Dear friends, chers amis, Aanii, Warm greetings from the Stars! I would like to salute and honor all of you for embracing the challenges of our times with so much grace and courage.
As many of you know, I posted my very first astrological video on Facebook earlier this month. Your fantastic feedback has inspired and encouraged me to do a new video once a month around the time of the Full Moon! I also enjoy writing these Notes from the Stars, and so I will write a new post once a month as well, around the time of the New Moon. Today, I am sharing some thoughts on the highly charged astrology of the New Moon in Taurus, which happened a few days ago on April 22nd, coinciding with Earth Day. I hope this message brings some healing and solace into your heart today.

Imagine for a moment, that human beings had never lived on this planet and we are simply visiting Earth aboard a gigantic spaceship cruising around the galaxy. We fly over the most exquisite forests, mountains, jungles, lakes, waterfalls and gaze at lush plants and exotic animals that we have never seen before. What a paradise! Planet Earth truly is a cosmic jewel. This strong Taurus energy is calling us to honor and cherish Gaia, Earth Mother more consciously and profoundly than ever before.
Over the last few months, an amazing and remarkable thing has happened: the Earth is getting cleaner and wilder. When you look at photos and Nasa images comparing air pollution in major cities around the world now, compared to only 6 months ago, the changes are phenomenal! More and more animals are coming into cities and ports. This is quite miraculous and it is a powerful reminder that this global pandemic wave is generating many blessings in its wake.
A New Moon always represents a powerful seed moment, a rush of new energy and potential until the next New Moon. For the next few weeks this lunar cycle is all about embracing the healing magic of Taurus as well as the wild and unpredictable electric energy of Uranus that was conjunct the Sun and Moon this past week. Are you beginning to feel the slower paced, gentle, earthy, calming, sensual and creative qualities of the cosmic Bull? Taurus reminds us to slow down, breathe deeper and spend more time outdoors, contemplating the beauty of Nature coming alive with more colors, textures, sounds and vibrancy. It is deeply healing to witness Nature regenerate itself because it inspires us to regenerate ourselves after a long winter, here in the northern hemisphere. Feel the strength of your body, put your hands and feet on the earth and delight in the sensual pleasures of nature. In light of these unprecedented times and very rare planetary alignments, we are perhaps witnessing the birth of a new Earth and an important evolutionary leap in human consciousness.
In the birthing or evolutionary process, there are moments of emotional intensity, followed be a lull period of rest to catch our breath and get ready for the next contraction wave. It is important to give ourselves permission to relax and surrender to every moment, cultivating as much inner peace as possible, which can lead to more mindfulness, more trust and faith in life.
As the earthiest sign of the Zodiac, Taurus is powerfully connected to nature. The last few days, I have been asking myself: what is human nature? What a complex and vast question! If you go out into nature on a clear night, what do you see? You will notice trees, rocks, mountains and you will certainly see the stars and quite possibly the Moon and some planets. The mystics and the poets will imagine infinite galaxies. Could our human nature be as vast as the universe?
Okay, let’s come back down to Earth and talk about the significance of Uranus in conjunction with the Sun and Moon that I mentioned a moment ago. Uranus symbolizes an extremely powerful, volatile and disruptive force. Think of earthquakes and lightning bolts. You never know when or where a bolt of lightning will flash, but you can feel it coming. The same thing can happen in human behavior, especially when Uranus is strong in a person’s chart. Donald Trump was born with the Sun conjunct Uranus, and you never know when he will say something completely shocking but you know it is going to happen!
With Uranus wired so strongly to Taurus in the collective energy this month, we may see some strong and sudden changes in many areas of life related to Taurus such as: the environment, agriculture and food production, natural resources like oil, gas and mining, world economies and financial systems, new ways of doing business, and much more. Anything is possible! We are riding massive waves of change on a global scale. Uranus is also known as the planet of freedom, liberation, revolution, individual expression and “the creative power of the universal mind” (Dane Rudyar). Uranus reminds us that there are no boundaries to human knowledge. We can experience major breakthroughs and create new remedies, vaccines and other inventions that could improve human life in multiple areas. There are huge numbers of people all over the world collaborating like never before! There is no doubt that we are in the throes of a global crisis, yet, it can be exciting as well to behold the incredible ingenuity and perseverance in the human spirit that always shines boldly in difficult times.
In our personal lives, we can embrace this Uranian energy by trying out a new craft, recipe, workout, yoga asana, walking route, hiking path or deepening our connection to nature, plants, birds and animals. I saw my first butterfly of the year today! I invite you to share what you discovered about yourself or the world recently. Thank you always for reading and sharing your ideas. Uranus reminds us that we are all unique individuals with unique qualities, talents and contributions to make to the world. Sometimes our contributions garner a lot of attention, and sometimes they are very quiet and subtle but no less important. I believe very much in the power of people praying quietly, meditating and sending peaceful, healing waves of energy around them. The universe honors all that you do and more importantly the quality of who you are.
“Think of the word “become”. Simply be, and the rest will come.” (Shelly Young, Trinity Esoterics)
In this Taurus time of late April and May, may you embrace life as gently and lovingly as you can, moment by moment and keep on visualizing a beautiful world. Thank you all for being you!
I am proud to announce the launch of my new 8-week course on Zoom: Evolutionary Astrology Level 1: Journey of Discovery & Empowerment. I would normally offer this course in person at the beautiful Tree of Life North community space in Sudbury, but this time it is offered online so anyone can attend! Please find all the details on the event page of Insight Astrology on Facebook.
Sending you warm sunshine, solace and serenity, Richard ❃