Dear star sisters & brothers,
Sending all of you soothing waves of energy. I invite you to take some slow, deep breaths and enjoy this reflection on the potent healing magic of this New Moon in Cancer, which is exact this evening July 9th. Thank you for connecting.
Let’s be totally honest here; life on planet Earth has been very difficult on so many levels since last year, and with the recent eclipse energies, the scorching heat waves and the disturbing discoveries raising the deep shadow of the residential school system here in Canada. It’s a lot. Many of us are feeling overwhelmed, tired and burnt out. Humanity is in desperate need for deep comfort, peace, healing, and union with the unconditional love of divine Mother. Well, good news! That is exactly what this New Moon is designed for.
Ever since the winter solstice of 2020 and the grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, we are seeing the increased power of Aquarius in creating new communication pathways that are connecting people together intellectually and psychically. Yet, the mind can only truly expand when there’s also an expansion in our heart intelligence. It is vitally important for all human beings to harmonize this increased mental power by consciously developing a stronger heart coherence as much as possible. One mind, one heart!
Mystics and spiritual teachers around the world have always believed the heart was the epicentre of the body and responsible for our thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The scientific work of the HearthMath Institute has demonstrated this fact brilliantly. When we focus on positive emotions and memories, and breathe slowly through the heart, we can put our body back in harmony and create a more harmonious heart rhythm . In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace and wellbeing within and around us.
In traditional astrology, Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and that is a fitting energy, as the Moon governs feelings, instincts and our strongest emotional needs. But In the teachings of Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey, we learn that Cancer is ruled by Neptune, which symbolizes the gateway to galactic connection, imagination and pure unconditional, spiritual love. I absolutely love this teaching! Imagine holding a new born baby in your arms. Do you not instantly and instinctively feel the purest and most tender, beautiful love possible? Now imagine that YOU are this baby and you are enveloped in this exquisite, angelic presence. I hope you allow yourselves a few quality moments to enjoy that sensation and maintain that pure frequency. Now imagine that same loving presence tenderly holding and caressing planet Earth. Can you visualize all human beings, animals, cities, forests, oceans and mountains in our precious world bathing in divine light? Isn’t it time to anchor and radiate that magical love in every single moment? Please join me tonight and imagine holding hands with the global human family and allow yourselves to surrender into this love. There is nothing you have to do, it is already here, inside the magic of our hearts. Thank you for joining me!
The strongest message I am receiving in these New Moon energies is the image of birthing. In its most magical expression, Cancer, the cosmic Mother, represents the power to create and sustain new life. It is absolutely miraculous when you realize this! There is a lot of talk about the epic significance of these tumultuous times in various wisdom teachings around the world. We are in the middle of a grand Shift from a limited consciousness into a new age that we have all been waiting for our entire lives. The Zeitgeist will last a number of years, just like the gestation process can take many months from conception to birth. I feel like humanity is experiencing arduous labour pains in this historic transition. It is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually challenging. It is important to use any techniques that can help to shift our focus back into a positive place such as : heart-centered breathing, getting some fresh air, sunshine and light exercise, playing with our children or pets, listening to or playing beautiful music, reliving our sweetest memories, feeling gratitude for anything or anyone that is supporting us.
Individually and collectively, we are navigating uncharted territory. It may seem like we are sitting in limbo; however, from another perspective, “embracing your beingness while in a space of the unknown allows you to float in the amniotic fluid of creation that completely sustains you until the newest version of you is ready to be born.” (~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young)
Cancer, like the other water signs Scorpio and Pisces, teaches us about the magic of feeling. Let’s allow ourselves to feel and anchor the highest vibration feelings possible in this new world that we are all creating, one way or another. As we train our mind to think more positive thoughts, we can train our heart to feel more peace, gratitude, acceptance, joy, love and compassion. On this New Moon in Cancer, let’s spread a blanket of love around the world and take the best, most tender and loving care of ourselves and each other. Let’s embrace and express all the emotional healing that is ready to be felt at a greater level than ever before.
This New Moon in Cancer is reminding us how we are all divine interdependent and interconnected children of the universe. As we play in the soothing waters of Cancer this July, let’s create a new tidal wave of loving connection within the global human family.
If you enjoyed this post, I invite you to visit my website, and explore my Patreon portal in which I offer some deeper insights into the cosmic currents. My newest offering is a weekly forecast of astrological energies that I send on Sundays. It is called Sundays in the Stars.
With pure love and tenderness,
Richard 💜