes in our spirituality, creative imagination and psychic connection, which will now happen faster then ever before since Aries is a fast moving Fire sign, and represents the Warrior and Pioneer in our consciousness. There will likely be a complex range of expression of this archetype, ranging from a build-up of anger, resentment, inflammation, aggression and toxic masculinity, as well as the sacred Warrior/Hero expressing courageous acts anchored in honour, nobility, generosity and loving respect of all life, as the highest virtues of Neptune and Saturn in Aries. Yes, Saturn also enters Aries shortly after Neptune does!
In late May, Saturn enters 0º of Aries, aligning closely but not quite exactly with Neptune and energizes this initiation point. This is a rare and powerful shift of cosmic energy that becomes exact in the spring of 2026. Saturn will help to ground the dreamy quality of Neptune, while Neptune will soften the hard edges of Saturn, ultimately helping us bring our most cherished dreams into more concrete manifestation. Saturn will help to ground us and re-anchor us in greater responsibility of our mystical connection to Neptune in new ways.
I heard another astrologer say that this transition is also about finally saying goodbye to the things that make us feel dead inside, as we look for new things to believe in. We need to feel, acknowledge and release the grief for the old world and hold sacred space in our heart for the pregnancy and birthing of a new version of ourselves. The birthing canal is small and will only allow the most vital and essential energies to come through. The spring of 2026 is the major turning point and birthing of the new. We will begin to have a new perception of what “reality” is and what it isn’t as we perform a total rethink on the “reality” of being human living in community and in balanced relationship with all life in nature and our connections with the all life in the cosmos, which is infinitely more abundant than what we have been led to believe.
In late August, Saturn will retrograde back into Pisces for a few months and then Neptune will also join Saturn back into Pisces, which will bring back the importance of Water and ocean energies again until February 2026, when Neptune once again emerges into the Fire sign of Aries and we finally have the exact alignment between these 2 cosmic titans. In this cycle, we are likely to see a new blending of science and spirituality, science and consciousness.
In June of this year, Jupiter will also change signs, like it does every 12 months or so, from Gemini to Cancer. This ingress offers new spiritual nourishment, healing and mothering that can refill our emotional cups. Jupiter in Cancer will boost the importance of our sacred inner world, inner foundations, home, family, comfort and joyful connection in perfect balance to the outer world stimulation of the outer planets. Jupiter in Cancer will activate a stronger impulse to take greater care of ourselves and others in our core soul groups and communities. What makes you feel truly at home within yourself and in the world?
In July, we have another extraordinary, rare and important planetary shift: Uranus, planet of revolution, freedom and breakthroughs, will ingress out of Taurus where it was the last 7 years and into the sign of Gemini. When Uranus changes signs, it always comes with a bang and dramatic changes. Uranus will bring sudden awakenings, surprises, revelations and quick, unexpected urges for new freedom and independence, especially regarding our speech and communication patterns. Expect to be surprised by what many people say including yourself, either quietly in your mind or out loud. Uranus in Gemini is like greased lightning for our nervous system, which can be and should be exciting but when it becomes too much, remember to consciously slow down and retreat at times to reflect and integrate the new electricity in your brain. This is lightning fast energy. We will see many rapid technological innovations this year and in the next few years, especially related to air travel, aviation, airspace and sovereignty of air space, space travel, and a new understanding and acceptance of artificial intelligence. Our education systems will also naturally change and evolve to reflect all the changes and evolution happening everywhere in all dimensions of life.
In the second half of the year, Uranus-Neptune-Pluto will form a very special and extremely rare triangle configuration for many months. When Uranus enters Gemini, it will form a smooth trine aspect with Pluto in Aquarius, both Air signs, boosting the magic of the Air element for many months this year and next. At the same time, both Uranus and Pluto will form a sextile aspect with Neptune in early Aries, at the exact mid-point of Uranus and Pluto. Because all these outer planets are so far away from the Sun, they move very slowly compared to the inner planets. The last time Uranus-Pluto-Neptune formed this exact configuration was in the 1400s! They will energize the fast moving dynamic, creative alchemy of Air with Fire, which will create unprecedented advancements and technological innovations of all kinds. It is too early to determine what will emerge with certainty; however, it will likely lead to a redefinition of life itself on this precious world.
Aries, Gemini and Aquarius are all fast moving, masculine oriented signs, which will need a lot of healing awareness in terms of how we have overly expressed the divine masculine in detriment to the divine feminine. It will be very important to consciously balance and compassionately express these core parts of the human psyche. Humanity will need to master communication skills in both listening carefully and speaking coherently, and understand that multiple truths are possible at any given time in any situation. One truth fits all is no longer sustainable in the new reality. Technology without soul will not be possible.
Conclusion: the capacity for human change and transformation is itself evolving! These new energies will help to begin the process of more fair distribution of resources and knowledge around the world. We can become more available for our light and dark to communicate with and inform each other more collaboratively. We are becoming more conscious of being spiritual beings in physical bodies, anchoring the next level of our natural personal and collective evolution. Heart based patience, kindness, compassion and respect for different choices, different timelines, beliefs and journeys will be the new currency moving forward. So will be keeping it real, staying grounded and revelling in sacred simplicity. Trust your inner knowing more than conventional cultural programming. Lean in to a deeper understanding of surrender, trust, flow, and faith in your soul magic and the magic of Life. We will instinctively want to live in closer connection with our soul families and communities. Remember to enjoy life and follow your bliss every day, even for a few minutes and longer when you can. This shift is about embodying radical authenticity every day in every aspect of your private and public life. “Your job is not to see a specific outcome; your job is to contribute towards an outcome without knowing at what point it would manifest in a way that would please you.” (Lee Harris). Embody the energy you want to see more of in the world. Dream in a new vision for human reality and imagine a conversation with a happier, healthier, more fulfilled version of yourself already steeped in the evolutionary magic of 2025! Give yourself some time to write down or imagine what you see, hear and feel.
Voilà! I hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the zeitgeist of 2025! I will be available for in-person and virtual consultations if you feel called to explore these potentials in your life in greater detail. Astrology is a beautiful and magical experience and it is my greatest joy to journey with you and co-create the perfect reading with you. If you want to share your appreciation of my Star Notes, I invite you to sign up on my Patreon and receive all that I create in your choice of affordable options. There are a few spots left in our Destiny Readings 2025 event on January 19th, in which you receive 3 half-hour readings from 3 skilled and intuitive readers, including myself. Please message Sharon Alkenbrack to register :
Big love and cosmic blessings,
Richard ✨💜✨